A message for those who play killer



  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    Im not playing a game i know i will lose from the start. That why i always close the app when a map offering is played

  • DragonSlayerX67
    DragonSlayerX67 Member Posts: 36

    I see some issues with this post as this is rather survivor opinionated

    You want us to accept we cant win and will loose 80% of the time

    Not use the perk noed when it can be countered by breaking totems which is easy with a map or counter force

    You want us to leave survivors who are closer to death alone so we are farther from our objective at all times

    And camping and tunneling is yes bad but gets punished a lot and if the gens have popped the killer doesnt have anywhere else to be but the person hooked

    Yes the game should be played as patrolling gens and chasing people but the goal of survivors is to sacrifice survivors by whatever means they decide

    The game is bugged but not all killers want to play as you want them too

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited October 2021

    Playing with camping and tunneling just artificially increase the kill rate. Do you understand the point ?

    Do you think the devs will fix anything while all numbers show that the game is balanced ? They will never slow down the game pace or buff killers if the average kill rate is 2.

    And why is it 2 atm ?

    Cause 80% of the killers are unfair (as survivors of course) and have decided to tunnel and camp to win their trials, even if it's totally not fun and does't involve mind game.

    So if every killers continue to play the way they do, DbD state of the game will never change.

    Post edited by JohnWeak on
  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800
    edited October 2021

    I can understand that. Survs alot of fun just awful BP gain. I still use wglf on most my survs unless I'm doing a tome challenge that I build around lol.

    Oh Mikey, I've been sorta in the mood to play Myers bc of the newest Halloween movie, mind sharing a build for him?

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    The sad truth is the devs have known for years the game is broken. Even if they have data to prove it, so long as people but cosmetics and new chapters, they wont fix it.

  • shitman
    shitman Member Posts: 203

    I stick to the same game exactly until I meet a toxic survivor.

  • Sustina
    Sustina Member Posts: 46

    i will

  • ion_eyes
    ion_eyes Member Posts: 46
    edited October 2021

    It's all situational. The more you play killer, the more you realize this.

    I don't camp or tunnel every game, but if people make a huge flub and are downed next to someone already hooked with two gens right next to the hook, and I can hook this person close by? Sure, I'll proxy camp a bit so they lose at least one state. That's a valid strategy. But I won't face camp.

    When you have two people on hooks right next to key gens in the game (especially if nearly all the gens are done), what is the other option than proxy camping? Run to the opposite side of the map, close his eyes, count to 20, and then yell, 'Ready or not, here I come!' That's not fun for the killer.

    If I can see the survivors are really struggling, maybe I will do just that, to be honest, to make it a fair time. But I'm usually struggling to even keep up with gens that fly by in games I play.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    Fact is as they have the power role winning most of the time, especially 3Q and SWF, they will continue to abuse to win even more while killers already can't win at all even with meta perks if they play properly in high MMR.

  • NinthPixel
    NinthPixel Member Posts: 60

    My experience following these rules is the MMR gives you easier and easier survivors until you finally get a 4k. Next 3 to 5 games are survivors that get gens done in 2 minutes and troll you mercilessly until they are ready to leave. The MMR then feels sorry for you for a while, but once you succeed again it slams you against the wall.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah that is my win condition now days too, but there is something grossly underwhelming about a survival horror where everyone always survives.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    Ye, that's what most of us have constated.

    It's either ez 4k or ez 4 escapes. There is almost never balanced games.

    In a balanced environment, the vqast majority of trials should end up with 2k, a few times with 1k or 3k and rarely 0k or 4k.

    I think that the MMR is tweaked to fake balanced statistics.

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    i concur with killer accurate hook information notion

    the amount of people i've randomly killed off without realizing their teammates let them hit 2nd stage is quite immense

    similarly, if for some reason i actually wanted someone proper dead, i would be very aware of their current hook state

    denying that information probably leads to a lot less of a fun experience in general, decent tryhardy killers are already keeping a note of who's death hook or not anyway so throw killers that care a bone

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    The words camp and tunnel are vague, but I'll go with the extreme ends of the definitions.

    Tunnel: chasing a single survivor no matter what and disregarding the game.

    Camp: staying directly next to a hook with/without another survivor nearby to ensure they die, disregard the game also.

    Either way the post tells the killer to

    - don't punish survivors

    - go easy on survivors

    - give up if your doing bad

    - and your not good, don't even think your good.

  • Introvertedvet
    Introvertedvet Member Posts: 47

    So many take this game too seriously. As a killer or survivor you should go in to have fun. Yes it can get aggravating to get only a couple of hooks or to die on your first hook.

    I have found, after playing for awhile, that if I go in with low expectations of "winning" I have so much more fun. As a killer main I think the survivors do to. Accept that you are going to have entire teams of survivors get out, just make sure you gave them a hard time. As survivors there are going to be times where you are the first one to die.

    Remember the survivor to killer ratio is 4 to 1. That means the killer has a better chance of finding you, because there are more of you, and survivors should be able to get some of their objectives done because there is only one killer stalking. Just have fun!

    Personally I hate "most" Hexs. Never use the overt hexs that can be disabled first thing in the game. I do like Pinheads hex as it makes the players have to look for their totem if they want to hear me coming. I hate NOED, just a personal thing.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 645
    edited October 2021

    Iron Grasp. Agitation. Monstrous Shrine. Straight to the basement. Perimeter camp. If they try escaping (They always do to push killers away) they’re penalized even more. Without camaraderie they’ll die faster (Doesn’t matter how marginal it may seem). This lures all the other players down there, only to be put down there too. If you get two down there with Shrine you’ll definitely win.

    You also have the ability to carry survivors to where the others are doing objectives. Either to simply hit them, or push them off the gens.

    I feel it’s mandatory for killer to run Agi-Grasp. Then two perks of your own choice. Killers waste all of their time slowly carrying, and hooking a downed player far from where the objectives are being done. Then walking all the way towards an objective. All of this is counterintuitive for killer... Agi Grasp mitigates that entirely. No matter where survivors will try to take you. This gives killer a huge advantage.

  • SeducedByASiren
    SeducedByASiren Member Posts: 16

    It doesn't really matter, bhrv already say they want 2k per game for the killer in all mmr level, the only you will get by doing this is get your self frustrated because everyone wants to win and survivors with big egos who thinks they are so good at the game exploiting the unbalance and tbaging at the doors

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I already do that

    Good to know that I'm doing good work

  • Holdup
    Holdup Member Posts: 22

    This requires BHVR to care, which we know they dont. Right now the game is on a road to two possible ends, ether it dies like Titanfall (full of hackers that prevent people from playing and killing the numbers) or it dies by que time as less and less people play.

  • ignaeon
    ignaeon Member Posts: 106

    Uh huh.

    When the next page of the event rift arrives I'm playing facecamping Bubba as much as possible, explicitly because of this post.

  • Winchester89
    Winchester89 Member Posts: 85
  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    Yeaaah....say that about survivors dude,

    They don't care about Killer's fun nor will even want to,

    Trust me. i tried this multiple times and it just Doesn't Work...

  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    What “annoys” you enough to face camp a survivor?

  • DeadByStreetlight
    DeadByStreetlight Member Posts: 150
    edited October 2021

    The word "camping" is overused.

    A little Story:

    One survivor was hanging in the basement, while another survivor wanted to save immediately. Then we both ran around the basement while another survivor was hiding. In the end, this survivor complained on her stream that killers can't do anything but camp.

    Since that I can't take survivors seriously anymore who scream "camping!" without knowing the complete situation.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    90% here.....the 10% that I do win is when I'm matched with unskilled noobs when my MMR drops due to facing a SWF or Hacker teams

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Yeah, no thanks - I'm not interested in the Survivor Rulebook any more than I'd expect Survivors to be interested in a Killer Rulebook.