Is there any chance for the phantom hits at pallet to be addressed?

I understand why its in place, but when using Demogorgon's shred on a survivor that drops a pallet right before you hit them, you still end up "hitting" them but get stunned or break the pallet, and it gets very confusing.
This goes for m1's too for most killers, its just overall kind of annoying in the end, especially when something technically should be a hit, like a survivor dropping a pallet too late.
It is just you getting BHVR'd... lol hit validation sucks sometimes from both sides.. its cause of desync either side that gets it happen to them can see it not looking right. If you get the hit it looks like you shouldn't from the survivor side, and them getting hit and then stunning you and magically being fully healed also sucks... lol no side wins. XD
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It involves making all hit sounds and blood splat wait for server side validation.
There's a 9/10 chance you will hate that more though.
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Same situation, other side.
I get often a hit, even after i'm already on the other side of the pallet or halfway flying to the ground trough a window.
I guess its ping and server.