Ultimate camper that gives killers a bad name. Please BeHavior, fix it.

I like to play killer and survivor so I can see both side of the argument. As a survivor I hate killers that camp, but as a killer I do see the need to stay close the the hook, when I say close I mean in proximity. As a killer I do hate to hear the word camping being branded around and hate the fact the some killers take it to extreme, spoiling it for the many that enjoy the game and play it the way it should be done.

Today I played a game as a survivor against a wraith. He managed to hook one survivor and then went invisible. A normal wraith would then look for a second survivor, not this one, he stood behind the hook in the corner, waiting for the save. Now at this point you have a few choices, do gens leaving a survivor just to die, not fair on the survivor who wants to play the game but just hangs there. Second choice is to make it a quick game, all get yourself killed, giving the killer high blood points as he slugs you, the hooks you till you die, which is just what the killer plays this way for, or DC, which then stops you being able to play.

Please BeHaviour, put something in place to stop this way of playing. I don't really want to stop playing survivor because I can't get any bloodpoints or do challanges because of these people. I don't want to take forever to load into a game that is unplayable and I don't want to be banned because I have to DC. This is a failure in the mechanics of the game. If I play other games and stand in one place camping, then I get kicked from the game. Players have been complaining of this for a long time and yet it is still allowed, it is killing the game and losing players. It causes toxicity in the community and can so easily be fixed, many of the community on here have come up with idea's.


  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Seem to be forgetting the option where you save the survivor while trying to avoid making it a straight trade. Good thing bt works in situations like this and can be used as a solo player.

  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    Bu then you are just playing into the killers hands. Most killers don't mind the trade as they get bonuses for getting multiple survivors. As a survivor you will get between 15,000 and 30,000 bloodpoints for grinding gens, making saves and exiting. A killer can get over 50,000 for just camping the hook.

  • snek
    snek Member Posts: 180

    there's one emblem that detects killer being in close proximity to a hook and subtracts points for basically camping, they really ought to increase punishment for camping, like subtracting bloodpoints and revealing killer's aura for staying next to a hook even with undetectable since it ain't fun for any of reasonable players in the game

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
    edited October 2021

    Do some gens, before they hit the next stage arrive with full health, maybe with BT and unhook them, have them body block the second hit and make it to the next loop. If you go down, have your team work on gens, before you hit the next stage, have one of the healthy survivors come and do the trade just as you did or have 2 people come and do it...

    People forget this is a team vs 1 game... don't ignore the gens, use the time on the hook and play smart. Wraith does not have an instant down, you can literally tank the hit, unhook and DH out, have a BT body block, etc. Stop trying to 1v1 the killer, you are in a 4 man team!

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    hate to say it but its only a team vs the killer if your in SWF other wise its all individual Behavior stated such with there remarks on the SBMM system.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    There's no fault or problem with the situation, that's just the risk of a misplay. Either you succeed or fail, though the payoff can far exceed the consequences in personal benefit.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    I only play solo survivor, only once in a 2 man swf. Sorry to break your bubble... you still in a team.

    If you want to be selfish, pump out the gens and leave. Hide and get the hatch... why save at all? By your logic, even if the killer isn't camping you shouldn't save them, you shouldn't heal others and work together.

    It still is a 1v4 game, whether or not you want to admit it.

  • NinthPixel
    NinthPixel Member Posts: 60

    As a Killer main, we need more perks like Devour Hope to make it competitively viable to not take advantage of the hook. I personally try to leave hooks and go else where. But the worst is Bully Squads who want to circle the hook and make me to blame for sticking around when obviously all 4 survivors are at the hook. Making me lose too many points for being close is not really the answer because jerks will use it. The solution I see is:

    On the short term we need more Perks that give reason for us Killers to leave. Long term I would want to see the Entity be the "goal keeper" as it were that actively pushes out Killers while the Entity itself has a mini-game of attacks that survivors must avoid to get the unhook.

  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    This plan only works if you queue as a team, not for the solo player. The lack of voice communication takes the team play away. Your team will play the way each individual plays. As a team you can coordinate efforts, do gens, heal, make saves and run the killer. As a solo player you do what you think is best at the time. You don't have the benefits of knowing the killer is camping till you go for the save. If you are the person on the hook, you may want your team to do gens, but they don't know that. You may hope that somebody in your team has dead hard, but with 4 perks slots per survivor, you can't all run that just in case.

    There are only two reasons for a killer to camp the hook, the first is because the killer is so bad, they cannot chase in which case then they should practice, or because they want to be toxic. This behaviour is the same playing a shooting game with aimbot. All other games ban people from this play, DBD doesn't even have a penalty, in fact the penalty goes to the survivors who don't want to play this type of game and disconnects.

    There is no need to camp. I have just started playing killer and on most games I get over 50,000 bloodpoints, upto 100,000. Even getting a few hooks and all four survivors escaping, I get over 50,000 bloodpoints. Proxy camping if fine, sometimes you get to the hook in time, sometimes you don't, but standing by the hook or hiding right next to it is stupid. I even think it is bad when you have trapper, hag or pyramid head putting traps around the hook, but at least that gives you fair game to escape.

    I'm not saying that the killer should let the survivors win, just as I don't play racing games and wait at the finish to let the driver behind pass me and win, but I don't cheat in the game and take a short cut that no other driver can take, just to say I won.

    I will highly surprised if BeHaviour even reads this post let alone take any action to change the game, after all their are posts and posts of players complaining about this, yet nothing gets done, but it was worth the try.

  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    Then when killer queue waits become longer as more people stop playing survivor and either play something else or just become killers, the old "if you can't beat them, then join them" attitude, and the game starts to die, then I hope they look at this as one of the reasons. I play killer more now because of this reason. I would rather play a nice fair game of killer and get 50-60,000 bloodpoints per game, then go into survivor, get camped, have a boring game and leave with next to no bloodpoints.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Solos are still part of a team.

    Camping, tunneling, slugging... is not cheating nor toxic.

    If you believe survivors won't abuse a system and make sure your proxy camp is punished, you bet ya...

    You just started playing killer, just wait till you meet the survivors that know what they are doing. Ooh and guess what, mindlessly camping these guys usually isn't that fruitful either.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    At least they graduated on Hope's peak academy.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Well, if they're hard camping they don't care about BP because if you just do gens and leave they get exactly one hook and one kill which gives you very little. Aura reading the killer is a thing you can just do yourself if you would run kindred (plz do this, it makes life easier for your teammates). Defeating undetectable is a bit much as there are some killers who by design function better playing defensively.

    Though again, nothing you levy as a punishment short of making the game unable to complete a sacrifice is going to make killers who want to hard camp stop doing it. Camping is obnoxious, but the alternatives used to discourage it actually made the game worse. If you're getting hard camped your best option if no one wants to try for the save is just sudoku on hook and move to the next game.

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    barbecue basekit when (can even punt it from aura to location reveal if want sheesh)

    then make survivor bp gains more lucrative

    but also remove perk tiers