Disconnecting from lobbies


Plateform - Ps4

When it happened- Joining a match or loading in.

Just tired of not being able to play its been 5 hours played 3-4 games rest has been loading screens definitely not enjoying the event at all.

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  • IceTea
    IceTea Member Posts: 4

    Same here, I have been disconnected a LOT today, around 1 disconnect (no load of game) per 2-3 games.

  • Hael_803
    Hael_803 Member Posts: 4

    Same, i get frozen on the loading in screen and have to ctrl alt delete my way out of it, but i lose a pip each time.

  • Knotty1985
    Knotty1985 Member Posts: 66

    Happening more on PC too, waiting on the match loading to get "a player disconnected" but its taking a few minutes before it actually stops the match loading, it has happened twice in my last 2 hours of playing