The Game Is No Longer About Stopping Gens

I think a lot of players believe it is, both killer and survivor. But it's not. Maybe it was in the past. For killers now, the game has become about chasing down 1 or 2 survivors and sacrificing them while the rest of their team do gens.
That seems to be what the devs want, too. They consider killers to be playing 4 games at one time, with each survivor being a different game. And sacrificing them to win is all that matters. They are so intent on forcing the game to always allow 2 or more survivors to escape, that tunneling and camping are the only viable strategies left. The plan is always for all gens to pop, so there isn't really a reason to try to stop them anymore. Just "win" against 1 or 2 survivors and see where you can go from there.
It's boring, i's frustrating, and it requires almost no skill from either side. But, that's what they're shoving down our throats.
Yep. You just can't protect gens now
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If the MMR system works as it should, you can choose to play however you want, and the MMR system will adjust accordingly.
If you continue to camp and tunnel, you'll be put up against stronger survivors who can loop and stealth better.
If you don't choose to camp and tunnel and you get 0K, then it will adjust, and you'll be put up against weaker survivors.
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I would rather engage in a few long chases and get 1 or 2 kills than spread out hooks even while trying to keep gens regressing and get a 0k.
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That's kind of his point if you want to try hard to get kills you will play against other players who also try hard.
If you get more kills expect your opponents to be better at not getting killed.
If you want to play for fun your opponents will also play for fun.
Win win. I mean if thensystem is designed in a non terrible way
This post is in no way a criticism of the dbd devs and should not be taken as such. It is also not intended to point out any forum rules being violated both of which are understood to be against forum rules.
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We know this doesn't really adjust properly given a lot of factors such as good survivors often giving their lives for their teammates and literally bad runs of sessions that can mean being facecamped to death on first hook, as well as a ton of other issues such as map affecting things, and the killer being played.
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Not true. I play for fun and all I got on the enemy team leading up to and just after the change to matchmaking, was unfun sweats. On both roles.
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You forgot to read the little part of my post near the end there I think
This post is in no way a criticism of the dbd devs and should not be taken as such. It is also not intended to point out any forum rules being violated both of which are understood to be against forum rules.
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If that is what they want then they need to adjust the scoring, bp distribution, and ranks accordingly.
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oof you're right, i missed the caveat lol
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I barely ever camp and tunnel and I get ######### tortured by strong survivors. I get tortured every damn day. Mmr is stupid.
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Could you clarify something quick how many kills woukd you say you get on average per match?
This post is in no way a criticism of the dbd devs and should not be taken as such. It is also not intended to point out any forum rules being violated both of which are understood to be against forum rules.
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2-3 and sometimes 4.
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Well there's your problem your crushing the people around you on the regular so that's whynyoir going against harder and harder opponents.
Remeber 2 kills is a tie, both sides played equally well. A 3 k is you doing really well and a 4k mean you destroyed them.
So your not playing against strong survivors relative to your skill level, your just so used to curb stomping your opponents that anything less than a flawless victory feels like a loss.
This post is in no way a criticism of the dbd devs and should not be taken as such. It is also not intended to point out any forum rules being violated both of which are understood to be against forum rules.
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Could never stop gens, at best you postpone them long enough for the kills. Survivor competency determines how quickly gens go and downs happen.
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The hatch update is what's forcing survivors to "do gens or die" and the killers need to "camp and tunnel" in order to keep up with pressure.
Dev toxicity is real. They hate their game and they hate the community, clearly.
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unpopular opinion:
I for the life of me can't understand this logic or follow it or empathize with this line of thinking. Ill try to share my view it as non combative as possible.
The rules of the game are what the rules are. If no additional rules are presented, you can do WHAT EVER you want as long as its in the ruleset.
If you play basketball you are not suppose to hold someone or put an elbow in their ribs, however if you do so you might get an advantage. Now the referee dictates whats fair and whats not fair, but ultimately holding or grabing somones jersey or shirt isin't something thats "fun". Its done to gain an advantage at the expense of "exploiting rules" However, the game has systems(referees) in place that course correct Justices/Injustices that happen in the game.
if you are familiar a bit with a game called CSGO there is a strategy called "saving" where you don't do the objective inorder to keep your equipment. In public matches this is very frowned upon, its very boring and usually doesn't give you enough of an advantage to make a HUGE difference. But the game offers a way to punish that strategy by you being able to kill the person after the time ends and that way double punishing the person saving. The game takes care of itself essentially and doesn't necessarily encourage saving and has options to counter it .
I could write million other examples on how the rules of the game dictate on how the game is played, and the strategys available.(dont fixate on the examples) Why are you contorting your brain in to thinking that Tunneling is bad? Does the game not reward it? Are there rules against it ? You are serving your own teams(self) interest not the opponents. Who cares if they don't like you how you play or cry after in chat, the game literally has made rules and you play within them. Tunnel when it makes sense, Camp when it makes sense. Do what ever you think is in your best interest. Prioritize your own interests. If you choose not to tunnel and choose not to camp, thats your fault. And its on you to not do it . When they use FAT med-kits they will tell you "just use Franklins OMEGALUL" When you tunnel just tell them to use DS. Camping? just use borrowed time and bring more then 1 person to save.
Advocate or promote systems that discourage tunneling and discourage camping, Dont complain about the game being the game. If you think those things are boring then sure don't tunnel and don't camp but then sacrifice the idea of having fair chances at winning. This is a self created problem,You created a ghost and now your fighting it . It doesn't matter if its "boring" for them you are not their clown. The game is what the game is, play within the rules and use rules as much as you can to your advantage. Tunneling is a valid strategy Not tunneling is a choice/self inflicted-rule .
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SWF its the true enemy that kills balance in this game solo play its different.. as soon as 4 people are in your match with meta perks and in comms they rule the match no matter what you do and you are allowed only to kill someone if they make mistakes wich turns in the most frustrating games a killer can face.
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I definitely figured this out now. I don't bother with slowdown perks except for sometimes using Jolt. I run pure chase perks and try to build pressure by hooking as fast as possible. My favorite perks right now are Lethal Pursuer and Crowd Control. I've been having pretty good success
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No kidding. I've had like 3 matches today alone that were literally less than 6 minutes long. Sometimes I wait in the lobby and loading screens longer than I actually play the game.
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You simply cannot pressure 4 people at once, especially when they spawn separated on separate gens at the beginning of the game.
You are only 1 Killer.
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isn't it exciting to go into a game and know that you probably won't interact with 2 of the 4 survivors the whole game? Nothing wrong with the game btw..
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yeah really.. even slowdown perks are feeling pointless these days.
Ruin= Cleansed before you can get any value
Pop= can't use it because the gen you want to kick, that is being worked on, is across the map and they will just finish it before you can even get to it.
Corrupt is probably the only one that seems to be effective at doing anything to promote actual gameplay... but even then gens can fly and your totems may be targets in that period.
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Careful, saying anything bad about SWF will have fire and pitchforks coming after you with the obligatory "why do you want to punnish us for playing with friends?" and "don't you have friends" strawman arguments. Along with "not every SWF plays like this" to try justify and ignore the many that do.
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2 man gen speeds should have been nerfed from the beginning of the game. It is more efficient to work on separate gens at the start but better to 2 man them at mid to end game. 47 seconds at the cost of only 2/4 survivors is ludicrous and should be tiered at 80-65-47-36
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i wouldn't care if i ran into more that weren't [clam]s, but most are, think voip/stretched aren't effectively cheating and seem to get off on being awful to killers, buuuut such is the way of it
i ran into one that i think map offering'd rpd when i was playing m-d/yakuyoke spirit before she was about to be ganked and the extra speed was hell on earth to control around those tight corridors and often killed my momentum by bouncing off of things/losing people around all the tight intersections
tried everything i possibly could to come back from that as gens flew on all 'four' floors sans outright tunneling since ds would've destroyed me, didn't work out and i couldn't stop the 4e
they didn't care i was spirit with the crazy addon set + playing as hard as i possibly could given the circumstances and had some sympathy for almost being screwed by my own addons on a map like that or drop god pallets and teabag or anything like that, everyone played hard and hung around in the post-game and several added me on steam
imagine if that was a normal occurrence
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I don't like the way they do it too. If feels like killer isn't scary monster anymore and survivors roll a dice before trial to decide which 2 of them has to die.
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I mean if the devs think each survivor is out for their own and it's four 1v1s instead of one 1v4, then I see no good reason why survivors share an objective. Hell make every survivor have to complete 5 gens to escape, make it so that their perks also don't interact with one another. It's only fair, the survivors are not part of a team or anything....
Oh wait, they are a team, and they are supposed to work together, and the ######### they do stacks and helps them as a team. I guess the devs don't know what the ######### they're doing to try and get survivors to think of their team as a team, and that dying shouldn't mean you lose the game because you're part of a team.
DBD has no direction and it results in this mess of conflicting mechanics and reward systems that just leave everyone unhappy.
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I think you're right.
Tbh, since some time, I just lowered my expectations. I just go for BP and I don't go for hooks unless I get them. A kill is great, if not, so be it.
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yeah it is actually insane.. you see two people on a gen across the map with BBQ and you KNOW it will pop before u can do anything.
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I mean, it never was?
The game is about killing survivors not protecting gens. Protecting gens is not the same as causing pressure by patrolling gens.