Increase in bubba

Lately I been having alot of bubba's in my game who consistently tunnel, camp and run noed an I'm wondering why is that? It's really annoying an unfun. I just want points but instead have to stay on the hook for 2 min while the randoms thrown the game away.
Because the game rewards killers who kill survivors irrelevant of how well they won chases or how many hooks they got.
Camping bubba is the easiest way to get a 2k.
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Likely boon totems, deathslinger nerfs and more. It seems this will be the norm for a while so you might want to get used to it.
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What's new?
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😂🤣🤣camping time 🤗
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in my opinion bubba was always a killer you see a lot, easy killer to use, decently strong and opressive. extremely fun to use aswell and yes, he can make sure people will die, people like that. bubba is still a fun killer to go agaisnt as long as you have windows, so whats the problem? rather like to face nurses and blights?...
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oh god what if bubba's the next 'wee bit op'
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They changed LF not that long ago so hopefully he's not on the chopping block for a while. Personally I like him and playing against him.
Trying to get out of the basement against LF is scary, as it should be.
Scary is good in survival horror.
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wraith was ganked WAY sooner than bubba has existed since his basekit buffs relatively speaking
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yeah, i'd take nurses and blights over bubbas
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To be clear I'm not saying he is op I'm just wondering why I'm running into so many who play the same way. I just want points not sit on hook for a while game after a long que
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Probably just because Bubba is the feel good killer and that side of the game took a sizable hit this patch. Sometimes you just want to casually play the game without being bullied, and Leatherface stops a lot of annoying Survivor tactics while still being fun to play.
- Comes from the best Slasher film hands down.
- Beloved community meme.
- Reliably strong.
- Fun power without too many arbitrary restrictions.
- Can confirm downs instead of playing the Survivor Perk lottery (hint: you will never win this).
- Is cute.
- Is the goodest boy who only wants to protect his home.
It could also just be that Killer players want points too, or even that they simply want to remove a Survivor from the game quickly as is their entire objective and you just got unlucky being picked often enough to be annoyed.
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That is what the Bamboozle is for. Need to make sure they have no fun whatsoever.
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This is what the devs are pushing the game to be. New survivors aren't experienced enough to win chases, so they "balance" the game around them, giving them all the tools they need to win while playing poorly. And anything that stands in the way of that gets nerfed.
So that leaves camping and tunneling as the most effective means of securing one or two kills. But now the devs are looking into camping and how to nerf it as well.
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They're probably trying to squeeze out as much fun and salt they can before a lot of users drop the game leading to even longer wait times
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I'm one of those! Nowt like a bit of intense "iron grasp, agitation" camping and tunneling. Enjoy that long trip across the map to the basement, where you will spend the rest of the match. "First seen, First camped".
All hail Lord Bubba!!
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And I don't blame them these last few decisions (sbmm, the removal of the number badges at end game, the way it seems they are ignoring the hacking issue going around and the fact they lied to us with the nft stuff) made by bhvr has done a lot of damage to the game
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Bubba is fun to play! That's why
Plus, don't have to sweat boons as much with insta downs
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If survivors complain enough, he’ll be nerfed
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still loopeable and fun to go against as long as your teammates are decent at the game and do gens is always gg against bubba, you always have time enough.
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Da bubba army is growing
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There is a marked increase in the usage of One Hit Down killers and perks since the introduction of Boon Totems.
Most people are hoping for an early down while someone else is blessing a totem - the time spent blessing vs an early one hit down is extremely detrimental to the remaining survivors, which further enables an easy camp kill.
People that want to play 'fair' are also gravitating towards One Hit Downs as it counters a new/popular mechanic.
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Have you tried to play killer recently? we want some kills too bruh.