BHVR, why not disable Video Tape?

You cannot abuse Video Tape to gain an unfair advantage, the killswitch is to stop people from abusing something to gain an unfair advantage.
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Wasn't the killswitch there to stop gamebreaking bugs
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True, but it does negatively impact the game for those who are using it, without knowing the bug exist. I personally don't know why they wouldn't turn it off as well.
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Yeah, saying that it doesn't "impact negatively" other players is a bit blind, considering that it does impact negatively YOU, the add-on user.
Not that big of a deal, still, there's really no reason to not disable the add-on, other than to troll unaware killers using it (like me today :|)
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What's wrong with it? I used it earlier and didn't notice anything wrong.
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What happened to me was that the trap seemed to be active once a generator was completed (red icon, beeping sound on the survivor face), but the timer would simply never reach zero.
Also... the survivor even escaped with the trap on their head still ticking :|.
This being said, I also know somebody that didn't encounter this problem. Maybe it's because I'm on PS5, maybe it's happening only half of the time, still... I was a powerless Piggy :,(
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Bugs that people could use to gain an advantage, which it is doing so preventing the use of offerings for maps where the boon totems can be bugged.
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Dont use this add on. It add nothing, it just take would already do in the match and in the worst way because they have plenty of time to remove it
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I see. Well for me everyone took their traps off so I guess they didn't know either and I still got my value. Gotta say though the add-on is meh. I like how it has the diversity an iri add-on should have, but it's still pretty lack luster imo. Better to just use your traps as you go and have room for another add-on.
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Tbh it shouldn't take from your stock of traps
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i'm on PS5, and I can confirm that it happened to me in a match last night. Had an Adam with an active trap for easily 6 minutes+ before he died the old-fashioned way, lol. Survivors were running Boon Totem builds, so I wasn't sure if that was saving him or not at the time (which would have been a bug), but when I kept finding him working on gens with the trap active, I knew something was up.
FWIW, that one match I used it with Rules Set No. 2, I actually got pretty good value from it, TBH. I ran Lethal Pursuer to start a chase immediately, and while in chase, I ran across other survivors scurrying around frantically trying to get their traps off. I got a quick early down (which would have been a party hat for someone anyway, if I were playing without the add-on), and I had multiple downs with only one person getting a trap off in that time, IIRC. The person who did get the trap off popped a gen, and multiple people all of a sudden had active traps, and I felt like I had a ton of pressure on at that time in the match.
I'd like to play around with it some more, and I'd obviously like it if there were an ability to have at least a couple of more traps on hand by default, but against non-SWF groups who won't coordinate things, it might be useful (I'm pretty sure the match I had WAS against a 4-person team, and it still caused some early chaos). Against a full 4-person SWF, who might 99 gens or hold off entirely until the whole team clears their traps, that's likely where the add-on loses its potential power.
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It totally should. You should not get double Slowdown just because of this Add-On.
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The only person it affects is the killer who is using the add on.
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I laughed about that too. This just shows how little they care about killers.. cause if the addon don't work it should be disabled to prevent killers wasting the addons.
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They want unsuspecting Pigs to waste the addon. All part of the plan.
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I also used it with rule set and pursuer, the best part (apart from the survivors not knowing about the bug ofc) was one of them decided to just do a gen for some reason which created some chaos.
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I wouldn't use this addon even if it was brown rarity and actually worked. The description is wrong, it uses inventory traps. The headpopping bug is just a happy extra feature.
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why would they disable it? It's finally the Pig nerf we've been wanting, she's been way too ######### overpowered for too long.
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How does the addon not work?
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I am not sure if this is specifically the add-on being bugged or not, but I've seen at least one video with the add-on where an RBT's timer never expired and the person wearing it was able to leave through the gate with the Trap still on (though it does not seem to affect all RBTs, as another Trap did snap in the same video).
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Yesterday I played a match on de Dead Dawg Saloon, and the survivor that left the game alive, did it with a RBT active on her head, but she told me she removed it, but it was bugged and, i believe her, so the RBT fulfilled its purpose, to delay the game, to make the survivors search on the jigsaw boxes. There were not headpops, but as pig, with the little strength she has, anything that delays the match is a good thing, so i think it hasn't been kill switched because of it works, even when it's not working.
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Doesn't that mean that the Traps are detrimentally bugged for Survivors because they are stuck in place for the Killer to find them?
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I don't see why they would disable it? The disable function is for game-breaking bugs and unfair exploits that players can go out of their way to use for their own advantage, and the VHS Tape is neither of those.
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never mind they screw something up and save people a little frustration that's just asking way more than anyone should
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...But that's not what the system is for. They've alerted people that it's bugged and they're fixing it, but if they kill switched everything with a bug in it half the game would be disabled.
That in itself is certainly something you could criticise, but doing so would be missing the point that the killswitch is for game-breaking bugs and unfair exploits. That's what it's for.
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💩 and you know it
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The system is designed to be used when something can be abusable or cause massive game crashes - hence we disabled the Circle of Healing Perk and disabled the offerings to the maps so that it cannot be abused.
Think of the Killswitch as an emergency last step - it's not going to be used for everything. The Video Tape addon does not cause a game crash, nor can it be abused which is why we made the decision not to killswitch this addon.
I will forward the feedback on this to the team for further discussion if it becomes an issue.
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On top of what Mandytalk and Jesterkind say take on account if they killswitch this people will ask to killswitch something else, if they do then something else then someone will start asking to killswitch stuff they find obnoxius (certain perks and Killers) because they found a bug that only happened to them but they dont have logs or videos about said gamecrashing bug but "trust me it happend, ok?".
Imagine all the threads about "killswitch Spirit", "killswitch NOED", "killswitch Dead Hard", "killswitch tbagging at the Gates" etcetcetc
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yeah, i get that. i think mostly my concern is for those who don't follow all this info and are playing the game. they could use the add-on, waste their BP, and it doesn't work in game. it's not a great experience for the player or look for the game.
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I don't really think the slippery slope argument applies here. This isn't asking for something annoying/unfun to be disabled. It's asking for something very noticeably bugged to be disabled.
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I dont think BHVR would get to the point of killswitching perks because anyone asks for them but I do think people would spam the forum with "disable this, disable that", half the post in this forum are already "nerf this, nerf that" and "BHVR Killer/Survivor sided".
In this case I believe they should just make an announcement on the News section of the game for everyone to see and call it a day, even if the addon bugs sometimes and doesnt kill, some people may be curious about how it works, most Jigsaw players should have a ton of them since its a conversion from the VHS yellow one (I have 80 of them, I can afford to throw away some of them if Im curious about how the game flows with 4 traps from the start).
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Eh, forumgoers complain about anything. I don't see why that should matter.
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It does feel like they should disable things that don't work, so people aren't left confused. Especially things like items and add-ons, because those you have a limited number of and have to spend BP for. If it were a perk, I'd say "Okay, sure." But you only have so many add-ons. It should've been disabled IMO.
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I have been enjoying this addon. I even got a few head pops from it.
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It seems pretty rude to be honest. They think it's necessary to disable perks because they're having issues, but they won't disable add ons that they know people are excited to use, and they're willing to let them waste 7000 bloodpoints and probably have a much worse game seeing as they're using only one add on.
Not everyone reads up on every single bug that happens, and there's a LOT of them at the moment.