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Survivors need to be compensated more

Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

Nobody would ever disagree that solo gameplay is the worst it has ever been because killers are so overpowered and survivors are so weak now. Killers have too much going for them to capitalize on an uncoordinated team. Even casual SWF are losing.

Killer queues are horrendously long and survivor queues instant is a huge tell that not many is wanting to play survivor any more. It is hard to get any points when you are camped or tunneled or killers slug everyone for a 4K. Meanwhile, the killer gets an amazing amount of points from doing this.

Survivors need some buffs and more bloodpoints. Due to solo gameplay experience being so unfun and an unfair disadvantage against the killer, solos should get double the bloodpoints that they currently get.


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    I knew it was you

  • Arbmos1998
    Arbmos1998 Member Posts: 172

    Survivor compensation? You just got a new Survivor with a thicc booty, what more could one want?

  • MrSlippery
    MrSlippery Member Posts: 98

    Survivor side honestly isn't that bad. If Circle of Healing gets fixed, it's a really strong perk, essentially broken when played properly. But after last update, I've been having fun with For The People paired with Vigil, even in solo queue. I'll bring a double or triple healing medkit, since the broken cooldown is so short with the two. Bad survivors may bring the match down, but that's not a killer issue, more so the terrible SBMM system.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,959

    They should definitely increase survivor bloodpoint gains

    You get em faster much more as killer

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    And you'd still need to spend ~15million bloodpoints to get all perks on one character. So if youre banking on CoH being your savior you should still want the grind adjusted... Unless youre like me and play killer to dump BP into survivors lol

  • MrSlippery
    MrSlippery Member Posts: 98

    I agree survivors should get a BP boost. Even getting 4 stacks on WGLF, and running a BP offering, I'm still only getting 50k a match. As killer I'll get around 100k. Survivors have too many actions in certain BP areas, and they are lacking in others. After 2 years, and over 2k hours, I still have yet to get a perfect match as survivor. Yet I get those a lot with killer. With CoH I'm just saying I see the potential of it, to the point where survivors can essentially make the game unwinnable for the killer, when most gens are done. I just think Boon perks should have a downside, without making them useless. I'd be happy with them not cleansing Hex totems, but rather both effects apply to the same totem, if a survivor chooses to bless over cleanse.

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    i put a lot of bp into zarina to unlock for the people but i realized in solo i barely ever get to use it and even if i do it's a disaster

    either for some reason can't heal someone after they're downed at exit gate (were they shifting me?????) or the person i heal goes down in 15 sec and then i go down in 45 sec because i gave my health state away and can't heal and i wonder to myself why i gave away a health state when i'm probably the only one on the team that can run a killer for two minutes

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Same point cap for everyone, put in the work if you want the points.

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567


    because now let's talk about having 16,000 point caps weehee

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Don't see the point, just seems like a lazy qol change for survivors that only do one thing but want the same reward as teammates that perform in all categories.

    If points are low, it's a result of not doing enough. The caps help incentivise teamwork in multiple ways, unless your just out to survive and all others be damned.

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567


    but sometimes the entire team refuses to do gens and i 8000 objective in 2 minutes because i can't stop hitting great skillchecks

    sometimes the entire team refuses to unhook people and i'm stuck with 8000 altruism and it just keeps going because they get caught and pressured off the hook running around like little yapping pomeranians

    sometimes the killer is just on me all game and refuses to give it up and i refuse to let them hook me because i have deliverance and they just will not take the hint that i am playing my tiny behind off for a reason, 8000 boldness or not

    and uh........................ well hitting 8000 survival is a [eep]ing triumph in and of itself, that category would probably need looking into

    but regardless of all of that, you don't get much opportunity to actually get points in matches particularly when teammates go down like sacks of potatoes, hookbomb and let you die on first hook or get tunneled out right afterwards, so there probably is a bit of an issue in general

  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462

    F. buffs, but I agree, the amount of bloodpoints survivors get on average is pathetic. With the amount of grind in this game, BPs should be doubled or tripled at least for survivors and killers. It took me a week to finally get all perks on Nurse, considering that I had some perks already and played with BBQ and BP offerings, making around (25000 x 2) BP on average per match.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    You know, I thought this was going to be "Survivors need to be compensated more...for being facecamped" and I was about to agree with Sluzzy.

    Whew, that was a close one.

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    while we're here and on the subject of getting clapped, do you think being mori'd should've been a big point infusion for both parties and if you did get a fat payout do you think it'd've been as big of a problem that moris punted people out of the game an extra hook state early

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Solos need buffs, not survivors overall. What you imagine as buff is addition of new OP perks or buff to passive survivor stats which are already too favorable to them already.

    What actually needs to happen is better coordination options like text lines similiar to how identity V does is and other stuff like that.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,235

    You might try playing killer for bloodpoints tho.

    I heard they get soo much of those.

  • Gladonos
    Gladonos Member Posts: 392

    Sluzzy speaking sense? What is this trickery!!!

    Yes, survivors don't get enough Blood Points. It is by definition unfair. No way to justify the current situation and the people doing so just hate survivor players and want them to grind longer and suffer.

  • Super_J
    Super_J Applicant Posts: 18

    I just think Survivors need a better perk for bonus bloodpoints other than "We're Gonna Live Forever". Killers have "Barbeque & Chili" which is infinitely a better perk overall for farming bloodpoints. Other than that everything else you said is severely debatable. I honestly have longer ques for survivor than killer currently.

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    someone suggested having the killer scoring bp things work like barbecue as a post-game, i suggested putting +sacrifice on monstrous shrine

    there could be a perks that had +% for the categories that don't have it + all be post-game so they don't pseudolie to people

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    I mean you could well have spotted the problem. We've been asking for some sort of bloodpoint increase for a few years now or at least some way to trade in the ton of USELESS items/offerings we're forced to collect in order to get what we really want from the web, for more BP. But perhaps it's in BHVR's best interest to keep it as it is to get survivor players to switch up to some killer playtime.

    The grind is....tedious. Especially when you can play your heart out and still hit under 50k even with WGLF, then you have to waste 7k or more because a pink bulb or key I'm never gonna use, is in the way. Of all the things that have been changed lately, I'm both surprised and not surprised that the blood web is still the same.

    If they don't want to change BP gain then at least do something about the mountain of useless items and addons we have to trudge through so we aren't wasting what little we get, just to get to what we actually need.

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    with the hatch-key interaction pretty much destroyed save being the last one left now's the time to increase your respect for aura red keys

    particularly with 99/66/33% built to last heyo

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    You have a point, but I don't use keys because it puts a tunnel target on my back from the get-go and that's not likely to change lol

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    shouldn't anymore (ish) + that was never counterplay vs keys anyway since someone else that's aware of it will just grab it if it drops

    that being said, last second key switches will probably still get one tunneled for years to come

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    I don't even really care about the reason but I see "more bloodpoints" and I automatically nod in agreement to that part.

    Nuke the grind, one warhead at a time.

  • Rhoska
    Rhoska Member Posts: 273
    edited October 2021

    An idea might be to institute that if Survivors play without an Item, they earn bonus BP.

    Or implement an item for Survivors that fills that slot, and does nothing other than increase BP.

    So if they dont use any items, and thus receive bonus BP.

    This interestingly might work wonders for SWF vs Killer balance, as Otz's analysis and testing indicated Survivor items have an ENORMOUS impact on win ratios.

    Post edited by Rhoska on
  • DieGräfin
    DieGräfin Member Posts: 227

    I don't have problems in solo surv rounds. Sometimes you have this "special" guys in your lobby but that's normal I think. If you have such sweaty rounds in solo, reduce your MMR.

  • Kozmacik
    Kozmacik Member Posts: 1

    That's nonsense ... Survivors are too strong. They need to be clearly nerfed. The game in this state is basically unplayable.

  • SpaghettiYOLO
    SpaghettiYOLO Member Posts: 234

    Don't understand how it's so hard to just do everything there is to do in a match. If you just do gens, then you're only doing like 25% of what their is to actually do. Totems, unhooking and healing, chases. Doing all of that means you get just as much as killer, who has to chase, defend and destroy gens, hook survivors, and kill survivors. Killers don't always get to do all those things, just like survivors don't always get to do all those things. Thing is it's usually because survivors are gen rushing, but sometimes it's because killer just isn't breaking off from a chase.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    The only thing in this post that I can agree with is the extra BP.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Even a mediocre killer will prevent you from doing much in the match. Play a random solo match, on average everyone gets less than 10K while the killer gets an astonishing 30K or more. The survivor objective is way too difficult to do because killers can apply too much pressure with so many objectives the survivors must do.

    This issue is then compounded when killers have perks that literally win the game for them.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093
    edited October 2021

    Even though I know you're constantly just trolling -- it's your thing 😉 -- and seeing your posts is like seeing an old favorite TV show or movie on and having a warm feeling of comfort to know exactly what I'm getting by seeing it -- in just the slightest chance you actually believe what you post most of the time, I really think you've missed your calling. Whtever machine you invented to enter the alternate realities you play the game in would certainly make you much more famous (and wealthy!) than your fame (infamy?) you have on this message board. 😉

    The number of matches I get less than 10K as a survivor are ridiculously small, even when the match doesn't end favorably. I played numerous solo survivor rounds last night and was routinely topping 20K in those matches, including a round over 30K -- and that's not unusual for me (especially when I'm playing in my SWF groups). On average, I have to be getting 15K a game as survivor if I had to take a guess (my next long survivor session, I might actually keep track and see -- it's possible I'm overestimating my numbers, but I don't feel like it).

    Killers do get more BP, but considering that, during the game's peak hours of evening into early morning, there's usually a drastic shortage of people playing that role (hence the long survivor queue times during those hours), even that incentive doesn't help the imbalance -- a lot of people actually play killer ONLY to farm BP. Remove that incentive and those players stick to survivor-only play, and the queue issues only multiply, inadvertently making it harder to get BP as survivor since matches will be even fewer in number during those times than they already can be.

    I DO favor making it easier to get WGLF stacks (something with healing, maybe, to put it on a better footing with BBQ). Raising BP caps across the board for all categories might be a good fix as well. And obviously, the main elephant in the room is the grind itself -- too many levels of too many perks and too many offerings/items/etc. clogging up Bloodwebs that could be streamlined to reduce the BP grind. All of those changes, I would be firmly behind, as it would benefit ALL players of the game (especially those who play all sides of it).

    ETA: Since I have SO much recorded play, I did a quick look back at a 47 match sample size (It would have been 50 games, but I threw out 2 games where everyone's BP was super-high due to something that boosted BP in-game for an event, and a match where my recording ended before the BP totals showed up at the end). In those 47 matches -- which were primarily escapes on my end, but there were games that I did die), I totaled 1,072,128 BP, for an average of 22,811. I had multiple matches over 30,000, including a perfect 32,000 in one of them. Out of 188 total possible scores for survivors in those matches, not counting DC's by players, only 11 failed to break the 10,000 mark (and again, those were not all 4-person escapes -- players died regularly -- and they were a mix of 4-person SWF games, 2-person SWF games, and Solo Survivor gameplay). 11 total for just under 6% of players who couldn't crack the 10K barrier, a far cry from "on average" (and without rewatching all of that footage, I'd guess that some of those were players who were camped or tunneled out of the game, or who quit on first hook by trying to Kobe then killing themselves after a rehook -- none of which would be considered typical.)

    As a caveat, those are cherry-picked somewhat, as they are "better' results, so my average would be lower when I factor in games that didn't go so well (though, even if you removed the 5K for surviving from EVERY match I looked at above, my average would still be north of 17K without a single escape, so how much "worse" matches would skew things would be debatable) -- as I said, I'll be curious to look at a large sample size of playing only survivor for 6-7 hours upcoming at the start of the week and see how things add up then.

    Post edited by ChiSoxFan11 on
  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    Both Killer and SoloQ Survivor are in desperate need of buffs yes, both feel like pulling teeth while SWF are basically eating steak and lobster the entire match.

  • MrSlippery
    MrSlippery Member Posts: 98

    I use For The People, after I unhook somebody. Vigil further reduces the broken status effect, down from 60 seconds to 42 I believe. I also run Dead Hard, as it helps while you are broken, and WGLF to make the unhooks even worth going for. Usually will bring a purple medkit, with increases healing speed and +16 charges. Once Circle of Healing gets fixed, I may drop Dead Hard for the build.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    Another Sluzzy post, do not feed the troll, when she needs a huge, she comes here and type this kind of post to get some attention.

    You can't complain about survivor state if you don't want to improve yourself, I got matched with you a few times before MMR and your Gameplay is like 20 hours survivors, you run straight, predropping every pallet and ending on the hook, SoloQ is on bad state because survivors like you exists, never try to mindgame, never try to loop, just running from One pallet to another One.

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567


    i want to be in one of sluzzy's matches and see what all transpires, would be rather illuminating

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    Imagine being One of Sluzzy's team mates, after her first hook the Killer comes for you and you find an empty map, with luck an "Infinite" and One or two unsafe pallets xD.

    If the team genrushed, fine, you have a chance to escape even with all the map wasted, but if they don't, the player on the first hook killed all the team.

    The she comes to the forum, complain about killers without thinking that the biggest problem in soloQ is the people like she, that survivors that never try to improve as players. The only way to make this kind of players win and don't ruin their soloQ mates experience, is reworking every map with the same number of pallets than Piggy map, a super strong Map to give baby survivors the chance to win without any kind of effort