Get rid of the "hold W" meta

Playing both killer and survivor, yes I get that killer is faster than survivors, but almost every game I run into sprint burst hold W people who run prove thyself and sprint burst to just sit on gens and then sprint burst to a safe pallet, even if that pallet is far away there is no way I can catch up to them. Even in chases I feel if survivors just hold w they can outrun killers for a good 8 seconds of free chase time until the killer m1's them and hey, free sprint burst and it just encourages them to hold w.

I am not saying survivors SHOULDNT run away at all, I am just saying this needs a balance check because if it has become the meta with 12-26 pallets also spawning all around the map then maybe the survivors base speed or killers base speed needs a touchup. Any ideas/comments/concerns on this? Lets discuss
