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General Discussions

I have changed my mind...

Member Posts: 177
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

Regarding the issue of survivors tapping buttons to avoid skill checks. Originally, in a different thread, I had stated I didn't mind too much since the game does nothing to prevent it and it wasn't happening too often. So as long as it wasn't accompanied by other bad behaviors like body blocking, then it wasn't too big of a problem...

Fast forward to tonight's several hours of dbd gameplay and I have completely changed my mind.

I only got one kill all night and that was pure luck. All 4 escapes every match all night but that one I mentioned. And it has been due to button tapping to avoid skill checks. So by the time I find someone to chase, there are already only 2 or 3 generators left. On top of that I have also been encountering other bad behaviors such as body blocking at about a 40% or so rate all night.

I don't know if players coincidentally figured out this tapping method en masses at the same time or if I'm just unlucky today or if match making is broken due to rank reset.... but either way this level of foolery is ridiculous. I now think the devs definitely need to add either a penalty to repair progress when the system detects this or otherwise prevent it from being possible at all by forcing skill checks at intervals in order to progress further.

Has anyone else run into this issue being this severe? Is this just what happens normally when they reset ranks each month?

And yes I know there are a few perks that track, such as whispers, but there are other perks I prefer to use on certain killers and don't want to be forced to change that because others are gaming the system.

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  • Member Posts: 538

    Who the hell taps to avoid skill checks?? Hitting a great one means faster progress I can't see why anyone would handicap themselves like that lol.

    In any case, why are you so certain the 4 man escapes happened because of skillcheck avoidance??? It sounds more like they were coordinated, tapping is the least of your problems there

  • Member Posts: 538

    I'm also not sure body blocking is a "bad behaviour." That's an optimal play if the one being chased is dead on hook.

  • Member Posts: 177
    edited October 2021

    Wow, nice way of saying your point..

    But yeah, fine I'm not that great at the game yet and I still have stuff to learn. I'm learning as I go. ...match making is still supposed pair me with survivors close to my skill level. Total loss/fail streaks should not last all night. This is actually the first time it's happened since I started playing which is why I'm confused and wondering if matchmaking was having issues or if I'm just unlucky.

    When I mention body blocking I am specifically referring to survivors who purposely crouch in front of hooks as I try to hook someone.. or survivors who purposely stand in a narrow space so I can't move.. of course I hit them when I see them do it.. As for body blocking not being bad behavior, then why did I see it as a report option when I give players props? In case it makes any difference, I play only on Xbox one and I only ever played survivor a couple matches.

    Oh and what do you mean by " meming " ?

  • Member Posts: 117

    what in the actual F

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    I think he was meaning body blocking as in standing in a doorway crouched or all blocking the hooks to grief and hinder the killer...that is a reportable action..

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    That is essentially what happens when they block the hook or block the killer into a tight space. In one game I was blocked in the killer shack by two survivors keeping me from moving from the door when I hit one another survivor took their place. Another time the same match I was carrying a survivor to a hook and all three body stacked on the only hook within wiggle time. By the time I got them to move the survivor wiggled free. They did that 3 times so they are purposely keeping you in place or even getting anything done.

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    If you are losing all your games then it sounds like you are stuck at the higher than ideal default MMR and swapping killers.

    Stick with a single killer until your MMR settles down for that killer before swapping. It takes a few games with EACH killer for the game to figure out who to matchmake with.

  • Member Posts: 177

    Yes this is it exactly. I lose survivors often from this sort of thing. Not always but it causes me to lose them often enough by the time I smack the blocker out the way. When possible and I realize it in time I will drop a survivor long enough to smack blockers away so hopefully I don't lose time getting them on hook.

  • Member Posts: 177

    Ohhhh I didn't realize the game did that for each individual killer.... so in a way, the match making was actually a bit off for me afterall?

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    For me, every killer needed around 3-4 matches before the Entity stopped sending me SWF death squads.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Am I missing something here? Because all gen tapping does is slow gen progress down a lot for survivors to not have to hit extremely easy to hit skill checks.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I'm pretty sure the argument here is that you shouldn't need 1,5 minutes to find a survivor, especially not when they have been working on a generator and were able to repair it. Of course, a gen can get repaired in that time, the first gen almost always pops within that time frame.

    If it's more than 2 gens though than you might have not applied map pressure that well, or took to long to down a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    That isnt reportable in the slightest

    The only time bodyblocking is bannable is if you're taking the game hostage or purposefully griefing.

    Say a Survivor blocks another survivor in a corner until the killer comes, thats reportable.

    If a killer bodyblocks a or multiple survivors in a corner that prevents them from moving and progressing the game, thats holding the game hostage and reportable

    Any other form of bodyblocking is fine, thats just simply good play

  • Member Posts: 6,341

    I absolutely will do this so killers to peel them off of a tunnel, defend an unhooked, or block a hook if they're close to wiggling off or on death hook. None of that is reportable.

  • Member Posts: 177

    I feel like maybe the devs need to update the game rules with better description of what counts as a reportable body blocking incident/ grieving incident. That should clear up this confusion for newcomers

  • Member Posts: 177

    In one of my replies here I mentioned I hit them. I already do this

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    If someone wants to body block when I'm carrying someone to a hook, I welcome it. More often than not, they end up downed, and even if the person I'm carrying wiggles off, they've traded one person on a hook and one healthy person for a different person on a hook and an injured one. Even better if I'm running STBFL and get a free down and still get the initial hook. As someone said, if a bunch of survivors want to give up health states, take them happily.

    Body blocking can be annoying, but it's a perfectly fine strategy for survivors to use. You have to just play around it.

    The skill check thing ... errr .... if survivors want to tap gens over and over instead of holding down whatever their repair button is, I'll welcome that too. When old Ruin was around, that was a thing, but no one I know does that now. There's literally no reason to and no advantage gained by doing so in any situation. Whatever is causing you to games with everyone escaping, that's not it.

  • Member Posts: 177

    Specifically in regards to body blocking hooks or narrow spaces, the issue is when hitting them doesn't stop it. I believe others in this thread also mentioned they sometimes experience survivors taking turns blocking. I have experienced this as well. Granted I still hit them. Repeatedly if necessary. Anyone taking their place or trying to heal each other so they can keep taking turns doing it will also be hit. At times I have had all 4 survivors running around me harassing every step I take so I can't get anything done.. try to pick up anyone I've downed for doing this and I get flashlights and more blocking etc.. there is a line in the sand where it's no longer a good strategy,, but an absolute obnoxious exploit.. plus It takes time to deal with this mess. I often have to drop survivors to deal with it. I often lose survivors because of it.

    That being said, not all such survivor teams are experts at this tactic. Before the other day I would actually get a laugh out of defeating this tactic cuz they just weren't that organized with it yet. But now since the other day I hadn't been getting any decent matches. I think we sorted out here in this thread that part of the issue was due to rank reset and different ranks for different killers or something, so right now I'm still playing trying to work through that phase. So far tonight the issue persists.

  • Member Posts: 177

    I appreciate your point on this.

    If they're not gentapping though I should still get occasional skill check fails.( not including other noise notifications from my perks ) But in the match scenarios described I don't and all generators completely repair fairly quickly

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    Skill check fails are going to be dependent on your survivors' skill level, unless you're running something specific to cause them to have more difficult ones (Huntress Lullaby, Overcharge, Oppression, or if you're playing The Doctor).

    Very new players will miss skill checks with some frequency, but players with any real time in the game won't. Very experienced survivors rarely if ever miss skill checks, even with the conditions I described above. I'm not a world-class survivor myself, and I almost never miss a skill check, unless I'm trying for a Great Skill Check (Overcharge or Oppression ones I'll sometimes miss if I'm not expecting it).

    I'll run Huntress Lullaby on Doctor occasionally, and even when I get it to multiple tokens -- even all the way to five (and no warning) -- I'll still watch survivors at Red Rank hit skill checks consistently and not miss. Missed skill checks are more of the exception in my experience and not the rule.

  • Member Posts: 177

    Interesting. Thanks for this explanation. That's helpful.

    If my killer skill rank is rather low and I'm being matched with survivors near my skill level, does the skill checks play a role in that? I mean when the games matchmaking system determines my killer skill level and then attempts to match me with survivors of near same level, does succeeding or failing a majority of survivor skill checks make a difference in the systems assessment of survivor skill level?

    And what about survivors who group up together? How does skill level work with their matching? I thought of that earlier cuz I have been noticing an occasional survivor that's no where near as successful as other survivors at avoiding me etc.

    Also just for the record, the losing streak has ended tonight with this killer. So it seems the theory of individual killer skill levels affecting my matchmaking was right.

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    From the information that's both been gathered by outside sources and given out by the devs, skill check success rate has nothing to do with how a survivor's skill level is assessed. It's only being counted in escapes (and possibly time of match), if I'm correct.

    It can be inferred, though, that survivors who are failing skill checks on a regular basis won't be escaping much at all, in which case, you would expect them to be matched with a killer who is at a similar level -- except I think it's safe to say that SBMM isn't working exactly as intended (or promised) right now. I would argue that it's still matching people up based on keeping lobby times down as a priority over a "fair" matchmaking system, at least based on my own experiences so far, but that's another discussion altogether, and that might be confirmation bias on my end at work.

    As far as groups go? I don't have an answer for that. My guess is that it's taking the average of the group as a whole when matching up with a killer, but I haven't seen a confirmation of such.

  • Member Posts: 2,773
    edited October 2021


    ur not getting it.

    Idc if its a small area. A wide area. A tall area. Body blocking period- ez hits (btw hitting a survivor removes their hitbox) This is not a bad thing.

    I'm not re explaining the value of free hits.

    This is not an exploit broseph. It is a crappy Strat that rarely actually helps the team with a competent killer.

    Edit: if the team is healing fast enough to do it over and over you're either on the mid chapter ptb or they're hackers. That's not possible.

    Edit 2: I suppose, unless you're just that unexperienced as killer. Gotta take advantage of the fact that now multiple are injured and busy. A full team body blocking is doing ZERO gen progress. don't stress.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    You said this a few different ways now, and it has me convinced that the issue is that you aren't facing newbies anymore. I'm half decent at best as survivor, but in the last month I can count the number of failed skill checks I've had on generators one handed, I mean it's always the same button, even with madness or huntress lullaby, they just are not difficult, which is why they replaced struggle with them.

  • Member Posts: 252

    I think the only time I have found bodyblocking annoying was when I picked up a TTV and all the other survivors came out of the woodwork to body block along with flashlights, sabo build, breakout, etc. Couldnt get a single hook so I said screw it and just left her slugged as bait(this was before twins so no trickster instadown perk) whenever I picked her up, the other survivors came running so I just dropped her and slugged the rest and before I could begin hooking them they all DC'd and called me a toxic killer XD

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited October 2021

    What the heck did I just read?

    Bodyblocking bad behavior? What. Thats what a good teammate does.

    Run Lethal Pursuer, CI and there ya go. If you complain about a problem and people give you solutions to fix it and you choose not to (because you're stubborn) then continue to play how you have been and not improve. I mean you aren't helping yourself, you aren't taking people's advices so in the end, its all on you.

  • Member Posts: 416
    edited October 2021

    Has anyone suggested Agitation and Mad Grit?

    No? Then I am.

    Agitation and Mad Grit, little dude--they're your friend if the survivors want to be foolish little gooses and run to their deaths by being overly altruistic.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    As we all know, skill checks are impossible, therefore as the OP has correctly deduced, if survivors are able to complete gens at all, it must mean that they're... tapping gens to avoid skill checks...

  • Member Posts: 177

    Interesting. So slugging them in this scenario is acceptable? I'm honestly interested in being a fair killer so I hesitate to slug them en masses as a strategy for this

  • Member Posts: 177

    I have not come across Mad Grit yet will be on look out for it

  • Member Posts: 177

    Ok I get what you're saying and will look at the scenario as you suggest and see what happens

  • Member Posts: 252

    It was either that or let the survivors surround me with breakout, toolboxes, flashlights, etc. Id rather use what they want to do against them.

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    I’m confused- who gen taps in 2021?? I haven’t seen gen tapping since old ruin. If anything, doing that will cause you to blow up and regress gens because of that bullshit “random” skill check we get now for getting off a gen. Are you using Overcharge? Because not even gen tapping can prevent that. You have to complete the skill check even if your off the gen. Besides, if teams are coordinated enough to body block- they can handle some random skill checks. They wouldn’t try to avoid them.

  • Member Posts: 177
    edited October 2021

    I'm actually glad you commented here with these questions so I would see this and remember to come back here to update the situation.

    Ended up getting some help in game from fellow player on this matter. Turns out, as far as we can tell, the issue was being caused by something not working correctly right after rank reset. That is when the issue became so severe and constant I originally thought it was gen tapping since I didn't realize lack of notifications could be caused by rank resets. So I was advised to uninstall dbd plus dlc and reinstall everything. After doing this, every match has been lit up with visual and sound notifications again just like it was before reset. I'm not a tech person in any way so I can't explain how or why reset would do this. I only know reinstall solved it.

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