Hex: Thrill of the Hunt Nerfed

Gameavision Member Posts: 13
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

Greetings! The balance team left me so confused, I decided to finally make a forum account after 800 hours in DBD.

I'm completely baffled as to why they committed such a huge nerf for one of the least used perks in the game. Yes it adds like three to four seconds now at max rank when survivors are cleansing compared to before, but that wasn't the truly useful facet of it.

What made Thrill even decent was the fact it notified you when one of your perks was being potentially removed, allowing you to stop your current focus and hopefully get a sneaky hit on someone, so long as you have a couple or more hexes lying around. It allowed fun builds with stealth killers, as well as Deathslinger, Demogorgon, Huntress, and even Doctor by making the name of the game "leave my bones alone", using some hilarious tactics to either drop in on someone and yoink them, or play around them as if they were a main objective.

With Thrill of the Hunt's current state, it's essentially useless. The total time necessary to cleanse/bless a totem is around the length of a single chase, assuming they don't have Counterforce, if not shorter (depending on the survivor being chased).

So while you're patrolling gens, hunting players, or setting up traps, your hexes are now completely vulnerable, save for Undying which was a boring perk to use before and still is.

TL;DR ######### they nerfed a low-tier perk into oblivion.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • ClumsyTrapper
    ClumsyTrapper Member Posts: 544

    The time it takes to bless a hex with thrill up is just over half a gen that's amazing value even if only happens once in a game. If they bless two hexes while thrill is up it's one perk that bought you just over one extra gen passivly. If you manage to intrupt them once and they loss all the progress on that blessing it's by far the biggest time waster killers have for survivors.

    RIP bless squads v a pinehead who knows how to find his box

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    Funny, I was actually just thinking this perk is pretty amazing now. The time it wastes as a supportive perk is kind of impressive, especially on the right killer.

    For example:

    It takes 14 seconds to cleanse any totem, or boon a dull totem.

    In comparison, it takes 28 seconds for a full-stack Thrill to cleanse any totem, or boon a dull totem.

    It can even take a whopping 47 seconds for a full-stack Thrill+Thanatophobia to cleanse any totem, or boon a dull totem.


    So worst case case scenario, with a full hex build, and the survivor cleansing everything except Thrill, Thrill alone is probably going to add about 30 seconds of cleansing ([14/.5 + 14/.6 + 14/.7) - (14x3)]. That's basically half a generator by itself, and ignores the sometimes enormous task of finding these totems on occasion.

    For reference, Sloppy Butcher adds 4 seconds per M1. That's like hitting 7 Sloppy Butcher M1s at the start of the game.


    It gets funnier if you include Thanatophobia, because every extra totem cleanse penalty after Thrill makes them exponentially more powerful.

    Say you have a single person injured, that previous 28 second cleanse time (14/0.5) from Thrill turns into a 31 second cleanse time (14/0.45). Then 35 seconds (14/0.4), 40 seconds (14/0.35), and finally 46.7 seconds (14/0.30) the more you have injured.


    And it gets even funnier when you realize that they HAVE to choose between destroying a totem entirely vs booning it when you're running full hexes. This is funny because booning takes 24 seconds to complete by default.

    This means Thrill makes booning a hex take 48 seconds (24/0.5) longer for the first totem and up to a maximum of 80 seconds (24/0.30) to boon a single hex totem if you have max Thrill and Thanatophobia active.


    Honestly, I'm having a blast running Thrill + Third Seal + Blood Favour + any other totem perk on Legion.

    Although I admit it's making all the boon players miserable lol

    But yeah, I think Thrill is actually super good if you're running a 4 or even 3 hex set up.

    The minimum amount of time wasted running Thrill in the worst case scenario is ~30 seconds, excluding travel time. The maximum amount of time wasted running Thrill gets pretty disgusting, especially if you have a way to reliably track survivors like Legion does.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Unfortunately, a survivor can also just spawn right in front of your lit Thrill and get rid of it forever. All your numbers mean very little when the value is not guaranteed.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    Fortunately running hex perks are typically viewed as high-risk, high-reward.

    Though I admit, that would actually be the true worst case scenario for Thrill alone in terms of what it can accomplish by itself. But hey, who's to say my Ruin or something more valuable wouldn't have spawned there instead? Maybe Thrill just saved something potentially even more valuable.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Because boon is the future.

  • Gameavision
    Gameavision Member Posts: 13

    Great you mention that, literally had a Haddonfield game where I walked up to an afk survivor that spawned right in front of my Devour Hope

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I think you took Free to literally.

    How about, with minimal effort.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Is your first post in response to me?

    I am honored.

    Certainly a good point, but I do think the devs want chases and not the stale meta of hit and run and get notified of where everyone is.

    I believe they thought boons would give killers a reason to leave hooks and have survivors do totems, slowing gen rush.

    But, of course, theory and application are two different things.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    True . I just believe they wanted boons in play, and killers would have just ran old thrill and few would have bothered to run boons and focused on the gen rush.

    Now, people will try boons, at least for a bit. Instead of a constant battle just to try and light a boon in a match without getting chased off

  • Bjario
    Bjario Member Posts: 313

    ''abandon chase meta'' that has only been the only way for a killer not to lose a game. abandon a chase and keep pressure on all 4 survivors. it's not a ''meta''

  • truegod_10
    truegod_10 Member Posts: 393

    Seems like thrill should no longer be a hex. Just a time waster if teams do bones. If not then it is useless.

  • Impose
    Impose Member Posts: 400

    The answer is because it conflicts with their new boon totem gimmick. It is that simple. It really is. Franklins Demise wasn't changed because it was too powerful, they didn't know how to code it with Nemesis's vaccines.

    They simply don't want people countering their new gimmick with perks.

    Same reason Huntress Lullaby got nerfed is because devs were making themselves look ridiculous on stream not being able to hit a skillcheck. The reasons really are very simple

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    It's become much more prevalent over the years.

    Same as gen rush, just gets stale

  • Tremors
    Tremors Applicant Posts: 13

    Indeed, you took my first time. It was originally going to be a bug report about sfx not playing 90+% of the time for Generators popping on Console since to my dismay there's no mention in the patch notes at all (even in the known issues section), but I haven't figured out why I can't post/reply n the Bugs section yet and I figured I'd wait until I actually get to play the new update myself after work so I can clarify better.

    But yeah, I can definitely see your reasoning. I personally think it's more likely that they're just playing it safe like they've always done, but I actually hope you're correct honestly. I don't really enjoy scaring people off gens that much, a game where both sides are balanced around the chase/mindgame would be much more enjoyable for me.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    You're not wrong, a good killer will abandon chase when they have good reason to. This ranges from bad tiles, to survivor being a bit too skilled for this point of the game to be chased, to just better opportunities to pressure.

    Tinkerer is mostly used by bots that wouldn't have this game sense without Tinkerbell telling them try and keep the game at a boring standstill. That's 95% of Tinkerer games. Rare is it used for just information with killers making reasonable decisions. I'd support its change simply because I find it ridiculous some killers lose with Ruin Undying Tinkerer and whatever on a good map because they played like an AOL AI. They should not have gotten a 0k, yet surprise surprise, Tinkerer creates crap killers that then whine that the game is unfair. It needs a fix.

    Back on subject, nerf to Thrill was unnecessary. I'll try it anyway to see how Boons go, but there are still better totem perks.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    This nerf is the same as if Tinkerer makes you Undetectable up to 30sec but not telling you which Gen is about to done. Make it far worse than Dark devotion.

    Undying gives both info & benefit (take place of another Hex). Thrill isnt worth to be a Hex perk.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,480

    Yea I'm disappointed too, a patch where some perks, retribution, thrill of the hunt could have really stood out for a change and shift the meta even if for little bit have been shot down with nerfs to what made them stand out and buffs that don't compensate for what was lost

    retribution can no longer be run by itself because unless survivors have a reason to cleanse a totem the oblivious status effect will make sure they don't touch them and give the killers 15 seconds of information

    and no more defending of hex perks using thrill of the hunt makes it an extremely niche usage perk with the potential to completely flop since you can't even defend the thrill of the hunt totem itself which means if they get a lucky first totem you get to lose the perk and not even be able to defend it

    sadly I think both perks are worse off after this update

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Indeed. TotH shouldn't be a hex perk anymore. Compare TotH to other hexes and it looks pathetic.

  • ClumsyTrapper
    ClumsyTrapper Member Posts: 544

    Hex totems take longer to bless and I did say hex totems and even then 36s on a normal totem is an amazing time waster hex thrill was buffed so now you don't need to defend your totems survivors are shooting themselves in the foot if their if their doing anything with totems while thrill is up

  • Gameavision
    Gameavision Member Posts: 13

    36 seconds on a regular totem is not feasible, even with two Thrill perks stacked on top of each other. It takes 14 seconds to cleanse a hex totem, with TotH it becomes 21 seconds (after the increase to 50%). Basically a quarter of a gen, which is almost negligible considering the fact that about two survivors can be on a generator without worry, since one can be chased/hooked and the other will easily cleanse a totem before a chase is over, then potentially go for a rescue.

    The issue isn't having a hex turned into a boon, it's that your hexes are easily dispatched with no chance of preventing it aside from dumb luck.

  • ClumsyTrapper
    ClumsyTrapper Member Posts: 544

    It's a huge time waster probably the best slowdown in the game now that circle of healing killed sloppy and if they cleanse not bless as a killer your winning in this patch

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Circle of Healing didn't kill Sloppy. Sloppy is still a much viable perk.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    On a related note Thrill of the Hunt is unusual in that it's stronger the more dull totems there are. Which means every time the killer snuffs out a blessing and recovers it as a dull totem they've also recovered strength for their Thrill of the Hunt hex. I don't know if the extra cleansing time is necessarily worth it, but hypothetically if they're spending a lot of the match blessing totems then increasing that time they spend with Thrill could mean them spending that much less time on gens. 🤷‍♂️

    But yeah, I mostly used it for the noise notification myself.

  • ClumsyTrapper
    ClumsyTrapper Member Posts: 544

    Med kits already made hit and switch targets hard now with super self care out there I think it's dead without a buff

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    I can't tell you how many times someone has said Sloppy was dead due to X perk. Let's go down the list of perks that counter Sloppy:

    • Adrenaline
    • Inner Strength
    • We'll Make It
    • Desperate Measures
    • Botany Knowledge
    • For the People
    • Pharmacy
    • Autodidact
    • No Mither
    • No One Left Behind
    • Second Wind

    Mind you, I didn't even list the perks that are situational that still go against Sloppy. A boon totem isn't going to change things. Especially when it can be snuffed out and they have to be within range to do it.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Just another pointless hex outshined by better choices.

    Killers aren't gonna run it as a single hex. Definitely no point to double it down with another hex at this point. Without the notification, your gonna lose the hexes and adding an amount of time you can spend blinking isn't worth the slot for false defense.

    HATCH Member Posts: 61

    İ think devs play a dbd match and gets 0 escape so they get mad and nerfs the perka that they Got tilted i think thats how nerf system works

  • RashuFeron
    RashuFeron Member Posts: 20

    Tbh TotH was always a Perk that got outshined through other Perks and lost a lot of meaning, in my opinion, when undying came in.

    With TotH it alarmed me when someone Trier to go on my hex. But that was always in a chase or someone wanted to get my attention.

    So i don't get the nerf/buff of it.

    And all the blessing and the cleansing is something that takes 1 surv away. If this person is cleansing a hex while I get two on a gen I win more the them.

    If I play with hexes there was always the risk to lose them. And if they bless a hex and you cleans the blessing what is the big deal. It costs them more time then for you.

    And at last the boon totems are just a obstacel but nothing that stops you.

    For everything there is a counter.

  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544

    it actually got buffed the only nerf is the removal of the loud noise notification when somebody touches your totem

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