We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

The New MMR System is trash!

I am survivor main but since my friends are not so much in this game anymore I wanted to try out some killer gameplay.

I played 10+ Lobbies and get always confronted with God Survivors,SWFs, Power Loopers etc.

I got not ONE single Kill because the skill difference is way to high.

This is absolute garbage. Before the new system, there were at least some groups which were on my skill level and it was fun to play against even when they all escape at the end.

But now it´s just depressing.

I know that I´m obviously bad but this System is against Newbies.

Thanks BHVR for ruining my experience.

This game is getting worse with every patch.

Just my opinion.

Thank you and BR


  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    SBMM is objectively matching people more fairly. If you don't feel that it's matching you fairly you are an outlier.

  • DangerTHC
    DangerTHC Member Posts: 9

    I can only tell what i am experiencing.

    Before this new system i got more kills than now.

    Now not a single one.

    In the first place I thought "Okay, maybe I have to lose some games before I will get against some groups which are on my skill level"

    But that´s not happening at the moment.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    This is more about feeding new killers/survivors to established killers/survivors.

    Under ranks you could see that you getting an easy killer or survivor, usually after you had a couple bad games this would happen. The devs I'm assuming are more invested in their long term players than new ones, or at least which side they tend to play.

    You can't point a finger at it as well under the current system. Most likely why they've swapped to it.