Question for Killer & Survivor Mains

For Killers:
When DS is removed will you guys be satisfied with the game? If not, then what else would bother you?
For Survivors:
(Not that they are going to remove anything)
But if BBQ and NOED were removed, would you be satisfied with the game? If not, then what else would bother you?
(I only asked about these two perks because I see a lot of people complain about them)
I feel like there are more things needed to worry about on this game than certain perks for certain sides, such as: FPS drops, Hitboxes, Pallet and Windows, More Objectives for Survivors, Ban system for Console, etc.
From my perspective as killer, I think that the speed that gens can be done is a bigger issue than DS. I don't like DS at all, but I feel like it's manageable compared to genrush.
From my perspective as survivor, BBQ was never that big an issue and NOED, I'm a bit more undecided on. You can deactivate it sure, but if the killer has Ruin and they're applying a good amount of pressure, you can't do all the totems by yourself and try to get gens done. It's one of those things that's easier for SWF, since they can tell each other if they did a totem and where, but for solos it can really break you in the knees depending on your team.
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I play both but I'll answer for you. DS being removed is all I need for my killer games tbh.
As survivor I want NOED gone completely and BBQ being gone would make me feel horrible for killers so I only want NOED gone.
Hitboxes needs fixing I agree but I'd leave Huntress since her hitbox being fixed will cause a huge uproar.
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For killers: probably their next target will be deja vu
For survivors: i'm quite satisfied right now, needs some improvents, that's all. Bbq and noed wont determine my satisfaction with the game because i'm ok with both perks.
Btw michiko i see a problem with this survey. It's written like if killers only played as a killer and same for survivors. There are many people who play both and me, for instance, despite the fact that i play a bit more as a survivor than as a killer i would like to see buffs on some killer like leatherface more than getting rid of killer perks.1 -
I'm not a Survivor main by choice, my internet is literally too slow to play Killer.
Personally, I hate hooks. I hate getting camped, I hate being AFK on the hook doing nothing, I hate mashing space in the 2nd phase even more, and I hate being removed from the hook only to be put back on it instantly because of tunneling. And the worst part is it makes sense: Of couse they should go for the person downed in one hit right next to the hook, of course they should go for the person already hooked to accelerate making it a 3v1, I can't even be angry at the "tunnel" because the game is set up that way. It just absolutely sucks to be that person.
I also don't think it's fun for the Killer, who is so limited by the lame entity. Like, let them kill, let them do their thing. These weird hook phases are too "gamey". Moris should play a bigger role instead of just being occasional offerings.
I long for a game mode that is faster-paced, with no hooks, but more Moris. If you get a bad game, bad teammates die quick, no problem the next game has already begun. More intensity.
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@Michiko said:
For Killers:
When DS is removed will you guys be satisfied with the game? If not, then what else would bother you?I'm already satisfied with the game, very much so.
But the ONLY thing i would say needs priority after this is genrush.
Yes, it's a real thing. No, it's not bad that it happens. Yes, it's bad that it CAN happen.@Michiko said:
For Survivors:
(Not that they are going to remove anything)
But if BBQ and NOED were removed, would you be satisfied with the game? If not, then what else would bother you?
(I only asked about these two perks because I see a lot of people complain about them)I wouldn't be.
What would bother me is their removal, the thing that i like about Survivor is overcoming big odds.
These are big odds.1 -
@Michiko said:
I play both sides equally so I don't claim a "main" side, but I want to just do a brief overview here.For Killers:
When DS is removed will you guys be satisfied with the game? If not, then what else would bother you?For Survivors:
(Not that they are going to remove anything)
But if BBQ and NOED were removed, would you be satisfied with the game? If not, then what else would bother you?
(I only asked about these two perks because I see a lot of people complain about them)I feel like there are more things needed to worry about on this game than certain perks for certain sides, such as: FPS drops, Hitboxes, Pallet and Windows, More Objectives for Survivors, Ban system for Console, etc.
For killers:
No gentime and SWF balancingFor survivors:
BBQ is fine imo, what needs to be changed is how boring the gen mechanic is and that solo survivors are so disadvantagedgeneral:
the ranking system must be fixed
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I don't main either side.
I'm not bothered by any particular perks, addons, etc.
Hatch doesn't bother me, moris don't bother me.
What would make me happy, as a survivor or killer, is simply a decently long match. Maybe 15 minutes minimum with multiple chases, multiple hooks, and a decent chance at escape or sacrifice. A fair shake for either side.
Hell, i feel bad for the killers when my solo booty runs across competent survivors and we all eacape. I don't usually know what's going on out there because I gen jockey, and stealth.
As a killer, I loathe quick matches, especially against coordinated groups running circles around me because they share information between them.2 -
@Boss said:
@Michiko said:
For Killers:
When DS is removed will you guys be satisfied with the game? If not, then what else would bother you?I'm already satisfied with the game, very much so.
But the ONLY thing i would say needs priority after this is genrush.
Yes, it's a real thing. No, it's not bad that it happens. Yes, it's bad that it CAN happen.@Michiko said:
For Survivors:
(Not that they are going to remove anything)
But if BBQ and NOED were removed, would you be satisfied with the game? If not, then what else would bother you?
(I only asked about these two perks because I see a lot of people complain about them)I wouldn't be.
What would bother me is their removal, the thing that i like about Survivor is overcoming big odds.
These are big odds.The problem with genrush is that it is one of the few 'counters' you have against an omegablink nurse, and if the nurse is good, I don't think you will get out of that match alive even if you try to genrush.
Genrush is a real thing and although really good killers can avoid it (zubat, scott etc.) the majority of killer base struggles with it a lot. They need to make changes to ebony mories, insta hatchets, insta chainsaws, third and omegablinks to actually create secondary objectives for survivors.
I think the best way to balance the game is to introduce different objectives for different killers (I don't see that happening though) because there is no way that we can create a game where leatherface and nurse are on the same page.
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@Delfador said:
@Boss said:
@Michiko said:
For Killers:
When DS is removed will you guys be satisfied with the game? If not, then what else would bother you?I'm already satisfied with the game, very much so.
But the ONLY thing i would say needs priority after this is genrush.
Yes, it's a real thing. No, it's not bad that it happens. Yes, it's bad that it CAN happen.@Michiko said:
For Survivors:
(Not that they are going to remove anything)
But if BBQ and NOED were removed, would you be satisfied with the game? If not, then what else would bother you?
(I only asked about these two perks because I see a lot of people complain about them)I wouldn't be.
What would bother me is their removal, the thing that i like about Survivor is overcoming big odds.
These are big odds.The problem with genrush is that it is one of the few 'counters' you have against an omegablink nurse, and if the nurse is good, I don't think you will get out of that match alive even if you try to genrush.
Genrush is a real thing and although really good killers can avoid it (zubat, scott etc.) the majority of killer base struggles with it a lot. They need to make changes to ebony mories, insta hatchets, insta chainsaws, third and omegablinks to actually create secondary objectives for survivors.
I think the best way to balance the game is to introduce different objectives for different killers (I don't see that happening though) because there is no way that we can create a game where leatherface and nurse are on the same page.
It's fine if it's a counter to something: Stronger VS Stronger is only logical.
But this means there's 13 other Killers suffering because of 1 Power.
To me, that doesn't sound like a healthy balance.Genrush, to me, just needs to go, and then "Omegablink Nurse" needs to be looked at as well then.
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As a survivor do the totems and no Ed is out of the game
As a killer let then d strike you then chase and hook em
Not that hard1 -
honestly, i think reworking DS would be a huge step in the right direction. however, i dont think the game would be balanced then. id be happy though when they rework the gens, so games no longer last max. 10 mins without ruin.
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I don't mind ds if they were to increase wiggle requirement to 75% for non obsession. I wan't them to revert bt(or at least change it back to healing instead of mending) and aura changes, fix the the hatch mechanic and add an option for killers to opt out from swf
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BBQ is fine. It's easy to dodge/avoid especially now that lockers hide your aura.
NOED just needs a tell. Do a dull totem when a killer has any totem and get the Hex icon, but not a notification of which Hex it is (Ruin, NOED, etc.). Then you have to play through the match to get the notification of the Hex, and if nothing else came up by end game then you KNOW it will be a NOED. Makes survivors spend time to do at least 1 totem, which means that even if you don't run a Hex the game will slow down (except for SWF, but that's a different problem).
DS just needs to be limited to the obsession. People will complain "bUt I wAnT 2 UsE mAh PeRk" well then equip other obsession perks to be sure you are an obsession or take the chance you won't be picked as an obsession. The fact that these other players can use it is what makes it broken, since you have no way to know and therefore it's actually more detrimental to your game as killer than an obsession DS. You know that guy has DS and you can play around it.
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HellDescent said:
I don't mind ds if they were to increase wiggle requirement to 75% for non obsession. I wan't them to revert bt(or at least change it back to healing instead of mending) and aura changes, fix the the hatch mechanic and add an option for killers to opt out from swf
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Vietfox said:For killers: probably their next target will be deja vu
For survivors: i'm quite satisfied right now, needs some improvents, that's all. Bbq and noed wont determine my satisfaction with the game because i'm ok with both perks.
Btw michiko i see a problem with this survey. It's written like if killers only played as a killer and same for survivors. There are many people who play both and me, for instance, despite the fact that i play a bit more as a survivor than as a killer i would like to see buffs on some killer like leatherface more than getting rid of killer perks.1 -
Shraar said:
I long for a game mode that is faster-paced, with no hooks, but more Moris. If you get a bad game, bad teammates die quick, no problem the next game has already begun. More intensity.
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From a killer stand point, DS is merely annoying, nothing more. I want to see optimization and code that runs efficiently above all else. Other than that, I mainly want to see new map variants for single maps and reworks for a few killers that are a bit lower tier.
From a survivor stand point, BBQ is fun to play against and I never thought it should be taken out. NOED is fine the way it is, but the totems need to be looked at and adjusted.1 -
For killer - DS is my major gripe. The game wouldn't be perfect but I'd be much happier with it gone. It just feels unfair. I can't think of much else that bugs me that much other than map design. Adrenaline would have to go if NOED went, but then if Noed stays adrenaline can stay.
For survivor BBQ doesn't bother me. NOED only bothers me when used on ######### killers. I guess my biggest issue as survivor is camping and tunneling. I'd rather risk my chances with NOED than have a Trapper who circles the hook over and over again just waiting for someone to unhook so he can tunnel.
Also Billys chainsaw woulf need adjustments. If you're within a 5m radius it seems to count as a hit.1