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Why is body blocking even allowed?

I reported this player in the clip...don't expect them to actually be banned but one can hope. I died to the hag because of them all because they wanted my key... :/

Why is it even possible to block someone? Survivor to survivor at that, and you can see there would be plenty of room to get by for a sane normal person but not in this game.

Really, I have paid for stupid outfits, got DLCs, drained nearly 1k hours into the game and been rank 1 for both survivor and killer, and this is BY FAR the stupidest and easier mechanic to fix to help reduce the seemingly limitless amount of toxicity in this game.

This needs to change in the next update.


  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,165

    While it is an incredibly rare situation, I imagine they want survivors to basically be able to get in each others way and to not assist other survivors in body blocking a killer.

    For getting in each others way, a match I had a few games ago is a perfect example. It was against Leatherface with 3 gens left. I kind of saw this coming too but there were three of us on the killer shack gen trying to finish it off and exactly what I expected to happen ended up happening. When LF wandered in, two of us went to the doorway and we bodyblocked each other in and setup LF for an easy double chainsaw. Oopsy...

    For assisting others in bodyblocking the killer, I'm thinking of something like Haddonfield with some of those alleys where only one person can fit. If I was a survivor trying to protect my fellow survivor, right now I have to wait for the injured person to go in the alley first so that I can follow them and block the killer from going after them. If there were no collision, I could just stay in the alley far away and let the injured person come through me and get in the way of the killer then. It's not a huge difference but in this game, those few seconds that the killer loses because the injured person could just phase through me might be the difference between getting a hook and getting nothing.

  • Darca1213
    Darca1213 Member Posts: 3

    But it is also toxic for survivors to body block the killer. Devs do not want this, have you ever seen the report button in a game? it lists body blocking as a reportable offense, it is to not be encouraged or promoted for anyone by them. Its why this study is soooo valid body blocking is discussed and some statistics for it.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Make sure to not only report them in-game as well as on the DbD Support website, unless you've done so already!

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Please tell me you didnt give them that key or DC! I'd have died to EGC with the key in hand before I let them take it!

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Survivors body blocking the killer is not reportable/bannable though. The killer can just hit them.

    Even the devs have specified that bodyblocking is only banable when used to hold the game hostage. The killer is also allowed to bodyblock survivors during EGC to ensure the kill as its for a defined and limited time. Same with pig body blocking a survivor with an activated trap. Some consider it kind of a dick move but its still allowed.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    depends on the type of body-blocking

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited October 2021

    If survivors can only push past teammates who are not running (they are walking, crouch-walking, or stationary), then it would solve the survivor-to-survivor BM while not letting survivors abuse it mid-chase to better bodyblock the killer (since they would all be running and pushing past would be disabled).

    It wouldn't be one survivor completely phasing through the other; it would be half phasing and half pushing them aside (like a dropped pallet pushes survivors aside). It would also take a few seconds of running for it to be disabled, so that the BM'ing survivor cannot just repeatedly sprint in short bursts to keep the bodyblock active all the time.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    That does suck, I mean, the collision exists for a reason, but when it's abused by ######### who want to screw their teammates over it really sucks. It is reportable as far as I know.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 885

    Body collision needs to be there. You shouldn't be able to have multiple people running through a door or vaulting a window at the same time. What they did is against the rules, though, and you did the right thing in reporting it. People like that definitely need to be banned.

  • Eli2020
    Eli2020 Member Posts: 79

    Ahhh yes, this is something they shouldn't allow at all along with hook facers who do it the whole game. It's toxic and I've seen survivors do it to killer, but it's actually agaisnt the rules for survivors but not killers so idk. Their rules are backwards and encourages toxicity from both sides when neither should be allowed.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    I've had this type of thing happen to me before, so I can understand how frustrating it can be when this happens. There should be some sort of button or mechanic that removes collision when the idle crows appear.

  • Rooftopper
    Rooftopper Member Posts: 141

    getting bodyblocked makes me violent

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    Because it's part of the game.

    It wasn't always allowed, but people did it anyway. Now it's allowed. You get to do what you want, so do other players. Random weirdness is part of the fun, or at least part of the game. I'm sorry survivors are mean to each other, they're mean to me, too. Again, part of the game.

    Every survivor wants the game changed so they always succeed at every action. Think of how ridiculous that is. Being entitled only leads to getting angry every time the game doesn't go the way you want. That's how games are, you don't always succeed.

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493

    Giving you the option to go through players after a certain time would probably fix this, you can still body block to help them and not go through them if you both are being chased, nobody body blocks for a long time unless they are trying to be toxic with their teammates.

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493
    edited April 2022

    yeah but removing the collision after 30 seconds of the players standing still/in place should be a thing, that way the change wouldnt allow multiple vaulting, and it will still allow sandbaging during a chase (accidental or not), and would get rid of body blocks for toxicness

    NAERUUU Member Posts: 501

    Use mad grit.