Console performance

Are any of my fellow console players receiving awful performance lately (as in FPS or lag)?
I got back into playing the game after a month or so due to college, and oh my go- my first several matches of killer were horrendous. Just nailing a basic hit was a challenge and moving my camera was a mess. I know console is always bad, but now is just ugh-
Not sure if you were here before but it's been bad for a few years now.
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It's been like that for months
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Oh yeah I definitely have been playing since console came out, but it feels like the performance is worse now than ever (for me at least)
Their optimization fixes soon after the RE chapter was decent, but now it feels like the chapter's performance is back :p
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It's been like that for years on last gen. The current generation consoles are the only ones that can actually run DBD.
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The most recent patch is pretty bad. Not only is the fps terrible and there being lag spikes but people are also crashing.
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Yeah. I was looking forward to this event, but I can barely play. Playing survivor is alright though, for now.
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For me, this is worse than the RE chapter. Sure, frames dropped whenever you used an ability or dead hard, but now? I literally can't down people who are lagging because from my perspective they are teleporting.
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Oh I thought the people teleporting was just me. Man this update is pretty bad. I know they say they do things to make console better in the background but so far I haven't seen a single thing that shows that.
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My Xbox wimpers and winces with every update to this game...
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here's just a couple clips of lag by daylight i took, i'm on xbox one (one has two clips back to back, i recommend turning down the volume do to loud beeps)
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Console performance has been troublesome for a while now but this patch has made it worse. Numerous times I end up dying because desync makes me think the killer is far away when in reality, he's just knocked me down and hooked me. Or worse I'll get unhooked, and then I'm unable to move from the hook so the killer just knocks me down again.
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It runs alright on current gen but there is a truckload of problems with this last update....
Like sometimes your Bungie (even with good internet)
And I know on PS5 that great skill checks are horrid atm like the bar will max then go back to when you got the skill check sometimes not rewarding the bonus for getting a great.... Also sometimes pausing gens for a second or two when you get a great skill check
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I'll still argue that Xbox One/PS4 are current-gen because most people can't even get the new systems, much less find them for retail price
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My girlfriend and I have had issues where after being unhooked we cant move for about 5 seconds maybe longer
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Series X runs fine.
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i really wish they would think of us and not themselves with the timing of events. They know the game is going to be broken so if they had any care towards their playerbase they would put space in between in the events and their scheduled breaking of the game.
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It is true that a lot of people have it difficult time getting a PS5 but it is still the current gen while PS4 was last gen of consoles.
Xbox one/Ps4 is current gen of ownership I would say though
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3 times today a random survivor lags out and causes me to lose chase. So I'd say yes.
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I'm relieved to hear I'm not the only one experiencing these issues. I want to enjoy this event and get as much progress on the rift asap, but the patch is really becoming problematic.
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Today it was brutal. I got hit by the killer and nothing happened to my health state, but I heared the injured sound and the hit. A few seconds later he hit me again. I got a 5s freeze and I felt down. This was really strange.
Pretty often I also can not move after the unhook for a few seconds. Also new, today I was unhooked and flying around.
When I play killer some survivors disappear after a hit and respawn like 10m in a different direction running away. Its really hard to track them on yamaoka for example, if they suddenly disappear.
All happens since the helloween patch (PS4). Before the patch it wasn't perfect, but ok. But this patch is really the first one I've seen with so many impact on performance or synchronization.
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Yeah, similar to me too!
I guess the patch really F'ed up a lot of us :(