So guys and gals who have been on or currently on break

What did you spend your free time on
For me it was playing other game series that I wanted to get into for so long speaking of which I highly recommend playing the yakuza and psychonaughts series of games as they're amazing
I may have quit dbd the game but I will still watch fan made content and interact on the forums every once in a while
I play some other games and watch Old DBD content.
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Well lately i've played Mortal Kombat 11 a fair bit and also got back into Old School Runescape on my tablet, i haven't touched Runescape since 2007, so it's a major Nostalgia trip for me.
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I've been playing many other games and got back into art.
Stranded deep is a gem of a survival game, even though I keep getting injured because I want to watch the sharks
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For horror vibes I've been playing Tormented Souls and Them & Us.
As a roguelike fanatic I'm waiting for the latest Isaac DLC to come to console. While waiting I've been playing Hades and Slay the Spire.
Also streams of modded RE and Dark Souls are very entertaining to watch.
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Play other games and draw stuff I guess. I'm currently still on my break. Really not in the mood to play DBD right now.
However I do keep up to date with the shrine of secrets since I decided to skip most of the characters. If there is perk I want I'll just log on buy it and log off.
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Playing D&D with my pals. Althought we are experiecned rp'ers, this tabletop is new for us. That to say I'm so sad we discovered it only recently, because we are having a blast.
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I did anything else that wasnt dbd related. I got pissed off to the point that I did not want anything or anyone bringing it up around me. I didnt play for half a year in 2020.
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Working, school, Valheim, and DS3.
Might get back into Paladins though
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School, and playing other video games.
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I also beat Psyconauts last month and im with Yakuza right now. Awesome games.
And for DBD to be honest i wanted to try trapper and plague but those new boon totems made me quit after a few matches :S
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I been playing on the super mario 35th anniversary collection mainly mario galaxy on my switch which i got a week ago. Been having fun and will play mario 64 afterwords or give it to my brother.
Im hoping to see what vhs has in store as it look fun to play. Sadly i don't have a pc to play it when it come out so im hoping to save up when i can to get one,
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I do hope that game will be fun and successful enough for a console port as I have a crappy pc
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im hoping that it might take like eight month at best to port it on console and it might be able to run smoothly on the old gens which will be great since i have an xbox s while my brother has the x version (not series)
plus we get to see how they do patch and added characters if people are waiting to come on there preferred platform. Im just hoping they have mouse and keyboard support because i bought them a few months ago.
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I had a stroke in April so I had to take a break from gaming in general
But I'm fine and back to playing games... yes including this one
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On my DBD break I play The Walking Dead and other Telltale Games again... And watch movies ^^
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Had a similar break during the anniversary event(had my first anxiety attack and ever since than I couldn't function that well until I got some anxiety medicine) hope you didn't have any issues recovering
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That sucks... I've recovered
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That's good to hear
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On break now. Started when SBMM first came in and decided to let that burning train crash happen and settle down (still waiting). Than decided to wait for Mikaela to get nerfed in a month since she's an obvious cash grab and her perks will be gitted after people have bought her (i seriously doubt BHVR will do anything else, this is Ash all over again). And am now on an indefinite break of buying things since someone in BHVR feels its okay to lie to their devs AND community.
Been playing Destiny and Mass Effect instead
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Ive been playing TW warhammer 2
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Playing Far cry 6 and for honour at the moment. Having way more fun
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I took breaks since 2018. Longest one being a year.
I just play other games, or watch dbd streams.
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Tomb raider, horizon zero dawn
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Overwatch... I didn't want to though. The infinite loading screen is the only reason I am playing that trash when I could be playing DBD instead.
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I've been playing the game less and less and was looking for an excuse to stop completely. The NFT controversy was my excuse. I'm now looking for a whole bunch of games that I remember as a kid but never got around to playing.
I'm currently going through the Phoenix Wright Trilogy. The character writing is a little ehhh at times but the court drama scenes are really entertaining.
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100%ing Yakuza 5 right now.
This game is ridiculously huge, even for a Yakuza game. I'm going to be here for hundreds of hours.
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Just wait until played through the games and get to The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles.
It's the pinacle of the series.
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Dark souls 3 for the umteenth time.
Hunt Showdown is my all time favourite at the moment. Had it on console but recently upgraded to PC and i have to say its one of the most enjoyable shooter games i have ever played. Completely different game on PC than console..
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I took a month off in April. Games in general.
Finished off my screenplay.
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Holy crap so I'm not the only person still watching that.
Anyways I for better or for worse have started playing Leauge of Legends again but have just been playing with fronds for the most part and having a good time running dumb team comps.
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I've been playing a lot of overwatch recently. It's fun for me again mainly because i got new friends to play with idk