Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

The nerf to the deathslinger was the last nail in the coffin to play killer for me.



  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209
    edited October 2021

    You are incredibly disingenuous. The counterplay is the fact that even with Monitor and Abuse, if you are not a potato you can gain tons of distance on DS before he even has the option of shooting you. If you're in the open, greater than 15 meters away, you can additionally use LOS, Zig Zagging, and light feints to dodge the spear. This isn't hypothetical, it is something survivors ACTIVELY do every game I play him, and every game I play against him.

    I cannot even count the number of games where survivors who can rub 2 brain cells together are already frolicking off into the fog anytime I approach them, forcing me to spend considerable amounts of time chasing them, and then dependent upon the loop I may be stuck breaking pallets or slow traversing T walls hoping bloodlust kicks in.

    Survivors be ridiculously spoiled.

    Edit: I changed two words for clarity purposes, as I do not believe you contain the 2 aforementioned brain cells above.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    No coinflips there. Pallets arent coinflips. You can bait a pallet drop or even hit a survivor before they drop the pallet. The only "coinflip" is DS, but that only happens if you tunnel or a survivor doesnt do ######### for 60 seconds(which is worth the 5 second stun tbh).

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, that is literally counterplaying any killer ever. Break LOS and you can do a lot, but against a good deathslinger? Zigzagging is just gonna lose you distance faster, at which point he can literally just shoot you faster.

    And holding W isnt counterplay to deathslinger, its counterplay to any killer. But once they are within 15 meters, there is nothing survivors can do. If they loop, they will just be shot through a window, so the only counterplay against Deathslinger is literally holding W against a wall and hope you dont get stuck.

    That's not really counterplay to Deathslinger's ability, that's counterplay to killers in general.

    And dont get me wrong, I can loop a slinger on any map that has walls, but thats more because he is a 110% killer, that doesnt excuse any coinflip mechanics

    Also, to the contrary, it only takes 1 braincell to see issues with coinflip mechanics, and it takes at least 3 braincells to see that general counterplay to killers isnt counterplay to any specific killer. Thats like saying holding W and camping pallets while your teammates genrush is counterplay to Myers specifically, when that is literally counterplay against every single killer.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    You are:

    Discounting the 110 speed when it's suitable for your argument, which is ironic because you use it 3 sentences later.

    Discounting missed redeemer shots from ZigZagging

    It is a fact that map awareness and holding W hurts killers like DeathSlinger and Plague FAR MORE than Nurse, Wraith, Blight, 115 killers. For someone obsessed with coin flips you really like to pick and choose at your convenience.

  • ignaeon
    ignaeon Member Posts: 106

    The projectile does not leave the redeemer for .5 seconds after the slinger fires, so you're already wrong. after that, the projectile moves at a speed of 40 m/s, so to get hit in .05 seconds you would need to be standing 2 meters away. I can't find the exact numbers for a killer lunge, but the assuming it lasts a full second it reaches over 6 meters, meaning the only reason for a slinger to shoot you in that range would be if you're camping an unsafe pallet against slinger, which is the opposite of what you should do. average range I aim for is about 10 meters, so that's about .25 seconds, bringing us to a total of .75 seconds to react. Source:

    Don't spout numbers if you're not actually looking them up, it works against your argument.

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    IDC how Slinger played, he wasn't viable against the best so he didn't need a nerf. Highly skilled and even competent solo blasted him easily in games. He wasn't a threat.

    This is what happens when you balance games around low tier players.

  • ignaeon
    ignaeon Member Posts: 106

    The DS nerf was more about it being used as a shield to safely do gens, heal, etc, which wasn't its purpose. It still works fine as an anti tunneling tool, and is still a meta build.

    the deathslinger nerf would be more like if they nerfed some low tier perk

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,464

    this post is rich. you never answered the question, why do casual care about balance if they think the game is party game i.e, a game made for fun regardless of who wins? Why does balance matter to you if your casual player that just plays the game for fun and not to win?

    "80% of the players isnt survivor only players. It's survivors AND killers. They are ignoring both the highest and lowest tiers of players, whether they are survivors or killers."

    Are they ignoring highest killer players? Are you sure about that? I mean if a deathslinger player has trash aim, than he'll lose regardless if he plays live deathslinger or PTB deathslinger assuming the survivor he is playing vs are good. Why would you be weakening a killer if it was not for highest level players using him? A large reason why the game is imbalanced at higher level of play for killer for many killers is specifically because the game balances around casual survivors and targets changes high-tier killer players.

    Moreover, do you think novice billy players knew how to use his chainsaw to zone or knew how to utilize curving at loops or chainsaw feathering? Those are all advance billy gameplay tricks. Billy and like every other killer that receives changes occur from better players mastering the killer power and survivor's complaining about their effectiveness. this is how it has always been.

    "Survivors still dont even get close to an average winrate of 50%, even the best survivor perks have less than 50% escape rate."

    I mean casual survivors are typically are always 80% of player-base just like casual killers are also 80% of playerbase which is why deathslinger only has like 52% or something killrate. so this point regarding 65% killrate for 80% of playerbase that is casual is irrelevant. Casual survivors are allowed to use same perks as good survivors. So why you would expect 80% of playerbase that is usually casual towards any game to have good overall winrate in regards to perks? I mean most of the casual survivor playerbase is dying to killers like Clown, Legion, Ghostface, Myers and so on which are like M1 115% with barely any power. Your point regarding add-ons and maps having 65% and 70% winrate is regarding when maps used to have no entity blocker with literal god windows that were labeled as infinities and add-ons such as old brand new part that used to repair a full generator in 5 seconds in which survivors said was fine. You have some outstanding imbalances for you notice a problem winrate-wise for survivor at the casual level.

    The reason why you don't see any problems statistically anymore is because the problems are no longer outstanding. they're not as brain dead powerful as BNP 5 second generators. They're more subtle and a lot more skilled based. It does not mean that survivors are not in full control with lower tier killers in term of winning when they want to if they play the game properly with all safe pallets and such.

    Anyhow, your post is way off-topic but I replied to your post for sake of consistency.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Doesn't matter. It still proves the initial point that it's not Survivors who dictate when buffs/nerds come through. DS was overpowered before the nerf.

  • LiquidPhat
    LiquidPhat Member Posts: 40

    Yes, it's the survivor's fault. See you next time.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    If they were easy to dodge it wouldn't have been nerfed. Would've been buffed or something around it would've been.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976
    edited October 2021

    So? His movement speed is irrelevant if he has a coinflip mechanic. Hag is 110%, doesnt have coinflip mechanics and her only way to manouvre quickly is through activated traps or mintrag, Nurse is even slower and doesnt have coinflip mechanics.

    You're right. It's a missed shot, not a dodge. Slinger missing is slinger making a mistake, not survivors making a play. That is not discounting anything.

    Holding W doesnt really hurt Plague, in fact, it tends to benefit her. The more survivors run, the more they get infected. Vaulting doesnt count as running, so infection doesnt increase. As for hurting Slinger, also not really, Slinger has deepwounds that force survivors to mend, meaning they either have to keep running, or stand still to mend. In either scenario, Deathslinger closes the gap since maps do not go straight forever and once you're within 14 meters of a slinger, you're at risk of being hit, where with other killers, they need to be within 3 meters to do so.

    Besides, at what point is map awareness and holding W a coinflip? I am against coinflips, nothing you said had to do anything with coinflips.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    You're ignoring the fact that Deathslingers animation is shorter than 0.15 seconds too, Slinger can shoot before his gun is fully up. And I never said the projectile leaves 0.5 seconds afterwards?

    As for a killer lunge, its 0.3 seconds, you gain about 3 meters.

    And even for 10 meters, you're ignoring windows, because at some point the only way to dodge an M1 is to go for a window, but slinger can aim and reel you in before you finished vaulting, even if Slinger didnt have vision on you going for the vault.

    As for the 10 meters, that's pretty much when you're out in the open anyway, but that's still not 0.75 seconds to react, 0.15+0.25 is 0.4 seconds MINUS the 0.15 seconds it takes to react, meaning you have 0.25 seconds to go out of the way. And even in that scenario, only Dead Hard will actually save you, as you dont know where Slinger aimed. If you're lucky, you step to the left when Slinger aimed to the right half of your hitbox, barely dodging it, and even in that scenario, Slinger is the one who missed, because if he went for the center or waited 1 second before aiming, there was no way for the survivor to dodge it.

    And I have to press the fact again that a Slinger could do this 5 times in a row while still gaining distance, making it practically impossible for survivors to know if Slinger is faking it or not. Now what other killer had issues with faking their power? Oh right, Spirit, who also recieved changes to no longer fully fake her power.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    So what if he wasnt viable against the best? Killers still need to be enjoyable to play against. If all killers are horrible and boring to play against, who would ever want to play survivor other than masochists?

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,246

    He still played the same to me. His whole small terror radius should have never happen on released.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    The sheer number of players who feel like his spear was undodgeable at the midrange is actually mind boggling. Like they've never piloted him and watched other survivors dodge those same shots over and over and over and over.

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    Survivors should be enjoyable to go against too. Why haven't they been properly nerfed?

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    did you just now learn PvP games that have constant updates usually don't leave problematic stuff and things constantly change? Anyways less queue time for me, don't act surprised when you actually have to learn and improve in a PvP game and can't cheese your way when they fix stuff.

  • TheBigGopher
    TheBigGopher Member Posts: 122

    So you agree deadhard, healing, looping, and gen speeds need to be nerfed too?

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    That's why I'm not picking up Artist. She already got a pretty massive nerf right out of the gate from PTB to Live, but I am 100% sure she'll get nerfed to the ground within a month. What's even the point of picking up new killers anymore? Either they'll release hilariously weak like Trickster, hilariously buggy like Nemesis, or just strong enough to get the nerf bat when survivors suicide on their first hook every game until the STATS pile up like Pyramid Head.

  • DorkianBae
    DorkianBae Member Posts: 227

    Buffs and nerfs should be happening all the time to killers, perks and addons to balance the game. I'm okay with nerfs to killers/perks/addons that are ACTUALLY overperforming, problem is Deathslinger wasn't overperforming AT ALL...His kill rate wasn't high, his rank on tier lists weren't high, there was no reason to nerf him AT ALL other than people's dislike for him and even then they could of gave him SOMETHING in return but didn't.

    So yeah their balance team sucks. Where are my Myers buffs? Where are the Ghostface buffs? Legion buffs? Clown buffs?

    When I say buffs I mean something that ACTUALLY makes them better, not just addon changes. Fix bad killer's base kits to make them more competitive. There are so many TERRIBLE killer characters in the game that could use love but never do.

    The best recent killer change that was actually good was Trapper's buffs but even he could still use more love, give him another mechanic to use or something.

    I dunno, it's the same thing in a lot of games.. My main game is League of Legends and sadly the top tier characters almost always stay top tier for years, the meta rarely changes and it's the same in DBD...Same killers have been top tier for ages, same killers have been garbage for years, etc.

  • MrSlippery
    MrSlippery Member Posts: 98

    There's plenty of strong killers to play. Even mid tier killers are viable in the majority of matches. You admitted to not even playing Deathslinger. So you are essentially complaining, just to complain. The game, and meta changes constantly, and people adapt to the new changes. Survivors and killers receive both buffs and nerfs, as needed. It's not very often that new chapters, come out of ptb balanced. Sometimes the devs, do make some unnecessary changes, like the overheat mechanic on Billy, for example. But it is what it is.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    No, but if they do i'm not gonna ######### about it relentlessly