as long as MMR is a crap + or - 1 for kills/escapes, the games balance will suffer

Dsalter Member Posts: 239
edited October 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

been spamming survivor all morning to use up items and such before a pristige.

i play solo.

i do in fact play both sides (though with the mmr system being the way it is im leaning more into survivor these days)

as i sit on the hook for the 9th 10th game in a row after doing 3 gens then getting NOED face camped i came to the realization that the + or - 1 system is actively punishing me for not only doing my job but REWARDING the killer for playing in a way that is unfun for anyone involved.

why the hell does a solo survivor not have kindred and totem a totem counter built in already? or give me 6 perk slots do so myself because solo survivor is THE worst experience DbD has to offer, and thats saying something since killer can be just as bull sometimes but at least the killer isnt actively being sandbagged or punished for DOING THEIR JOB.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I feel like the balance will always suffer unless they get a cohesive vision for the direction it should go in.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    That's escape based matchmaking for you. The devs have no idea how their own game works since they only play it to test functionality, and the refuse to listen to players. Moreover, with every death your MMR will drop even lower, and you will get even worse teammates, leading you to even more deaths and even lower MMR. Escape Based Matchmaking for solo survivors is a ridiculous Elo hell, which doesn't even deserved to be called "Elo" since it's not even a proper MMR system in the first place.

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    no kidding, as i type this i am sitting in the end screen of another sandbag match where a survivor from the 10th game decided to body block me into a room with a hillbilly, needless to say i disconnected and left them to their bully match.

    and the great thing is this will in turn "reward" me by dropping me lower where im again in even more matches that i do most of the gens and still get bent over and abused

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    Balance will always suffer until they get rid of 1v1 MMR. Dbd should be balanced around teamwork and overall survivor result so it was 1v4 game, not 1v1v1v1v1.

    Make shared BP and win condition for survivors and balance killers accordingly.

    So far it's genrush vs tunneling that makes both sides bored.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    You might as well quit playing survivor with the current system. Or at least forget about escaping and playing normally. This EBMM works great for killers: just a few intentional loses and you get matched against brand new potato survivors, where you can have all the fun in the world. And when after 20 4k's in a row you feel like you get more and more sweaty survivors, you just throw a few more trials to get back to potatoes. Killer's life is honey with this matchmaking, while solo survivors should abandon all hope.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    U are overreacting it's much easier to escape as survivor than 4k with killer. Even if survivor is potato there are perks that allow u to play like rat and escape almost every game.

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    i dunno, its been what, 4 years of this crap? and SWF is still the dominant playstyle while solo survivor is bottom of the barrel, singular players dont all play just killer after all and they make up the space fillers for 3man teams or killer roles.

    if the solo player isnt respected enough to be able to get fairer and less cancerous games why should they stick around?

    at least single player games can offer a challenge that doesnt bend you over and whip you as it demands to win 4 other players games for them while it has you tied up

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    I don't know about that, SBMM system is way better than ranks used to be.

    MMR system for killers is as good it can get, because other versions don't work same for every killer.

    MMR system for survivors could get better for sure. I wouldn't care only about escape, I wouldn't really care about that at all, just see how much that survivor did compare to other survivors...

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    aye but currently you are only scored on if you live or die.

    face camped a the start of the game by bubba? -1 mmr for you +1 for the killer

    tunneled out because idiots dont bring borrowed vs a face camped? -1 point for you!

    decided to go insidius pinky finger clown and remove one player from the game by insta down camping in a corner? +1 for you and a forced -1 for that guy as they lose any fun they could have had.

    the system is broken atm and ENCOURAGES toxic plays

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    I think you don't take it correctly, it's not really reward, it's punishment to go higher.

    You don't see it, you don't get rewards for it, you only get harder games.

    You really don't want lower MMR for camping / tunneling etc., you want them to go against better survivors for it and get destroyed. If you would lower their MMR, it would work even better next time and they would never have reason to change their playstyle.

    Btw it's not like you would be able to gain anything even with rank system when getting camped etc....

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    i WANT to go to higher rank games because i like both the challenge and ACTUAL teammates.

    this is the argument, lower MMR means baddies more often, baddies more often means more losses, its a cicle that feeds itself Ouroboros style.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Since the EBMM was introduced, I played almost equally both survivor (only solo) and killer. Out of every 10 games as survivor, I managed to escape once, maybe twice. Every my game as the Killer, except those where I intentionally lost to lower my MMR, I got 4k or 3k with hatch. So no, 4k is not harder than escaping as a solo survivor, it's the other way around by a long shot. The only reason I still play survivor is instant lobbies during daytime.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    What system do you think will not end like this?

    Unless it is bubba camping is not an issue, tunneling is not an isssue. Most of "tunneling" killers I have seen while playing with randoms -> they weren't tunneling. Most survivors just don't know what it means and it's free excuse for them dying in 10 seconds.

    You think you will not get "tunneled" more in high MMR?

    If you want higher MMR, then start playing SWF and learn how to deal with camping and tunneling.

    SoloQ will just not get there, unless you are really good as survivor and by that I mean Ayrun, JRM etc. good. It's easier to get there as SWF, because you are in control of what teammates you play with. You can be more altruistic = more escapes.

    As SWF it doesn't matter if you die, when your friends escape, because their MMR will go higher, so you play against better killers anyway.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    Your argument about killer is just not valid, because of this part = "except those where I intentionally lost to lower my MMR"

    That means you are not playing against good survivors, because you want to have free 4Ks, you don't want to have harder games, you are not in high MMR.

    Try win around 100 games with as many kills as you can, then we can talk again.

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    the system i would introduce would be focused around pips like the old system but more tuned.

    instead of escape/kill = +1, i'd change it to 2red emblems = win, 3 golds = win, 4 silvers = win, anything else being a loss, that way everyone has to do their part survivor side to score up emblems while killer has to focus on "draining hope" over kills (after all, this is the entities whole reason for hosting these games), kills ofc still rewarding a decent point amount but if the killer can get 4 red emblems and no kills i'd still consider that a win even at higher ranks because it aint easy to do such a thing.

    red emblems means folks got to play the game good or bad, at least its not a face camp.

    the killer gains points for hook progress rather than stages and a small boost when a stage progresses.

    face camping for a full hook stage should transport the hooked survivor to the furthest hook from the survivor to discourage cheese killing, forcing the killer to adapt and giving said player a chance to actually play the game.

    survivors near the hooked survivor while the killer is if remaining when the hooked survivor is transported will be exposed as punishment for not doing gens/pressuring the killer to want to leave the hook and giving the hooked survivor a chance to play (due to the force face camp)

    in the event a face camp happens and the survivor is transported, the killer loses point progress towards hunting, if the transported survivor was transported because of other nearby survivors forcing the killer to protect his hook, the survivors (not the hooked survivor) lose progress towards aultruism instead and any points lost by killer or survivors will be given to the player who was on the hook when transported, giving them a chance to gain emblem progress.

    healing yourself with a medkit grants no points, but healing other survivors grants double, give self care a point modifier that allows the survivor who heals themselves with a medkit 50% of the points (current heal self points)

    Kindred and Small game current effect will be made baseline for solo survivors (no parties) and the perks reworked;

    Kindred = walking within 16y of a survivor allows you to see their aura (up to 80y) or 10/20/30seconds, any perks or items(maps, keys, etc) that reveal survivor auras (besides Kindred) will refresh this buff

    Small game = hex totems give off a weak humming sound and take an additional 3/2/1 seconds to cleanse, cleansing a hex totem if the hex is a trap (haunting grounds, retribution, etc) the debuff duration is 50% shorter for you.

    and now with current kindred and small game being baseline/SWF(comms), we can balance ALL killers around the fact communications is built in and might actually see balance being more achievable.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    So your system would be super easy to get into high MMR, so again lot of skill levels = random games, which is what they tried to prevent with SBMM.

    If you make it harder, then emblem system forces you to babysit other side, which I just hate. Current system doesn't care about that.

    Also emblem system is not same for each killer, which is just bad. it's way easier to get double pip on some killers than others Plague vs Wraith for example. Plague sucks for pips.

    Btw it's funny how you created limitations for killers, but nothing for survivors... definetly not biased

    You don't wanna do changes only for soloQ, or nerf only SWF like that. It basically punishes people for bringing friends, which is just bad concept for the game and should never be implemented.

    Kindred without killer reveal would be fine base-kit for everyone, because that is info easily shared by SFW.

    Small game, nor any totem hunting perk shouldn't be base-kit. It takes some time to learn totem spawn, your change would make hexes even worse than they are already.

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239
    edited October 2021

    i fart up the idea in 5 minutes, i never said it was the best system ever, im just saying a system that is just a simple binary in an ASYMETRICAL GAME that is designed to be uneven is just a recipe for failure.

    could easily tweak values, increase certain killers scorings yadda yadda, point is kills/escapes is a horrible system and shows that these "YeArS oF rEfInInG" their "system" only to give us one of the most simple ladder systems ever made thats built on THE 1v1 games of freaking chess in a game that is 4v1. its lunacy to say the least thinking that was somehow a good idea.

    a prime example of how bad such a system is, i just loaded up my first game as blight, literally bought him 15minutes ago, got a brutal killer with one red emblem in chases, with one perk, and what was my competition as a brand new killer?

    4 deadhards, 3 borrowed times, 3 Lithes and 2 adrenalines and 3 medkits with healing syringes followed by a nice fat "EZ"

    like no ######### it was ez, i was a brand spanking new killer out of the box literally bouncing around practicing the rush power, i even tried to signal i wasnt even interested in winning by swinging at totems and they just rushed the game, teabagged and left thinking they somehow earned the game.

    under my system i would have lost sure, one red emblem isnt much to brag about but its a stepping stone of learning and its gauging of where i need to improve, my ability to chase wasnt an issue because i got a red while my gen pressure and hooking was non-existant and the emblems told me this is where i failed so as a system told me where i needed to improve and failed me for not doing said scorings.

    under the current system a brand new killer was crapped all over, teabagged then told "EZ" while offering nothing but a big fat "you suck" from the other team in the form of a match that lasted a whopping 7 minutes with 3 health states damaged all 3 being syringe healed and essentially "4 losses" because 4 escapes = 4 losses, while each individual survivor only gained 1 point, meaning they can do this crap for weeks and drag a ton of mid level to low level killer players down hard in ranks pushing them into newer survivor players playing field.

    if i was some nurse god (im an average nemesis,demo and pinhead enjoyer) tried blight with all that knowledge but needing to practice my abilitiy, losing 5 games is going to knock me down 20 pegs, now if i lose 10 games i'll be down 40 points, thats 40 wins required for a survivor to plow through to get up higher, now imagine i "git gud" as blight with my nurse knowledge of the game, im now going to stomp upward of 20 games of lower bracket players games because i'v adjusted to the killer but have higher end games experience, then im back to "0" and im now in a position to wreck 40-70 more survivor games till im in my intended bracket.

    see how bad that system is now?

    40 killer games stomps means 160 survivors were taken down 1 peg, meaning they didnt get affected much while i spike up and cause 4 kills every game, thats not a good system thats an abysmal system that punishes other people due to me being way below my class.

    likewise the survivor side if i am way below my skill bracket i have to win 160 games to achieve the same sort of spike that the killer needed to, unless im some sort of survivor god that is undefeatable and psychic, i aint getting that power shift anytime soon.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    It's because there need to be some starting MMR and that is based on your other killers. It's not like you buy new killer and you will get chance to stomp noobs because of it, that should never be a thing.

    You may not be best with his power, but overall killer knowledge is still there.

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    i was making an example not a statement, lets make an extreme example.

    new player starts getting cheap 4 k's every game as... i dunno lets say huntress.

    guy ends up in the "high" mmr due to stupidly high kill rate, hasnt learned how to pressure gens, map control etc, he's just been relying on NOED, Iri and camping while all the survivors victimized by said insta down focused are losing to this guy's cheap wins.

    now he decides to pick one of the lesser killers to play, he buys... myers!

    due to his base mmr he is going to get crapped on over, and over, and over, and over, till he loses all that mmr and more, but with all those losses he's saved up enough for tombstones and such, he is now in a lower mmr bracket with an insta kill setup again, still hasnt learned map pressure, etc. so all those losses he handed the survivors free wins where they may not have gotten much points but they got an escape and escape = win

    so you now have a case of many survivors getting occasional wins due to low-average killer not knowing how to play while a bad killer has got setup to stomp easier survivors.

    survivors climb especially solo, is insanely steep due to lack of communications, survivors can snowball a game by playing bad and bleeding over teamamtes, etc so the survivors dragged down are dragged further due to either cheap killer tactics or bad survivor plays snowballing onto them.

    in my case i get 3 gens done, thats 50% of the game done, 2 more gens and gate till i "win" because i need to escape to win, but oh no! i'v been downed, but dont worry i can hopefully rely on my teamates to make a good play and pull me out... oh they are all hiding... oh im being face camped...

    another loss because of said snowballing low mmr.

    does this seem fair now? does the system sound like its working?

    if this was chess or an RTS a + or -1 system would work flawlessly the same way its worked for chess for many many years.

    but this isnt a 1v1, its a 4v1, but the system treats it as a 1v1v1v1v1

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Yeah, try doing the same thing as a solo survivor, that is lowering your MMR to the ground, and see what happens.

  • IrishRedCap
    IrishRedCap Member Posts: 153
    edited October 2021

    Its even worse than that... its not -1 for losing on survivor if you are facecamped and first one out then its -4 to your MMR.

    A good anecdote from me is last night I was playing survivor to grind out some of the Halloween tome. Wraith killer (not even so scary b4 nerf now not at all) that chased and hooked a Claudette. When a teammate removed her from hook the Wraith went full AMTRAK and barreled at her like a train through a tunnel. I decided to use my flashlight to burn him 2 separate times while he chased her. Obviously this pissed him off and he turned to me, downed me (I'm a crap looper), put me on a hook then stood there banging his bell for the rest of the match in my face.

    No BT or second chance perks from teammates (yay soloQ) so I proceed to be first to die on hook from a single down. 3k total cause derps couldn't play properly. Next 3-4 games my teammates were full potatoes. All because I died first after doing 2½ gens solo, burned killer to save teammate from tunnel and get punished for it.

    Ranks might have been random but at least it was a random where I could get good teammates in soloQ. Now I just suffer and drop lower and lower getting more facecamping killers each game.

  • adirgeforthedead
    adirgeforthedead Member Posts: 424

    As an occasional SoloQ nothing gives me more of a headache that running the Killer for solid 3 minutes while thinking to myself "A couple of generators will surely pop out in a few!" and the chase keeps prolonging. I go down and see my teammates crouching across the map doing absolutely nothing.

    Nothing makes me want to leave the match faster than that.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    I don't enjoy stomping new killers, so that's a no...

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    You won't be stomping anyone, that's the point. Read the OP.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    You think we will not be stomping anyone because of NOED and campers?

    The killer needs to get fast down for it, even if he secures 1 kill with NOED, it is still stomp in my eyes when he got 3 hooks total.

    That is unless we just find NOED, which is not hard on most maps.

    I sometimes play with new players on official discord and even then it's not an issue as long they listen what to do.

    If his argument was soloQ sucks, we need to do some changes, then sure, but that has nothing to do with MMR.

    It's wrong to think that gaining MMR is any form or reward.

    And your statement about killers have it easier, it's not valid, when you don't try to be in your actual MMR with other skilled players. I have MMR boosted from SWF, so even when I play soloQ for challenges, we don't have problem, because it's rare to meet really bad survivors, unless they are random SWF.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    And the +1 -1 system will even encourage your teammates to never come to rescue you if you are camped with 2 gens left.

    There is no more teamplay but 4 individuals trying to save their own life, not to win as a team. This system then favor selfishness, that's why i see many survivors P0 escaping while one guys i on hook even though there is not NOED.

    Terrible MMR choice indeed.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,213

    It's not +/-1. The amount your MMR increases or decreases depends on the relative difference between your MMR and the MMR of the survivor who escaped/died or killer who killed/didn't kill you.

    And for killer, it's 4 games combined into 1, so if you get 1/2/3 kills you can't even be sure if your MMR has gone up or down.