You know...we should be grateful for this game

I really mean it.
I've honestly never been more involved in a game so much in my life, it feels like its actually alive. Always changing, always evolving, not everything is always the same in each match. This game is kinda perfect for a horror fan like myself.
I mean, you can stalk the streets of Hattonfeild as Michael Myers, creep through the rooms of the Game as the Pig, hack people down as Leatherface, and punish people as Pyramid Head. How many games do you know that let you play as this horror characters? And who knows what might be added next?
I know the game, and the Devs, have been giving some people...difficulties...but what game doesn't? Is the game perfect? No, its got bugs like any other game and some things need adjustment. The Devs aren't perfect either, but they've managed to keep us hooked this far and made it worth it, it all depends on what they have planned for the future.
The only thing i wish is that people would just get along while playing it, i sometimes feel like people are always at each others throats, like winning in this game as Survivor or Killer makes them superior and gives then the right to bring the loser team down. And if any of those toxic community members are reading now, i'm sorry, you're not won one match on a game...its not that big of a deal...its not like you'll win them all the time, or the Devs will send u a trophy or something like that. Get over yourselves.
Anyway, I am grateful to be part of this game, some things go good for it, and some things go bad, but i'm with it all the way because i believe the game will improve itself over time.
Thanks for reading, i just wanted to get that out. And to the Devs, thank you and please don't forget about us and our concerns. Can't wait for Chapter 22...#SpiderKiller 🐙
Amen! A lot of ######### going on, but what game doesn't have issues? It's been going strong for 5 years for a reason! It's a good game with good tension and interaction between sides. The thrill of playing a bet on a mindgame and having it pay off, the satisfaction of reading the other side's mind. Its a buggy mess, but it's *our* buggy mess ❤️
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Thats why I love dbd so much, its so unique. We will never see a game like that ever, so many horror icons !
I love the idea of playing against a Pyramid Head in Raccoon City, playing Steeve.
Or facing Pinhead in Silent Hill playing Laurie.
But what makes the game sometimes bad and frustrating, are the players.
I agree with you about the toxicity. Everybody wants to win and play meta perks, genrush or tunnel. And its now worse with SBMM. Nobody wants to have fun anymore.
I feel like one of the last players who try fun builds and who always try to save everybody during the game.
I wish Behaviour will add another mode for chill players like me, without any mmr system. And the ones who wants competitive play could go on the current mode.
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I love the killers and survivors of this game. I love the dbd world and all those in it. I love the idea of dbd, but in execution, it's hard to say I genuinely love this game right now with how difficult it is to have fun most of the time.
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This game is a waste of time. I have spent over 2000 hours playing the same matches, same maps, same killers and survivors.
This is 3 months of my life or even 6 months of 8 hour work-days.
Do you know what could I have achieved during this time in my life?
Do you?
Well... I don't. I just like playing this game. LOL... but I am trying to play a bit less.
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To be fair, Mortal Kombat and Call of Duty have just as many, if not more, playable horror icons. Rofl.
But I get what you are saying.
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Yeah...if only we could actually play the game
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This game is an abusive relationship.
They lie to you constantly, sometimes directly to your face. They are always asking for money, yet never do anything to pay you back. They make promises that they know will be broken, then give you half-assed excuses for why things haven't improved. They expect you to deal with their issues every day, but when you have a problem it can take months or even years for it to be addressed, assuming they even get around to it.
But you stay with them because you remember the way they used to be and hope that some day things will go back to normal, not realizing that this is the new normal.
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I definitely agree, DBD is a love letter to horror and slasher fans around the world. Being able to play as and survive these slashers in an actual video game is just, awesome.
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Yes i'm greatful for them butchering matchmaking, destroying console performance, adding a whole slew of game breaking bugs every patch, throwing balance out the window, and in general treating their playerbase like garbage. What a fantastic game.
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Haha no
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I don't like the idea that you can't be critical of the devs and enjoy or play the game. At least that's the tone I'm getting from the topic.
I put a lot of hours into the game and the game has never been this bad for performance and bugs. Really ever since covid started last year and they started working remote quality went downhill and people are rightfully fed up having these issues that seem to be getting worse each chapter.
Not mention game balance is very questionable and the devs are very slow at making changes to improve balance.
And that's ignoring the increasing hacker issue because whike hackers have always existed, they were never this common.
I can like dbd for what it is and still have an issue with the decisions the devs make.
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The game concept itself is great, and I do appreciate them creating it as well as acquiring and introducing new characters both original and licensed.
After that though, I've witnessed repeated failures to uphold reasonable professional developer standards in regards to ethics, attitudes, character balance, map balance, product quality, game design, information dissemination, transparency, public relations, and much much more.
I honestly do think that they put too much emphasis on monetary compensation lately (both IRL and in-game) and tend to veer away from professionalism using a guise of playfulness. Notice how errors and related blood point payouts have become the norm instead of an on occasional compensation apology.
But hey, if I ever get tired of all the tomfoolery, I'll just a take a break from them and play Civilization 5 again.
But seriously, professionals have standards.
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I mean the game is good otherwise we wouldn't play it.
But it could be so much better if more was done and not the bare minimum of balancing + DLCs as often as possible to make as much 💲💲💲 as possible.
It's not easy to balance asymetrical game but for how simple some changes are, they certainly aren't doing all they could or don't want to for some reason.
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If the game was good then i'd be able to play it.
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Its ok if you like the game,but not holding the devs accountable will not solve anything,it will pretty much prove they dont really have to please their community,because people will play anyway.So kissing *** will do absolutely nothing.
I dont think there is hope for this game and BHVR,once real competition arrives,which is gonna be soon,you will see how all their decisions will backfire,but they already made more money than they ever hoped from dbd.
They put as little effort as possible into this game,but enough to keep the money coming.
The biggest issue for me with the game that made me quit was toxicity,which makes the game so unpleasant,along with all the other bad stuff going in the game,its just not worth it anymore,I had enough of dbd.
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It's good when it works which is rarely.
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Which is what pisses me off so much. I want the game to be semi functional so I can enjoy it again but the higher ups at BHVR have different plans.
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this post comes off as really simpy. I love the game too, I've put hundreds of hours into it. However refusing to hold BHVR accountable on the mere argument of "well everybody makes mistakes" is a really nieve and borderline conformist.
BHVR has had issues plague the game for literal years, and either took years to deal with them, or hasn't dealt with them at all. What makes this worse is when they say they're working on a fix or some big project, just for it never to arrive. BHVR has broken their word time and time again, and they lack transparency with their community. Even take this halloween event, BHVR said they were cutting down on other events so they could focus on making a big and bold halloween event. What did we get? You kick pumpkins and get some cosmetics.
Their lack of transparency has really showed off recently with both this patch and the NFTs. Spirit and Deathslinger getting gutted out of the blue, with Deathslinger hot even having any good reasoning nor warning as to why he got gutted.
As for the playability of this patch? How can anybody defend it? This patch is awful, it barely functions. BHVR failed to QC for some of the single most obvious issues, namely being whether killer could actually snuff out totems, because surprise, surprise totems were placed exclusively for interaction with survivors. Then of course there's the plethora of bugs and crashes which is near the level of Cyberpunk in terms of unfinished quality. You can't go excusing waht a mess this patch is. And I for one would gladly let them delay the release of a patch if it meant we got to actually play the game.
Then there has been the whole NFT situation which was a complete breech of trust. BHVR for one endorsing and promoting NFTs is awful from a moral standpoint, but just to add insult to injury they initially deceived the playerbase about their involvement, just to then confirm they were in fact involved with creating NFTs. Which they announced after the release of Pinhead. Most likely because they knew full well how much hate they would receive, I personally feel so betrayed by BHVR, for omitting such important information to do with my purchase. Then they do no damage control as their one tweet addressing the issue didnt even address peoples concern. Then they go and bury it under a mountain of tweets.
If you still don't want to hold BHVR accountable after all I've said, then I guess it's no wonder they're able to get away with such awful practise. to release unfinished products, make shady business deals and lie, just for people to still praise them like the second coming of god.
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people have mainly stuck with dbd, because its the only game of this genre that has made it, dbd literally has a monopoly thus people stick around due to there not being any better alternatives.
as soon as a better game similar to dbd arrives, I feel quite alot of players may switch over, however that is yet to be the case, as all other potential rivals have perished, currently people are hoping for VHS to provide actual competition for dbd.
We should always hold the devs accountable, excusing them for issues, is why the game is in its current state, they put the bare minimum effort into the game just to keep the revenue coming, the issues are swept under the rug, the devs clearly know they have a monopoly on this genre thus they don't put real effort in anymore, till there is an actual rival or players somehow force the devs into improving, the devs won't put more effort into improving the game.
You can enjoy the game and be critical of the devs.
But the devs have set such a low standard, that if something works as intended without causing major issues, its a victory. Yes other games have issues, and problems , but not typically on dbd level, in which the game may or may not become completely unplayable due to an update or patch.
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Yes, let's not hold them accountable for constant lies and taking the money we spend for granted.
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Dead by Daylight makes Cyberpunk 2077 look stable.
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I don't have Stockholm syndrome so I won't be grateful for it, thx.
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It needs offline single player.
That would make me very happy.
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You can be grateful but also not lose sight of the fact that they are also a company. As such they are bound to be held accountable and receive feedback good and bad.
Much of the criticism BHVR has received has been developing over the years, it’s not like one day players woke up and decided to just complain. Many which have been here since the start.
I am also not blind to the fact that they do update their game a lot. However it seems to come at the price of crashes and disconnects, which makes it kind of hard to appreciate the good when it’s overshadowed by the game being unstable (as an example).
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Not exactly.
I am extremely grateful for the 2018-early 2019 DBD. That was easily the best game I've ever played. I loved literally everything about it.
I am also grateful for the 2016-2017 DBD, despite not having the opportunity to play it.
But current DBD? No.
A thousand times no.
Reworks and unnecessary changes ruined this game bit by bit for me, and that is not something I am grateful for.
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I do have issues with what the Devs have chosen. I wish they'd fix the balancing issues, but if its going to happen, we'll have to wait and try to enjoy what we have right now
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The game was fun at a time for me but now it became stale and repetitive.
I was grateful for that time and was hoping for it to get better but to me it hasn't.
With so many perk that did little to nothing and a few that could greatly impact tye match to one side to another, it not so fun.
The concept for dbd is great but the execution went poorly in which the dev haven't done much to fix it.
I still hope it does get better for people who still play the game and i hope people still enjoy the gzme but i don't think i will be coming back to it.
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I'd happily appreciate the game if it wasn't a ######### broken pile of ######### right now.
Yes I am salty, this happens EVERY SINGLE TIME. ######### sake.
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sure if i could play it
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Haha, good one! As someone who played CP2077 months after release, that was the buggiest mess I have experienced in my entire life. I literally have a folder with 12 GB of video and pictures of the many, many bugs I put up with in 45 hours of gameplay. At least I can play Dead by Daylight and get two matches in a row without bugs... everywhere I looked on Cyberflop, there appeared a new bug every time.
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The idea is great, the execution however, not so great.
The lack of communication from the devs, cheaters, bad design choices. I hope there will be a strong competition soon, so they can finally wake up.
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I would be grateful if
It was balanced fairly
They did proper QA on all platforms before releasing new content delaying it if necessary
Got an anti cheat system that actually worked and went after those who are selling the cheats/hacks with lawyers. Obviously they can't do that with the actual script kiddies who work alone as easily.
Kept bugs/glitches/exploits much lower than they are now and got to work on them more quickly.
Do something so the game will tell if someone dc's with the 'leave match' button and punish accordingly.
Ban IP address/account of hackers, the bigger ones will use a VPN but they may catch some. Instead they are just thinking 'they will buy the game again. More money for us'.
Treat their players with more respect, being grateful to the player for playing. They could be more open with us instead of trying to fob us off all the time.
Listen to people who know how to play the game, who know what's too strong or too weak. To make a game the player wants to play, as of now they are making it how they know it makes money.
Lessen the grind.
Stop making empty promises. The crafting system and early game collapse for example.
There are many, many more examples I could give. They don't deserve us to be gracious right now.
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This has to be a joke. We pay money for this game, and players are not getting what they pay for.