What is with the Endless Loading Screens?

Could Behaviour just hold off on doing these events until they fix their broken game? This will be about the fifth time I've sat for a match loading screen, with a full bar, and the game never starts. How can we be expected to progress through these Tomes when you can't even play!?

I don't know how anyone on their team can be even remotely pleased with the outcome of the past 48 hours. Mikaela gets released and her boon totem is killswitched within a day. I'm assuming, thanks to no one actually testing out a damned thing, they never tested out their multiple hex totem spawns to see if killers can actually cleanse them all (Survivor sided?), and a VHS tapes don't even work correctly with the Pig. Not only do they not always turn on when a generator is completed, but you have a chance of getting the wrong machine to take off a reverse trap and -still- be able to take it off thanks to their infamous spaghetti coding.

Just fix your damned game. Stop giving out whack bloodpoint amounts just to say "we are sorry *winky face please keep playing and buy our content*!" Five years running and we as consumers are stupid enough to keep supporting this. The only thing that hopefully will kick this team in the butt and start trying to get stuff right the first time is competition...


  • pyramidheadmain6233
    pyramidheadmain6233 Member Posts: 121

    I've seen those loading screens too, I just figured it was my WIFI

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Im currently sitting on a loading screen. New updates screwed things as usual.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,938

    We're trying to find as much information as possible on this, the more information you can add to that thread to help us to narrow down the cause will be great - thank you for your help.

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Hi im Dwight main, im always Dwight. Been playing for about 5hrs so far today and had about 15 infinite loading screens, match never loads and i have to reset my console and start over each time. Only started happening with new update.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Thing is, this event is the delayed event from 2 years ago.

  • Spotty_Rain
    Spotty_Rain Member Posts: 30

    Honest question: What else could cause it besides the garbage coding? Nothing from players has changed unless you guys think it's a combination of perks, items, cosmetics, or characters we are equipping that is causing it. We merely do what we are supposed to do and ready up. The real question here is why you guys don't test this stuff thoroughly before releasing it. Instead, it seems like it's just easier to release the patch and let the consumer actively playtest, find the bugs and report and sift through people complaining like I am, and just say sorry and fix it later. It's ridiculous.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,938

    As with everything, it's completely different when testing something on an internal basis to having 100k plus players playing. I'm very sorry for the frustration that these issues are causing our players but I'm really trying to help find out as much information as possible here so that we can get a fix out for it.

  • Spotty_Rain
    Spotty_Rain Member Posts: 30

    Right, but what is the PTB for? I'd love to be a fly on the wall and see what goes down behind the scenes. Just as in any profession that requires building something onto a foundation, if the foundation is weak and substandard and the engineers ignore all the warning signs and move forward building the project onto it, it eventually has all kinds of problems and weaknesses. I know you want to help, but five years into this and the same foundation has crumbled away, rebar is sticking out of the concrete and eroded, and the building is leaning. It's just covered up with fresh coats of paint every patch.

    If one PTB isn't enough, then keep PTB'ing it.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Thanks @MandyTalk most of us understand you are trying to help like always. Much appreciated.

  • DragonSlayerX67
    DragonSlayerX67 Member Posts: 36

    So from this happening to me its taking my offerings nd add-ons for killer everytime it has happened for me and its been on every time i have tried to loaf a match. I was just trying to use bloody party streamers so everyone can get blood points and now i only have one left