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Come on Devs, Make "Teabagger's Curse" a Real Thing!

"Teabagger's Curse" can punish Survivors who teabag the Killer. If a survivor crouches more than three times within 5 seconds, Teabagger's Curse will activate much like Bloodlust does, and significantly slow down that Survivor's running speed for up to 15 seconds, making it easier for the killer to catch the teabagging survivor. Who else thinks this is an idea worth considering?


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  • Member Posts: 623
    Why does it matter that much to you? Lol.
  • Member Posts: 3,676

    I wonder if you would support "headbangers curse" with simmiliar effects as a feature for killers too ?

  • Member Posts: 946

    No, they can teabag all they want.
    All I want is the entity to block the exit for teabaggers so I can offer them to the glory of the entity!

  • Member Posts: 3,823
    Survivors should be able to tbag during the escaping animation. Ultimate troll move.
  • Member Posts: 1,142

    To be fair, they should allow killers to tbag as well. That way both sides can tbag and trigger each other. Imagine a tbag dance off during a hatch standoff.

  • Member Posts: 219

    It kind of reminds me of Hearthstone, you know that online card game, where the peak of toxicity is spamming emotes. So, saying "Greetings!" over and over again as much as the game allows.

    Even in a game like DBD with no communication until post game (and even then it's possible to keep it hidden and ignored completely, you can also disconnect chat) people will find a way to be toxic. Implementing something like "Teabaggers Curse" won't fix that, if anything it will drive more people to be toxic so they can experience that and would possibly create situations where they can say "I got the curse and you still didn't catch me" which would just suck.

    Nah, teabagging will remain in game. If we can handle being stabbed/slashed/bludgeoned and impaled on hooks we can handle somebody crouching then standing back up in front of us.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    Why do you want to nerf Ochido, hasn't he had enough needs recently. But seriously if you're getting that sad, bring a team mori into every game.

  • Member Posts: 8,816
    Sure that's a great idea. And for killers who mori spam, repeatedly hit or nod at survivors who are on the hook? The killer should lose 1% in movement speed everytime they hit, nod, or mori spam more than 3 times.
  • Member Posts: 3,688
    I'd rather have it give the survivor the exposed status, lock off the exit gates for that survivor only for 60 seconds, and allow the killer to perform a mori. 
  • Member Posts: 1,269
    Why not change it to affect the exit gates so teabagger are stuck with a tier 1 warden with the killer
  • Member Posts: 2,015

    I'm gonna go with a big fat yikes.

  • Member Posts: 3,823

    As a Killer main, how about no. Teabagging is only an issue if you let it. Honestly, I could care less if you teabag. It has no impact on my gameplay.

    No way to have fun with you.
  • Member Posts: 614

    To be fair, they should allow killers to tbag as well. That way both sides can tbag and trigger each other. Imagine a tbag dance off during a hatch standoff.

    You can "do that with amanda" the crouch. But jokes aside, i don't need another reason a Survivor main calls allKillers toxic
  • Member Posts: 8,243
    SenzuDuck said:

    Tea bagging already makes catching survivors easier, if a survivor tbags after dropping a pallet that's less distance between them and the killer.

    All of that aside, big luls at this post.

    Tbagging is annoying but I wouldn't want anything that punishes it in the game since it would be something completely random and unnecessary.
  • Dev Posts: 7,555
    edited December 2018

    It already does that. Every second someone spends teabagging is a second they're not spending running away.

    Though even if we were being serious, three crouches in 5 seconds is a little vague. If you're hiding from a killer behind some low objects, you might have to stand up and walk to quickly get out of sight when they turn their back and then crouch back into cover a couple times. Not to mention that survivors often crouch at each other a couple times to get each other's attention or say "Thanks for ______".

    I just wouldn't let it bother you. It's just someone who thinks they good. Down them and show them they're not.

  • Member Posts: 1,649

    As a Killer main, how about no. Teabagging is only an issue if you let it. Honestly, I could care less if you teabag. It has no impact on my gameplay.

    It has an impact. But a good one. The time they waste T-bagging could be used to get distance. I'm fairly happy if I get some T-bags, just makes it easier for me to catch them lol
  • Member Posts: 39
    I'd rather have it give the survivor the exposed status, lock off the exit gates for that survivor only for 60 seconds, and allow the killer to perform a mori. 
    Epic justice 🤩🤩🤩
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