Corrupt intervention vs lethal pursuer...which one is better and why? ๐

I dont see the point of lethal pursuer to be honest...corrupt gives you the same info.
IMO CI is better on Hag & Trapper. LP is better on every other killer especially those that need instant pressure. Imagine a game as Gunslinger on a large map, before you find someone 2 gens done VS getting a hook before 1 gen pops. I would argue LP is almost best in slot on Demogorgon.
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Corrupt heavily impedes gen repairs for 2 minutes, funnels survivors towards you meaning you find them and ambush them faster, and gives you a head start on applying pressure before the survivors can split up on gens across the map.
Lethal shows you that all four survivors spawned on separate gens across the map. And it tells you where to go for your first chase.
I don't really think it's a contest. I'd only prefer Lethal if I had a Hex build, or if I was a high-mobility killer like Blight.
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I always run Lethal on Myers. Finding a survivor to stalk ASAP is crucial for him
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Corrupt doesn't give you the same info, it only blocks the furthest gens and doesn't tell you who is where
Lethal tells you where everyone is for a short time
Either way, i run both, lethal to choose a target and corrupt to make them not work on certain gens at the start
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Just use both
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I use both. Both have flaws that can be mitigated by running the other one. I'd say Corrupt is better though.
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Corrupt Intervention is better for Killers that require setup or start slow like Hag, Trapper, Myers and Jigsaw, Lethal Pursuer is better for Killers that require Survivors to fuel their power or gotta go fast like Nurse, Spirit, Oni, Blight and Plague.
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Depends on the killer.
Nurse? Lethal.
Billy, Lethal.
Blight, either.
But I personally believe that corrupt is 100% better.
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Lethal makes it so you get into a chase faster meaning you create pressure or slowdown however you want to call it.
Corrupt gives you time so you don't get those far gens done and you can find a chase faster.
This is a fair comparison
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Corrupt and Lethal is a combination imo. Just like Ruin/Undying.
One is a stall-combo, the other is a regression combo.
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I think Lethal Pursuer can give killers a perfect overview of how to start the game, which gens are being worked on and which survivors to chase. You can often easily get a quick hit on the first survivor and then go on to chase 2 survivors off a near gen to stop the progress for a bit and chase down your first target, meaning instead of 3 survivors on gens you have one slowed on a gen, one down and one injured, probably healing or being an easier target next time if he's focussing on gens. And you most likely know on which gen you can find him again as you know where you initially injured him. This gives a ton of early game pressure.
But it really depends on the killer. I think nurse, Blight and Billy can really profit from Lethal Pursuer a lot, while Demo, Hag and Trapper might need the blocked gens to get their setup prepared. Especially Hag, as she really doesn't want to get into chases without traps. Trapper maybe will get some builds next patch where Lethal Pursuer becomes valuable, like the one where you start with all traps equipped. And Demo isn't that heavily relying on portals. Demo could get good use of both perks.
I also thought about combining both perks, but I think compared to just running one of them, the benefit is not strong enough to justify playing 80% of the game with 2 perks. It could be really strong as you could literally force the first down with 0 gen progress, but you kinda depend on a double down within the first 2 minutes to really benefit and keep the pressure up. I think the benefit from one perk is strong enough in comparison. If you dont get that killer headstart you might have wasted too much potential.
Disagree on that one. Getting survivors into chase quickly is one of the best gen slowdowns you can get. See my first paragraph.
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Corrupt is better it can help you get a hook or 2 before a gen pops. It also can help set up a 3 gen.
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I see some people talking about Hag and Corrupt and on paper it seems like such a logical thing and I can see why for some it is but
I don't know, I feel like corrupt is a bit counter intuitive on hag sometimes - You want survivors to waste their time away from you so you can set up a good amount of traps early on and corrupt will make them actively move towards you meaning you might have areas that are near you that have no traps yet.
I think for stalling the early gens, Deadlock might be better for Hag
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Lethal Pursuer Corrupt I donโt like the thought theyโll be behind me with out me knowing. But, with Lethal Iโll know where everyone is where to go next after the down. Best pressure is immediately slugging or hooking them. Itโs about useful on any killer and I never take it off
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If I'm gonna run a perk that will be gone for most of the game then I'll pick corrupt because although lethal shows me the auras of all survivors I can only go for one at a time.
To me, Corrupt is better because it limits the amount of gens that I have to care about in the beginning and it forces survivors to go to the unblocked gens if they want to have any kind of progress. They could choose to wait it out but by then I usually have a hook or three already.
I personally just pay attention to the crows that fly in the background, I really don't need to know their exact location with lethal.
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Corrupt is better for set up killers like Trapper, Hag and Demogorgon.
Lethal Persuer is better for killers that can to find someone asap like Blight, Spirit, Nurse
Myers needs both
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Corrupt is obviously better. Lethal is great for getting in chase a$ap, but blocking generators delays their win condition.
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Lethal is overrated perk. It works only 9 sec and doesn't guarantee u anything.
Corrupt gives you guaranteed 2 min 3 gen defence and forces survivors to move. It's enough to find and chase someone before 3 gen pop.
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They don't do the same thing.
Corrupt is to delay the early gens a bit and ensure a decent 3 gen by the end of the game.
Lethal is to be able to harras as many survivors as early as possible.
They don't counteract eachother. If anything they work really well together
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Corrupt is the only right answer. IT limit's Survivors playing field and even if a Survivor decides to take the chase to the area they can't progress in then they are eliminating resources in the area they will absolutly need to be at later. It's a very advantageous scenario for killer.
Sometimes you'll get screwed by your own spawn and it will block 1 gen in front and 2 behind or vice versa so that ruins some of the leverage killer has but in general Corrupt is the only way to ensure all Survivors don't spawn on gens they can slam away.
IT forces Survivors to move which can be good and bad. It can push them away from Hexes or into Hexes. It can push them from the edges of the map, which can be deadzones, into the inside of the map which will typically be safer. Chasing on deadzones is advantageous for a first Hit but the sprint burst from the hit can mean they get to a stronger part of the map. Survivors coming into the middle means they're closer, they're easier to track. Why do you think Plague has both Corrupt Intervetion and Infectious fright? Those two go hand in hand not just in lore but in gameplay. Bring them into the middle, and get information when you get a down.
Lethal Pursuer offers you a quick way to a Survivor. IT won't guarantee that you get a down, it won't guarantee any early game slowodwn/pressure. IF you happen to come across a good looper then what exactly did you gain? A long chase where the other 3 can be split up and progressing 3 gens at once or quickly slaming 1 gen and then group up on the next one and you're losing gens fast either way.
Only strong killers benefit from Lethal Pursuer, this is a fact. What use is Lethal on most killers? They're either lacking mobility, need set up or don't have downing potential so essentially Lethal Pursuer is just oh "they spawned there" IT determines absolutly nothing else. A DbD match isn't decided because of Lethal Pursuer, it's decided because of your killer choice, build choice, and the survivors players and builds and maps and RNG. Lethal Pursuer won't guarantee anything. Neither will Corrupt you can still lose despite having Corrupt but Corrupt gives you a safety net to play with.
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Corrupt on slow-walking killers ;) It feels just essential or you gonna find a survivor -- and 2 gens already done.
Lethal is good on high mobility killers, like Billy. Also it is good for learning survivor spawns on the maps.
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Lethal can be bypassed by experience and knowing maps spawn.
Corrupt you can't
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Corrupt for optimal gameplay.
Pursuer if you don't know spawns/environment cues, or for speedruns/general fun.
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Isnt that a bit of will be down 2 perks after 2 minutes in the match.
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Corrupt is definitely mainly for set up killers but also it's great on any of the killers Lethal only works well with most killers like Bubba, Billy, Blight, Nurse, and a couple others
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You cant compare these perks, they literally do 2 different things.
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If you get any kind of snowball it's usually worth it.
Having momentum asap is worth all the perks in the world
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How hard is it not finding a survivor early? It takes seconds. Corrupt atleast forces them infield and prevents early gen progress. For me, LP isn't in the same league as Corrupt.
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Corrupt Intervention is more useful because blocking off 3 gens for 160 seconds is better than survivor's auras being revealed for 9 seconds.
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Corrupt is a gamble on Hag you don't want survivors running towards you, but Lethal Pursuer is pretty nice to avoid survivors during set up.
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I also run no way out, i effectively use 1 perk a match, depending on what my 4th perk is
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In my experience corrupt ends up being a wasted perk slot, however, the pressure you can create from chainsawing across the map to an oblivious survivor and downing them 7 seconds into the match can be very difficult to overcome for the survivors. Lp gives you info. Capitalizing on that info is not a given, but if you do, its way more valuable then what corrupt will give you
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They are both information perks?
Corrupt still shows you the approximate spawning area.
I feel corrupt just let's you set up better for the endgame by giving a 3 gen strategy while lethal is more to try to end the game earlier.
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Corrupt has nothing to do with spawn points. It simply blocks the furthest gens away, however survivors dont necessarely spawn the furthest point away from you unless they use the cloth offering. Survivors can also spawn with you at the same corner of the map just a few meters next to you if you didnt know.
Corrupt is more like a "force survivors to move towards you" perk and kind of area control perk.
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Depends on the killer, CI for prep killers like hag or trapper, LP for basically the rest. But this is still mostly up to opinion
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It is a pretty good guess of where they spawned depending on the map. I would say about 80 percent of my games I find someone by heading towards the corrupted gens.
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Corrupt scatters survivors, and makes it easier to run into them as well as impede their progress.
Lethal just heavily increases your odds of finding them early.
Usually I just run into people who are running around when I run corrupt, so Lethal doesn't interest me as much. I mean, I'm getting the same thing Lethal would give me from corrupt anyway.
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Which you would find with the exact same way without using that perk. You just need to learn the spawns.
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That is how I feel...i dontfind many survivors that try to wait out corrupt
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Corrupt by far much more better perk
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Lethal just isnt worth it tbh but thats my thoughts on any perk that doesnt last for almost the entire match but corrupts good for the time it gives i guess
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The amount of times I used Lethal Pursuer and simply forgotten I had it. It's over before I remembered. Such a spud sometimes.
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I genuinely find survivors immediately when a trial starts. LP to me is almost pointless. Its good for Hag or Trapper perhaps, but blocking 3 gens hurts a lot more than knowing where they are does.
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Why on trapper and hag? To know where to place your web?
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To know that they didn't see you set your web.
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Depends on the killer. If you need setup time then Corrupt is much better, but if you need immediate pressure, such as Oni, Myers, Nemesis, etc. then Lethal is better.
Corrupt doesn't necessarily give the same into as Lethal. There are some maps that you can spawn more or less in the middle of, and your three blocked gens could be in completely different corners of the map.
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It blocks the 3 furthest gens.
Survivors spawn on the opposite side of the map.
9 times out of ten survivors spawn next to the blocked gens, so by being able to see which gens are blocked, you have a pretty good idea of where the survivors are.
But as I said earlier, it doesn't always work out that way.
A similar case is BBQ vs. Thrilling Tremors. Both give you info as to where some survivors may be when you hook one.
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Different uses. Corrupt is better for slower and killers that need to set up a bit(Hag, Trapper, Deathslinger, etc.). Lethal Persuer is better for killers that want to get into a chase right away to try to start snowballing(Oni, Nurse, Blight, etc.).
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Lethal on maybe myers, billy, blight, nurse, ghostface
Corrupt on the rest
But they work really well as a combo, given you can go after survivors that spawn closest to unblocked generators and guarantee a down before the others can complete a single gen, and often make a correct guess on which gens the team is working on after you get your first hook.
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Pursuer if you want to keep your Ruin up past 30 seconds.