Hatch Priority?

Hi guys, quick question. Does killer still have priority over survivor when closing the hatch? I had a Billy game where a survivor canceled out the closing animation.
Maybe you sleuths could help me figure out if I was standing in the wrong spot or something 😋
It's random I guess. Killers are supposed to have complete priority in closing the hatch, but sometimes the survivor gets it. I just don't get it.
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The jake could’ve played it better by bodyblocking you so you would’ve had to hit him. Whenever me and the killer are at the hatch at the same time, the killer always has priority over me. It’s possible that he clicked faster than you pressed spacebar or maybe ping difference.
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Yeah I can't say that I've ever lost in this scenario, so I was definitely surprised
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I didn't think of that but you're right, he would've had it guaranteed had he waited.
And yeah, I'm thinking ping. I was 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 that thing lol
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I have lost a few times as killer and get it as survivor whenever I try.
I started standing on the handle and never lost it to a survivor since. Not sure if that actually has anything to do with it.
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From your video i guess he blocked the interactive space from you.
As killer you have to slightly be on top of the hatch (like with one foot) and he stood in a way that you couldn't interact with it.
You can see that the prompt for the interaction is only flickering on and off when your camera is looking at an angle at the hatch.
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Standing on the handle as killer is definitely the best way to do it. This survivor beat me to the handle, so maybe standing on a section of the hatch that allows me to interact (but isn't exactly where the survivor jumps in) is the way to go.
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The survivor definitely blocked my ability to interact, but didn't prevent the prompt from popping up. Honestly, I think this is similar to when you try to throw a pallet as survivor but the killer blocks you at the last second--you make a slight movement to interact but then get canceled.
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I think if the Survivor is wounded then the Survivor has priority. If healthy Killer has priority. For downed I don't know (and I could be completely wrong about healthy / injured priority).
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I think the devs have discussed hatch priority and don't recall any distinction regarding health states. Maybe they will discuss it on the next stream.