It doesn’t.
we don’t like NFTs because they have a bad impact on the global warming. It’s complicated to explain everything in detail, just google it.
Can someone explain why we don't want NFT?

I really have no clue, so I would appreciate it if someone explain why NFT is bad thing.
How this may affect my game experience?
It doesn’t.
we don’t like NFTs because they have a bad impact on the global warming. It’s complicated to explain everything in detail, just google it.
29 -
The way Behavior is currently doing it will not impact your experience at all since no in game content except the actual dlc can be gotten with it. People do not like their dishonestly or support for something that negatively impacts the environment.
However, if they pin exclusive items, which some games are starting to do, behind nfts, then you will basically be buying loot boxes to try to get exclusive cosmetics/voice lines etc... If someone else has/gets it then you will have to buy that exclusive item from them leading to a potential auction like scenario. Basically, a really scummy way to make a lot of money with particular cosmetics, though again this is not how it is being done currently.
14 -
It's also a pyramid scheme
28 -
Production of NFTs consumes colossal amounts of energy, massively accelerating climate disruption. Basically, screwing over humanity's prospects for a few techbros to make a quick buck.
While the impact on DBD's internal gameplay will be minimal, it does mean DBD is directly encouraging a market that's blowing up the planet.
Also, if the Butterball skin and/or the 'You opened it, I came' voiceline are NFT exclusive, that'll be the gateway to more crypto bullcrap.
14 -
Bad impact on the planet like most things we are already using on a daily basis? Or worse?
I am sorry for being ignorant but in current day and age when everything is cancelled left and right I have to be a little bit skeptical about it.
So far I am not convinced to completely give up on dbd.
5 -
Exactly. I can't say much against the NFTs (while I do think they are stupid and ridiculous) because I use Brave Browser and they frequently have ads from NFT people on the New Tab page. My biggest worry is that they will go to Epic Games, which I absolutely do not support.
0 -
Trees get burned & art theft is what I got from it.
Although ethereum will be changing into a pos thing which is supposed to be more green or whatever.
Even if they resolve the wasteful energy issue the art theft problem remains.
None of this will affect your game experience, it's simply whether you care about the stuff I mentioned above. So it's a moral issue.
Anyway, if they can get some good angles of the Amazon Rainforest turning into crisp then I'll probably buy that nft tbh.
Like, if it's gonna burn we might as well make something productive out of it. I'll hire a modern day Picasso to paint it for me so that I can hang it in my main hall.
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It's worse as all it does is encourage people to produce more tech waste(I'm assuming that's the term) where it encourages wasting tons more energy ,server space and graphic cards
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A Single Ethereum Transaction (which I believe is what BossProtocol is using) consumes enough power to power 1 US Household for 2.5 days. That's just ONE transaction. It's about equal to watching Youtube 15 hours a day for a whole year. That's a LOT of energy usage for a single ethereum transaction.
And it's just to own a digital certificate that says "You own this digital art."
That's what the uproar is over.
8 -
The concept behind an NFT is fine.
The concept behind it is tricking people into paying to own something without actually giving them any ownership rights over the thing, which isn't really "fine". Conceptually, they are a scam from the same mold as pyramid schemes where you make profit by finding gullible suckers to eventually end up on the bottom of the pyramid, except most pyramid schemes at least have actual products you can buy lol. But I'd say that conceptually, no, they aren't really fine, but the environmental damage side effect certainly makes them a lot worse!
6 -
The concept of nfts is trash
Like I get the concept for bitcoin as debit/credit card companies are bull ######### with how they are reacting to sites that offer ways to support 18+ content
3 -
Apparently it uses up 48.14 kilowatt-hours.
However, this one says that because most NFTs do buy and sell on Ethereum (a type of cryptocurrency); that it actually uses as much electricity as the entire country of Libya.)
I'd suggest digging around on Google and looking at all different sites. There doesn't really appear to be a set value on how much energy a single NFT uses, because it changes with what cryptocurrency you buy it with, how that cryptocurrency was mined, what platform you trade it on... etc.
There's a lot of variables, but none of the outcomes look good.
I hope that helps you.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk - and here I was thinking I was going to have an early night... 😅
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Please google what NFTs are, you will see what’s the problem with it. This is not just a Shane Dawson or Jeffree Star drama.
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The concept is not fine. You want cool art? Find an artist to commission some actual art from them or buy art at a shop. NFTs are money laundering Pyramid scheme where you don't own the art or even get the get a receipt saying you own the receipt to this. Often NFTs are either stolen art or computer generated assortment of the same damn thing given random number of em to create the illusion of rarity.
The amount of energy to even go thru this is ridiculously wasted that trumps what a single person can do throughout a year with multiple energy uses....for a single digital receipt. Everything about them is greedy, disgusting and morally bankrupt. The NFT discussion has been around for months and if after this time and all this talk a person still sits on the fence of them, congrats on them supporting terrible practices and being inherently terrible because of it.
4 -
I was equally confused, but after doing some research the main points are three:
1 - NFTs are very bad for the environment because they require insane amounts of electricity.
2 - their value is kinda questionable. Basically it's spending a lot of money for just bragging rights, like pointing at a tree and telling everyone that it's now yours.
3 - they are used to "steal" property of pieces of arts, tweets and basically anything digital you could create.
From what I can tell BHVR's approach to NFTs is "innocent" and won't have negative repercussions on the game, but NFTs are strongly stigmatized (rightfully so, imo) and people don't want that kind of stuff associated with something they love (which in this case is DbD)
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So you want the Amazon rainforest to burn? I don’t understand.
0 -
Plus it preys on people who are prone to spend way too much money on this kind of stuff, the so-called whales who behave in a way similar to gambling or substance adicts, which surpise surpise, your genes have a lot of saying on how much of a potential adict you can be so its not just "just dont buy it", some people are naturally weak against this kind of schemes (same as some people are naturally weak against flu).
2 -
Like totally ya. Either that or use the trees to mass produce large pencils like these.
I'll get some people to lobby for the ban of regular pencils.
1 -
That's the thing most of the time an artist finds out that their art is being used in nfts its usually ends with them wanting it to be removed as it's been turned into one by a ######### nft bot and if they do participate in it they tend to create new art for it not use old art
1 -
NFT's are fine. They're new and like everything else when it starts, they're inefficient and use a lot of energy. This will rapidly change though. But people have been told this makes them evil and that they should hate this budding technology because of it.
NFT's and cryptos are here to stay and likely the future of e-commerce, and maybe regular commerce too.
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NFT's are not fine as it's been used in art theft it's an obvious scam unlike cryptocurrency itself which has a reason to exist(as much as I don't like it) as visa and all the cardholder brands are being shitbags when it comes to certain things
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Personally I don’t care about global warming, it’s just a scummy practice
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Just because they've been used for something bad in the past, doesn't make them bad. They're uses go well beyond digital art.
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Yeah yeah it's also used as a currency
I heard it all before
We don't need nfts when things like bitcoin,dogecoin and other forms of cryptocurrencies exists
And they way they are promoting the scam is oh but the artist will make money from every time the NFTs are sold failing to realize the what if it doesn't get sold
1 -
I'll just leave this here
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Bitcoin and doge are terrible examples. No one spends them. One is only for investing right now and the other is a meme.
0 -
You think I care enough about crypto to find a good example of crypto?
It's obvious I don't want to participate in it
1 -
Again I'll leave this here
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Christ thats a lot
1 -
The current estimate according to the site Digiconomist is actually even higher at 6 days worth of household electricity per Etherium transaction (which is what NFTs are based on).
All that aside, there's also another concern that Steam currently bans all games that incorporate NFT transactions or any other cryptocurrency. I suspect this isn't quite that, it sounds more like somewhere out there is a Hellraiser NFT that people can purchase which, as a sales incentive, doing so gets you a coupon code to get the Hellraiser DLC in DbD (or something to that effect). The game itself isn't doing any NFT transactions, it's just that people outside the game are doing NFT transactions and getting DLC in DbD as a bonus. It seems pretty likely that Behavior already cleared this setup with Valve since the last thing they'd want is for DbD to be banned from Steam, but it's still a common question on the forums.
3 -
The nft industry is a scam in every possible way
5 -
This is just an awful take.
This isn't something getting """""""""""""""""""""canceled"""""""""""""""""""", it's that NFTs are an objectively terrible way logistically and environmentally to monetize something.
If BHVR decides to take this a step further it'll literally be lootboxes that consume power and resources at a rate that an entire average household does per day, per purchase. A DAYS WORTH OF POWER, FOR ONE SINGULAR PURCHASE OF A LOOTBOX.
You don't go up to someone and say "well racism already happens so why am i getting canceled for being racist?" It's just morally reprehensible, and NFTs are both morally and environmentally awful.
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And that they are a ponzi scheme
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So NFT is just a big bump in global warming to put it simply?
2 -
If NFT is that bad why it's not prohibited by law yet?
1 -
Money. Everyone's been going crazy about cryptocurrencies. They should be banned but imagine how many angry people there'd be in the US if they were banned there with all the amounts people have invested into them. lol
Also it's just really hard to "ban" them in general because... that's what cryptocurrencies were invented for. A decentralized, encrypted currency that can't be controlled by the higher powers.
China has currently really cracked down on the crypto ban because of all the ######### cryptofarming has been ######### up.
0 -
Bitcoin and doge are terrible examples. No one spends them. One is only for investing right now and the other is a meme.
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Just let them enjoy their tulip bulbs.
0 -
People are still crying over that?
Move on if you are lol
1 -
There's a 'good' reason (NFTs are basically the old 'hey kid, I've got a bridge to sell you' scam) and a 'bad' reason (a convoluted logic chain involving NFTs causing global warming, mostly revolving around hypotheticals, worst-case-scenario reasoning and iffy science).
This is the reason I never bought into the crypto madness. What seems to happen is people rack up tens of thousands of 'theoretical' dollars in profit and then find that they can only exchange these for more internet money - and cashing out is extremely difficult/punishing.
It reminds me of working in Vietnam. Salary is pretty decent, it all looks hunky-dory and then you realize that it's nearly impossible to move your savings out of the country.
0 -
Ironically enough, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened. Back in the day (around early modern era) tulip bulbs gained a very high arbitrary value thanks to investing. After a while, tulip bulbs, despite being, ya know, tulip bulbs, were so valuable, that it can and did turn orphans to millionaires, until eventually tulip bulbs crashed. Investors couldn’t sell, so on so forth.
This whole crypto thing is nothing new, it just takes different forms as the ages go on.
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At least when you buy tulip bulbs or any sort of 'futures' there is a clear transfer of property between an owner and a buyer.
With NFT's/crypto, you actually don't own anything. It relies entirely on the seller acting in good faith, which - the entire process being anonymous - is not even slightly guaranteed.
If you really want to gamble, you are better off learning how to day-trade or play the forex game. My brother-in-law trades during his security shifts and is essentially doubling his salary.
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That too.
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Global warming, money laundering and just plain stupid looking.
0 -
It’s the Carbon Gnomes at it again, I’d bet. Sneaky buggers.
Carbon Gnomes crave Global Warming, but being inter dimensional entities from another realm, they can’t directly interact with space time. What they can do however, is influence and manipulate space time’s inhabitants, which is where we come in.
Mankind has been under the thumb of the Carbon Gnome since 2012. This NFT controversy is yet another one of their crooked schemes.
You see, if the Carbon Gnomes can rile up enough gamers, the carbon footprint created in the wake of their complaining online would be colossal.
It’s genius really. Manufacture the dirtiest dirty bomb of global warming imaginable. The dreaded NFT. Then, sit back and watch the ensuing chaos as humans clamour online, broadband thrumming with self importance. iPhones, consoles and gaming computers alike, sucking dry the very life force of Mother Earth herself.
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Lots of people pretending to care about the environment.
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0 -
Right back atcha
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It’s very popular to pretend to care about the environment. Easy serotonin.
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Post edited by DangerScouse on1