Do you still dislike Spirit?

Now that she’s had a nerf, I want to know the consensus about playing against her. Are you now okay with playing against her because of the new changed or do you still hate her for some other reason?
let me know!
Much easier to play against, especially if you have Iron Will.
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Never did.
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I still dislike playing against her. That still won't change.
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She's much better to play against. Actually quite easy if you have good headphones on survivor and can discern the directional audio. Dare I say she'll drop to low A/high B if they add the footstep dust.
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I’ve always loved her.
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Same! I’ve mained her since 2019 so I know all her counterplay so it’s really fun to go against her.
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I have no idea what she’s like to play against right now because no one plays her, at least in my games. Big sad.
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Damn, I play billy, though I stopped because survs hated going against him, at least if thats what they were saying with all the flashlight spamming..
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I think she is much more fair to play against now that the stand still mind game is gone. I don't mind her in my games at all, though not many play here at all.
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Who the hell doesn’t like going against Billy?
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standing still will always be powerful when done next to a hooked survivor.
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I mean, she is basically the same and has a new Crutch Add-On. Yay.
So I dont think that many people will like her more now.
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Yes. she needs her footsteps dust
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She's not likable. Her play style is alot more manageable now, but she ought to either have clothes or not have clothes.
Just underwear is for slobs.
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Survivors complain Spirit has no counter play...BHVR gives her counter play, Survivors: BuT ThE AdDoNS.
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Haven't played against her or Slinger since the nerfs. I'm enjoying the extra 5 minutes by the campfire in queues between matches though. Also fun only playing against Blight and Nurse most games. Thx devs, very cool!
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Mainly this meg who flashlight clicked me so much, and blinded me on pallets (Before I put on lightborne) that when she had to do a flashlight save she ran out of charges. Fun times.
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I never disliked her.
I think she is possibly the best killer they ever made design-wise
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Spirit got killed for me the moment they removed her collision and gave her a vault animation. No matter the sheer power, that was the Spirit I loved to play against
This recent nerf merely kicked a dead horse, imho.
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i play dbd on speakers, and she's practically forcing me to use headphones ;(
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I allways liked going against spirit, for some reason most spirit players play like complete newbies and if I run iron will (wich i almost allways do) I find one of the easiests killers to escape from. The removal of the "phasing mindgame" was fine since it was bullshit but i don't like the directional sound, feels like it gives too much info for no reason, i hope they don't add the dust or then she will be bully material.
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I agree that she was really unfair before these changes and was a big reason why I hadn’t played killer much because she is kinda the only killer I’ll play. But now because of the changes she feels more balanced without actually changing much about playing as her besides not doing the stand still mindgame (which was stupid we all can agree) so I’ve been playing killer a lot more recently and it’s pretty fun.
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I've met only one Spirit since the update, and she went against me only once. (I was with two clicky clicky Survivors who kept her attention to them... Please, stop clicking the flashlight like a crazy, guys!)
It sounded fine. I felt I had something to work with. The chase was short as she dropped it quickly, but when she phased, I had an idea where she was. I have an issue currently with my right ear, I don't hear as much as before, but it was still fine to me.
I'd like to meet more Spirit to understand better the new mechanics.
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I've had one game against a nerfed Spirit. I don't know if I did particularly well against her but she feels much much fairer to play against. Prior to this nerf, I actually refused to play her because I felt she was wildly unfair to be on the receiving side of. Now that this nerf has gone live I've finally played my first game as her and... I'm kinda like "Holy crap... if she's this good after getting nerfed, how good was she before? Yikes." That was even with a kinda wonky build and no add ons.
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i mean im not worried about a spirit face camping..... there are way worse options.. lol Bubba, Trickster with main event ready, Mikey at 99%.. lol... heck even Billy can be tricky
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Im a Fixated / Sprint Burst player, so I always loved playing against Spirit 😊
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Bro nothing…literally nothing has changed? No counterplay when you are in her terror radius and when you were outside of the TR you heard her already sooo? What exactly changed lmfao. You can‘t hear anything and can‘t see dust…
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Would have to play against her more. Have been playing as her and she sure doesn't feel like a D tier killer despite the forum's prophecies of doom*
Dust thing seems unnecessary now. Also they can give her back her old window vault animation now (a ghost climbing over things just looks stupid)
*No I can't care if she isn't viable anymore against oracle or whoever
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No change will make me like Spirit. I hate her with a passion.
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I always loved spirit because it changed the meta a bit. A 1v1 was forced more of thinking about the team.
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I still don't find her fun to play against but she's certainly more tolerable. A good spirit will still wipe the floor with survivors.
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Yes. An easy-rolling irritant.
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I really do not understand what the devs are thinking? Literally nothing has changed for spirit. No counterplay whatsoever. You don‘t hear where she‘s coming from or anything…..🤦🏻♂️ Behaviour telling lies over lies….just as we‘re used to…
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I've played a couple games against new Spirit — she's definitely much easier to predict and juke now that we can gauge where she really is. Still seems very strong (4K'd both matches), but much fairer.
Kicking up dust seems unnecessary. I play on awful tiny PC speakers and could still easily ascertain her location every phase.