Console players getting screwed again.

The infinite loading bug has completely destroyed console players ability to play the new event. This is insane BHVR, how does this keep happening? Console testing needs to be done more thoroughly to prevent this kind of terrible optimization issue from happening.
And there are lags, teleports, stutters, getting stuck / not being able to move.
As a console player I am upset yet again. Or still? Who knows at this point.
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The infinite loading bug is a PC problem too.
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What console? PS4?
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I mean in fairness, they did have to put in new cosmetics for this super amazing event that they put so much focus on. Clearly BHVR is just prioritizing the important things
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I don't think it's just Console, but there seems to be a lot of Boon-related freezes
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I got stuck in loading screen like 6-7 times today.
This is so sad. We have so many bugs and now we can't even play.
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Its pretty depressing. I left shortly after nemesis released for a break and decided to come back a few days back. Now I can't even play thanks to endless loading screens. I wouldn't be too fussed but I only have a couple hours a night to play and I don't want to spend 90% of it hoping that the next loading screen won't freeze up forever
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this happened to me on hour of the witch release day, i’d play a match and then get into a new one and there’d be an infinite loading screen. i would have to leave the game for it to work again, not had any problems yesterday or today with it and i play on xbox one.
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I haven't had long loading screens, but numerous games now I have died literally just because I couldn't move after getting unhooked. It's the most infuriating feeling to constantly die because of a bug.
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Turn off cross-platform and you'll say different.
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As a PS4 player I'm Just waiting for the fateful day where BHVR Just abandons last gen consoles once and for all with the classic new gen trope line from game studios: " As a dev team we want the best experience possible both in performance and graphics, and we're ending DBD's supports on last gen consoles...yadda,yadda"
Maybe it'll happen with a DBD 2? Who knows....
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At least on console it isn't only boon related. Even without any boons or boon perks the stated is still happening.
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I wish BHVR could kill switch the loading screen too
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Bruh i play on Xbox
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In my last game I attempted to get a hook off, it glitched and my player froze, the person on the hook didn't die even at the end game we didn't die so I had to quit and lost 4 pips 😡 this is on console
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I've been having an insane amount of performance issues today. Almost if not every game I've played has been super laggy and I've gotten infinite loading screens like 3 times. Typical chapter update I suppose.
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I'm on Steam, turned off crossplay, still got infinite loads.
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Playing killer the lagging and stuttering survivors has meant I've had many attacks just hit scenery instead of surv. Sometimes they'll just be standing there and I'll get hit animation (blood, scream etc) but they actually aren't there and there is no hit. I'm on xbox and prior to the update I had none of these problems.
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I have less problems getting into a game as survivor. Loading screen for killer is way longer and a lot of times it takes so long that one of the survivors leaves leading to me loosing my offering etc.
I just cannot play killer at the moment.
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Im on Xbox and I get infinite load screen 1/3 lobbys.
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I got on at 6:30 tonight and it's currently 9. I've had infinite loading screens the entire night for both sides. Originally it was just killer. (I tried PS4 and then PC.)
Can't even enjoy the Halloween event. :/
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Mine were closer to 2 out of 3 matches, also on xbox1.
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Turn off crossplay, it'll fix the problem. Until they get it straightened out.
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Yeah, it's pretty bad. Out of the attempted 6 games, I've managed to load into two so far. Hoping they come out with a fix soon, but I'm sure they'll make BPs rain and likely extend the event. Pretty miserable in the interim though 😕