R.I.P. Orion

As you all know the NFT situation has resulted in quite a few notable forum figures parting ways with DBD, but many of them continue to post on the forums. Orion does not appear to be following this. Orion has posted nearly every day for several years, but has been completely radio silent since posting this final forum comment. This leads me to believe one of our oldest forum members will not be coming back.
This is a thread to commemorate, celebrate, or simply speak about Orion, and to pay your respects to a potentially forever gone DBD vet. Thank you for listening.
Who cares? Everyone is free to do whatever they want: uninstall, reinstall, stop/start playing. To each his own.
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I do, Orion held the most posts on forums for a while and almost everyone on forums knew who Orion was, sad to see them go
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He'll be back they always come back.
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Of course they are free to do whatever they please, this post is about commemorating the immense dedication they had to the forums and to DBD itself. Its very sad to see them go, it wasn't necessary for you to be so rude.
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While I do think Orion will be back, I respect his decision on leaving whether that’s permanently or temporarily.
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I care, I interacted with Orion many times. He was a genuinely nice guy, even if we didn't always agree. He's smart, he contributed tons to this board (to the tune of 21K posts) and he will be missed.
Sorry BHVR let you down Orion, sir.
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I like Orion. They are cool.
I hope that someday I surpass their post count. That's a lot of dedication
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The forum is filled with a bunch of #########.
@Orion was not one of them. I hope he/she can return some day.
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He/she was certainly a forum legend. We’ll miss them but at the same time if they want to leave, it’s their decision.
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From the little I know, he was a pretty level-headed person, which is always nice to have around here.
It's always possible they'll change their mind. I'm foolishly considering reinstalling the game myself, so everything is possible.
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I also enjoy their post and insight. I respect those that came before me as well their dedication to the game and forums.
Godspeed my friend, may the best of your DBD games equal the worst of your future games!
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I hope he doesn't leave forever because he seemed like a cool guy. I understand tho why he would go.
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Who's Orion?
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Orion was one of my favorite people on this forum. Kind, respectful, knowledgeable about the game and balance- BHVR just lost one of their biggest fans. Here's hoping their next big flop doesn't end up in more like this.
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I always enjoyed watching him school idiots on here. Very knowledgeable dude. I hope wherever he goes, it's a place that deserves him more.
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I respect Orion's dedication to derailing any and every thread by arguing utter semantics. And I'm not even joking, I once witnessed a 20 post exchange over the definition of a word that eludes me right now in a thread discussing an entirely different topic. Legendary.
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Well, with Orion its a bit different.
He always did what he said.
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The guy with the nurse PFP who had the worst takes. Like I think Sluzzy has better takes then him.
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I like the Nurse PFP tho and they had good takes
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I've had many interactions with Orion over the years, both on the forums and in messages. I am definitely sorry to see him go but I understand his reasoning. I hope he will be back as his insights into the game and the workings of it are interesting from my point of view.
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I mean i don't know Pulsar. Console Nurse might need to be 130% movement speed to compensate for my frames dropping. Even though survivors are still getting mashed by her on Xbox (By me)
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Maybe only time will tell. Give a couple months or so he might make a return.
He could be lurking on the forums right now.
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Unless BHVR actually owns up, takes responsibility and gives their reasoning, makes public promises to never do it again, etc. then I doubt those who left because of it will return... BHVR isnt known for taking responsibility in the face of backlash. they typically go radio silent until the next tihs-storm and deflect from that...
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Isn't it scary thinking about how some banned people for example came back as different accounts and we will never know that it is them.
We see and treat them as completely different people.
Internet is a weird place.
Sorry for derailing, just something that crossed my mind. I disagreed with Orion a lot but one thing I respected about him is how he never threw tantrums or go crazy and insult everyone over difference of opinion.
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It's been 2 years since I've seen an Xbox Nurse get any Kills.
RIP red dress Nurse
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I don't know, I've been massacreing survivors with Nurse and they aren't even the usual stupid kind of survivors that walk into walls. And I'm just a bad nurse with bad perks. So obviously console Nurse isn't as bad as some say.
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You don't have to be rude. Did you really need to comment on the post
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I'll miss Orion, he was here since the beginning and before also on steam forums.
His takes were always amazing, it's shame how DBD keeps pushing players away with terrible decisions.
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Or you're lucky.
I can't play Nurse because she makes me ill.
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I opened this thread thinking they literally died...😨
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I barely use the forum and I liked Orion's input- I saw him calmly express his opinion to people who make me want to pull my hair out. It says a LOT that this is a big enough deal to lead to such drastic action.
Massively respect the integrity, hope he does well.
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How is it rude? Just because I stated that players constantly come and go is not a big event? Well, it is not. It seems that these days if you disagree with something you are automatically rude.
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Who am I going to argue about nurse with now :(
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It’s rude to say „Who cares?“ in a topic where you already know that at least OP cares. You were directly talking down on them.
no one would have had a problem if you said „I don’t care“. You know, stating your opinion without talking down on others opinions.
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Me and Orion had many disagreements before, but seeing him go like this...
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Fair enough. I don't care. A portion of the people present here do not care. There are some who care. Is it explicit enough?
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I mean, he's not dead, I think the RIP is a bit dramatic.
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As far as the game is concerned, he might as well be. He seemed like someone who sticks to their word, unlike so many others who say that they quit and then return within a few months.
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Crazy and unfortunate
Orion is one of the few people on the forums who I click through various discussions jus to see if he posted anything to the topic; as his insight is always stellar, and highly insightful.
Thankful for his engagement with all of us over the years, and while he is missed, I’m happy that he’s happy🧡💜
Blessings of Peace n Contentment to him☺️
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Orion first got my attention by having the name of a well-liked and respected friend I missed from my Total Annihilation days. Then they impressed me by having one of the few people I feel like was actually intellectually honest and open to have their mind changed.
Such things are a rarity on this board.
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There is a possibility that these forums consist of 10 people with each 2 dozen alt accounts.
Extremly unlikely but you can't deny the posibility exist
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Bye, Orion. I hope you'll find new games to enjoy of you let DBD behind you forever.
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Even better. It is just me, and I am talking to myself.