All hooks/gens should be event hooks/gens

Lunar New Year all hooks/gens were event hook/gens. Halloween event should be the same. It is a bummer and disappointing that you need to play an offering to get them. It doesn't feel like Halloween event when without offerings played only a single gen/hook are decorated. Also, while survivors can't sabotage a killers event hook a killer can camp the event gen and prevent survivors from being able to complete it.
If not all hooks/gens, then at least do not make event gens distinguishable from regular gens on the killer's screen
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I come here to say the exact thing. It is annoying and frustrating to not be able to reach your event special hook/gen. And making them offering based is so unfair. Like I could only bring 1 offering and I am too depended to others. Also the rarity of these offerings in bloodweb is absurd. I get only 1 seed in every 5 level or so. I missed BBQ event envelopes :((
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it shouldn't be just hooks and gens to begin with, this 'event' is trash
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I really liked the tome themed event idea. So I wouldn't call it a trash. This is the most event "event" we ever got since 2019 Lunar. Definitely a positive progress. But it lacks some of the key elements. Like lots of bloodpoint, offering, and decoration.
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it's no different from regular tomes basically
if what you say is true, it's a shame devs lack any imagination whatsoever, at least they could've brought permanent x2 bp for the event
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it's no different from regular tomes basically
if what you say is true, it's a shame devs lack any imagination whatsoever, at least they could've brought permanent x2 bp for the event
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it's no different from regular tomes basically
if what you say is true, it's a shame devs lack any imagination whatsoever, at least they could've brought permanent x2 bp for the event
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Like I said, I think they lack of bloodpoints. Event hooks and event cake is not enough. Not even close to being enough. I completed exactly 2 event gens and only hooked 1 event hook. And I played like 20 matches since yesterday. So yeah on second thought you are right. It is pretty trashy event. without hooks/gens and extra points, it is basically trash.
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Are there really people out there camping event gens just because they are event gens. I find this hard to believe.
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Yup, killers get special auras for event gens so they head to them. They did it last year too. Lunar New Year event was great because all gens/hooks were event ones so there was no preventing one side from being able to get their event rewards, players played normal instead of guard the event gen/run away from the event hook.
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It is not just camping. Because killer sees the aura of an event gen. So that is the first gen they start patrolling, and the first gen they go to use PGTW. Cause they know survivors wanna do those gens before. Same goes for survivors. When they realized where event hooks are they just run as far as possible to deny you getting event hooks. So it sucks not every gen/hook isn't event special.
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I seriously think you guys are over exaggerating this. Sure there are a select few that will camp/avoid event objectives but most could care less. Maybe they have a different motive for doing what they do and you are just assuming it's because of the event.
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Most people care less, because this isn't feel like an event. No reason to bring an event offering, not much incentive to do event objectives. Just another couple extra tome challenges and couple of cosmetics are all we get as an event. So of course I don't care about doing an event gen now. Because I never bring offering.
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During events, there are a suprisingly raise in players that just don't play very nice for the other side. Which, I find very funny.