Deathslinger's nerf

I wonder who will play the Deathslinger,
The aiming down sight nerf is something that should never have happened
I dont know why the devs were thinking of nerfing a not op and not very much popular killer.. whats the goal??
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To make the game fun, but only for Survivors
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People who don't mind sluggish feeling powers.
So probably almost nobody, look at billy who's cooldown aren't as bad as slingers yet near no one plays him.
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Ya it's pretty #########
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How do you suppose you allow survivors to better react to his power though? That fact that he was able to pull out his gun and shoot you before you could react was absolutely a problem.
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It doesn't even make sense. I may not be a quickscoping aficionado, but even I can bring a 22 to my shoulder faster than DeathSlinger, a literal entity powered madman who's used his rifle for DECADES, can.
The devs could have done a better job if they bought a Nerf blaster and practiced for a few minutes.
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I play both survivor and killer
I had no problem playing against him, in fact I though it was funny cuz I had to change my playstyle. So...
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Survivors didn't face Deathslinger enough to understand that there is absolutely a timing to his shots, based on several factors like distance, LOS, survivor movement patterns, and pacing of the game.
As a Deathslinger main, I really only needed to see him shoot once or twice to get a feel for; The addons he was running, his willingness to shoot, and the kind of shots he was trying to make.
TLDR: Deathslinger survivors ran circles around Deathslinger killers because his quickscope has plenty of counterplay.
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It's not really the overheat although that's annoying as well. He's become extremely clunky to play because of his janky animations and hitboxes on top of all the good add-ons being removed.
But yeah, they repeatead a similar bullshit nerf with Deathslinger.