People who bring self-care over BT…

Me, looking at my friend bringing Self-Care, Botany Knowledge, DS and Pharmacy...
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Because solo queue has taught me the only survivor I can trust is me.
Sincerely, constantly bleeding out because nobody will take the few seconds to heal me, even vs Oni.
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My question what kind of stupid survivor unhook in front of the killer with no BT. This is not a self care issue but mostly a survivor who believe in the survivor rule book
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Meanwhile I have this build
and get tunneled.
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Somebody called for the paramedics
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Because i dont like using meta perks :)
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Because BT doesn't synergize with No Mither.
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Why don't self care users bring a medkit thus allowing them to bring an actual useful perk?
Special mention to those that continue to heal even if I'm standing next to them waiting to heal them 👏
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People can bring whatever perks they want. If they want to use Self Care, it’s not up to you to decide if that’s ok or not.
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I usually bring medkit with botany knowledge (or just brown medkit), until one killer brings franklings then its selfcare for the rest of the week.
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I don't care if survivors don't want to bring bt. I just wish those who don't bring bt attempt to body block instead of unhooking and running away.
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People can bring whatever perks they want for their playstyle. Self care and BT are not mutually exclusive, so they could have brought both. It's not a Self Care vs BT situation. Also, there is a high possibility that they just don't have BT. The problem is not with them not using BT, it would be about them making unsafe unhooks without it.
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Why run Autodidact with -any- healing speed booster?
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Too bad, I already did.
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Do you run DS.
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Of course not, because most survivors don't take responsibility for their own survival.
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Or, getting a save before they go to second against a camping killer in hope they get a shot at DS instead of hitting second stage.
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Depends, I don’t stick to a consistent build, but yes I have been lately. I don’t WANT to use it though, which is why I’d prefer having BT.
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Right, I traded my BT long ago for kindred, don't need BT if you know where the killer is, and l agree, run DS if you want to assure your second chance.
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I prefer DS to BT. It's a perk I bring for this reason, not one I expect others to bring.
DS is superior to BT IMO.
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If the killer is camping what are you doing going for the unhook instead of doing gen. Again this is a survivor issue not a perk issue or killer issue but mostly the inability to the survivor to do the correct play.
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Because we are playing survivor. And, getting the guy off before second is the team play. Sure, if all you care about is getting yourself out, then pound gens.
But, unfortunately, I care about the enjoyment of my teammates and competition. So, once again, saving before second gives them a shot at hitting DS. If not, then same result, they go to second.
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This. I play for me to survive. I'll rescue someone else if I can but im leaving
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You’re art is so good. That Botany Knowledge drawing is almost completely accurate.
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That the choice you make knowing its not the optimal play. So you are risking an easy win for enjoyement out of the match nothing wrong with that. Honestly a player should not complain about other choice of perk. Like you said maybe he was counting on the other guy having DS so he took a chance.
On a personal note most of the time i had more out of self care compare to all the other perk in the survivor arsenal only because after my gen i dont need to waste time looking for someone else i can just self care right there or go for an end game unhook when only 2 people are alive
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Certainly is an individual choice. I'm a big proponent of playing how and what you like, and letting others do the same.
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Because you can't trust solo teammates.
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Im a living Boon
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Alright guys lets all bring BT because this guy said so. Why? No #########' idea but lets do it.
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^ people who use both
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I don’t even use BT anymore because I rely on myself making safe unhooks. And if the killer is near I always take a protection hit or chase.
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I use BT - you survive and escape - your MMR goes up.
I use Self Care - I survive and escape - my MMR goes up.
Nothing personal, just SBMM
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Not gonna lie, Self Care with Botany Knowledge and Desperate Measures is a pretty strong combo.
Pair that with a strong medkit using the new Built To Last coming out, and we've got ourselves a spicy a-meatball.
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You: Why are survivors this way who bring self care instead of BT?
Also you: gives this response when someone says you're not the only player in this game who can choose other people's perks or playstyles.
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I care about myself more than I care to borrow time. I have plenty of time... To self care.
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Im ditching self care for the boon totem when they are out i believe those perk are broken its self care for the entire team
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Because Self-Care has utility for the whole match and not just for tunnels off hook. It is a better anti-camping perk than BT. I can’t go for an unhook while injured in most camping cases, and it allows me to have a much longer chase against almost all killers (one-hit down killers excepted).
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I don't feel like BT does anything anymore, I feel like it just encourages bad plays that benefit the killer. I think it was only good for endgame, but how mmr works now, it's probably not worth it at all (dying for a teammate in the endgame will just get you killers that probably facecamp and survivors that are too scared to save you. And bt is so easy to outwait, it is only 12 seconds anyway.
But I don't like how most people use selfcare. Like the typical szenario is the following: The selfcarer and I are on an important middle gen (3 gen preventing) and it is nearly done, tinkerer went off. We both get hit, but the killer can only follow one person. If he decides to go for me, the gen will not get done most of the time. Because the selfcarer needs to run to a far away corner to selfcare for 'eternity', instead of pressuring that generator. That gen needs to be done and is in "danger" to get regressed by ruin or pop goes the weasel, they run off selfcare in the furthest corner. By the time I get hooked they are done selfcaring, rush in to get the gen done. BUt it is eighter already decreased due to ruin or the killer hits them to use pop on the gen. Then again they have to run off to a far away corner of the map (not before dropping a good palett to prevent them from getting chased) and selfcare for another 'eternity'.
In the end the whole team dies to the (now unbreakable) 3 gen (yes, the killer has a brain and knows that he should protect that gen) and they believe it isn't their fault at all. They (usually) even state how everyone else was "so bad at the game, that they were hooked/dead on hook" whilst the selfcarer hasn't been hooked till the very end. To get 1 hooked (due to everyone else being dead) or if (undeservedly lucky) get the hatch.
I don't understand, but those even seem to believe that they did well. XD What a joke. Usually those are the ones that throw every palett immediately creating dead zones in order to prevent having to heal up for 'eternity' again.
**Long rant blabla for those that feel offended by what I stated prior:**
I'd rather like to have smart teammates that simply use their brain and common sense: Getting chased by the killer? Great, give him distraction in an area without pressure (no gens, no slug, no hooked ones). Loop him in a corner of the map preferably where the gen is done. A teammate is hooked nearby and it's not the last one beside you alive? Leave the area to another coner, so that person can get saved safely. Don't farm them even if you brought bt (if people do, most killers understandably start to camp as soon as they realize that hook pressure equals 2 survivors busy doing nothing). You get found near the basement? It's better to loop away from the basement, try not to get hooked there.
You are on the hook? Chill someone will save you. If the killer sees you waving your arms he might assume someone is coming for the save already. No one coming? Look for the killer if he chases someone and you are sure he isn't looking at you, wave once to indicate you need someone to go for the save. Someone is on their way already? Just chill. The rescuer brought we'll make it? don't move and let yourself get healed on the spot unless the killer is right there and headding towards you. You are afraid with no reason? Just chill you're probably healed b4 he gets back.
You aren't getting chased or on the hook? Great do a gen. You have finished the one you spawned already? Great have a look if you spot a totem (remeber where it is or better cleanse it). Done a totem, too? Try to spot a possible 3 gen and prevent it from happening. A person is on a hook nearby and going closer to 2nd status? Save the person and heal up if possible.
You spot a totem b4 a gen, cleanse it. Even dull totems give you information about the killers perks: undying? thrill of the hunt? etc.
You know/relize that the killer has certain perks? Try to use them to benefit the team: bbq -> If you haven't been hook and should take a chase and hook for the team? Please don't hide in a locker! stbfl -> you are the obession, try to get him to loose stacks. tinkerer -> use it as needed. Distract him the killer from a hooked or tunneled person. Use it as a bait if needed.
Get hit next to a palette? Don't drop it, spot the closest loop that you can get to with that sprint from the hit.
You are not good at looping? Don't be too afraid to get spotted and chased, you'll end up on a hook at some point anyway. Just try to extend the chase without using paletts, try windows instead and use the sprint from getting hit first by running straight.
I probably missed many, but I guess people should be good to go with these. At least I wish some people would try to think about a strategy and what the consequences of their actions might be.
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But Autodidact is made weaker when paired with heal speed boosters, though!
I run Botany, Desperate Measures, Bite the Bullet and Self-care, myself. Pretty fun being able to speed-heal myself.
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I dislike DS, but the rest sounds fun.
As for the topic, BT is basically mandatory to me anymore, but I don't expect anyone else to share my view.
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There's really no reason to not run meta perks, imo.
BT and DS never come off of my builds tbh
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My reason is I don't like them. DS and UB are single use and I don't like exhaustion perks, so DH is out. I'd prefer not to run BT, but it's a necessary evil these days.
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Rule #7:
Only rely on yourself when it comes to healing when playing SoloQ.
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I like using build that boosting in a single aspect (only healing other, all kind of speed, all kind of teammate aura reading ect).
Those are meme to make the game fun to play. Not to be effective.
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What's the issue with using perks that aren't OP just because they are meta? If camping wasnt so common BT wouldn't be meta.
Also, I'm sorry to tell you but self care unfortunately is also meta.
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Have you tried We'll Make It though? Mega-super-ultra-fast healing when you unhook someone!
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Yes, replace with Desperated measure or Solidarity.
Empathy is the key of this build with 3 perks healing others. Cant tell which 3 are the best. (No selfcare)
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It was a crop from one of waifu sketches. I forgot to tell.
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Because everyone does the saving before me.
Why would i bring a Perk that i won't be able to use?