We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

The End Game Auto Death

Can we please get the option to try to escape at the end of the game if no one is left. Now i have read some about this on the forum and have seen a lot of crazy responses. Just hear me out. I play with my friends almost every night as the survivors. Often when I'm waiting for them to hop on, or during lunch at work i play the killer. I generally do pretty well at both. Now I generally run the perks deliverance, we're going to live forever, empathy, and prove thyself. This give me boost to saving people , and working on generators the two main goals of this game. I have multiple times run into the situation where i have not been hooked at the end of the game and no one else is left. This is usually a mix of two reason. The most common one is everyone else has escaped and left when i got hooked. Two someone was hooked when we opened the gate and i went after them to get them off, they escaped and i got hooked in their place. There is of course the last least likely one where everyone died and I'm the only one left. Not generally the case when this happens as by the time if people are dropping i have usually been hooked saving them. But it happens . When this happens the killer usually have to option, stand there and stare at you, or try to get hatch closed. I have escaped several time with the killer right on me. I unhook myself, dodge behind a tree just in time to block the death blow and run off to escape through the open gate or the hatch. If the gates closed chances are slim but hey its happened. I'd rather that epic tale of chance then the game just assuming and ending any chance of a cool escape. While i get not wanting to encourage people avoiding unhooking people and playing "safe" you shouldn't punish those who don't and work hard on their skill and strategies for the hope to get that rare chance. Thanks for listening :)


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Okay first off Often when I'm waiting for them to hop on, or during lunch at work i play the killer. I generally do pretty well at both. Now I generally run the perks deliverance, we're going to live forever, empathy, and prove thyself. This just sounds funny to me idk why.

    Now on to the Delivarence/unhook thing. Short answer: No.

    Long answer: The reply above me+ ^ unhook myself, dodge behind a tree just in time to block the death blow and run off to escape through the open gate or the hatch Who are you playing against? Because IF Auto Death wasn't a feature, killers would just sit there AND be careful with that. And unless you have DS or Dead Hard you will fall down. What I do recommend is doing the third main goal of the game - occupying killer's time and taking hooks for your other survivors. ESPECIALLY since you're running Delivarence.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    Yeah, after I have seen how survivors are petty and try to hide around the map, so I can't hook them, this is really bad idea.

    I really don't want to waste 60 seconds just because survivor is petty and is not going to even try to unhook.

    Like even if you have Deliverence, what will happen -> you unhook yourself -> killer downs you again -> you both will wait 60 seconds to be sure you don't have DS -> you die.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I just want an option to die on the ground. Last game I played, had a great game, got some good loops and saves, heals, gennys, I finish last genny and GF hits me, once all game, with NOED.

    Then leaves me to bleed out on the ground, at least the other two survivors were able to get the doors open and leave in that time, So much fun.

  • kyinight
    kyinight Member Posts: 6

    All they have to do is add an auto kill if you get hooked the second time, or go into struggle state.. That lets the killer not have to wait the full time just for the first part. Second i have several time escaped with the killer right in front of me. And that not just talking about end game, several killers camp. So you get use to trying to escape with the killer right in front of you, and imagine... some people get good at it. Especially if you time it right. Like right after the killer swings at you hooked body ( this happens almost every time im hooked). Beside having to wait a bit as the killer is nothing compared to the advantages that killers get, the least mod could do if leave the survivors there last chance of escape

  • kyinight
    kyinight Member Posts: 6

    Yeah so first off, this is the feed back and suggestion forum not discussion forum. So not really asking you, thanks for replying though.

    First part to explain that i play 60% survivor 40% killer. And almost every post dealing with survivor vs killer turned into a hatefest. Not the kind of community that should be fostered for this awesome game. Alot of the forum talk about only playing survivor or only playing killers. There is struggles on both side and have to play both sides to see them. And first thing killer always ask is what perks are you running. that why that included. Yeah i run deliverance because i also run we're going to live forever which literally reward unhooking people and protecting them. Which i do , but guess what, that doesn''t mean im always going to get hooked. I just have to buy enough time for other teammates to escape then duck and dogde and hide.

    Auto death is a relative new feature, and some killers did try to compensate for that, but not all and not all were successful. Thats the point. And the autodeath doesn't have to go away completely just adjust it so it doesn't start to the person starts struggling. This keeps it fair for both sides

  • kyinight
    kyinight Member Posts: 6

    so wow just alot of you just assume that your going to down the survivor right off the bat. There is such a think called skill which varies with people.

    I have played against killers which i have chased me the entire game and not caught me and against some killers who i can't even make a loop around something without them downing me. Skill level varies, luck plays a factor. That what makes this game so fun. Taking away the survivors last chance just seem like a copout. Killers get a lot of advantages against survivors, they have to or else the game wouldn't be fun. Killers are meant to be hard to face, but survivors are suppose to get a chance. Even if it is slim, isn't that the point of horror movies this game is based off. Slim chance for survival where sometimes only incredible luck gets you out alive.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    As long as other people can reply, this can be considered a feedback with discussion,

    I, honestly, don't care what perks you were running. "It just sounds funny to me" Because - you mentioned playing with friends, then playing killer and then randomly survivor perks. That's all.

    And no, autodeath IS NOT a new feature. Autodeath IF ALL PLAYERS ARE ON STRUGGLE PHASE is relatively new.

    and some killers did try to compensate for that, but not all and not all were successful.

    I don't get this part.

    And the autodeath doesn't have to go away completely just adjust it so it doesn't start to the person starts struggling

    I still disagree.

    some people get good at it. Especially if you time it right. Like right after the killer swings at you hooked body ( this happens almost every time im hooked)

    And this is not you being good. This is the killer being bad. Like, there's nothing skillfull in killer hitting your i-frames. Killer misstimed it.