BHVR should basically thank survivors for playing now

Basically since the game was launched, everything has been nerfed from survivor to the point now there is no escape options.
BHVR has done an outstanding job making survivor a miserable unfun experience unless you are playing SWF and having fun and not caring if you lose or not. Watching some Twitch today because I didn't care whether I played or not, killers are playing in the most unfun ways possible sweating with slugging people at 4-5 gens still up and people DC out of sheer disgust with their lack of hope in the match. It is a testament that people even queue as this role to begin with.
Survivor has been nerfed way more than killers. It blows my mind how horrible survivors have been nerfed over the years. Dead Hard is about the only meta perk that hasn't been nerfed and the developers have totally refused to fix it while making sure with certain that killer perks work as they are supposed to. Even nerfed a survivor perk before going live and then disabled it in this patch before it went live. Killer perks also are way more oppressive, unfun and never disabled or nerfed. Survivor perks are nerfed when they are deemed unfun, such as decisive strike being nerfed not once or twice but several times. But killer perks such as NOED that are unfun, or Tinkerer/Ruin on Blight are never nerfed. The devs should apologize for this and try to make amends with their community.
Object of Obsession was totally ruined and nobody uses it now. However, Tinkerer/Ruin/Undying is actually a worse experience to play against and it is still used constantly on Blight and nobody wants to play against it. It still isn't nerfed or reworked to be more fun to play against. The devs should apologize about this.
Killers cried about Balanced Landing on Haddonfield and it was nerfed. Killers cried about keys and now they are an unuseable item. There is no point in playing survivor now if there is not an opportunity to escape other than finishing all 5 gens. Where is the fun here?
I could write an entire book more about how survivors have received a real beating in the game, there is no end to survivor nerfs. Solo is totally, totally unplayable.
I just think survivors deserve a sincere apology for being mistreated and they need to be thanked and appreciated for playing the game. Until BHVR officially apologizes to survivors and promises to improve I will never have any respect.
we should go back to 2-window shacks with infinite 500ms vault-from-standing and instant bnps ye
i wonder why things kept getting nerfed
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Somehow I agree with this, while also respecting it as possible bait... might have something to do with most of the Killers I've played against during this event.
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Thank you
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Dear Sluzzy, you should consider playing a singleplayer game. Try out Dying Light, you can even kill the bad guy.
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I swear the people crying on both sides is unreal and unwarranted, this game is as balanced as it's ever been and it seems that everyone refuses to believe there are people more skilled than they are and there's always a scapegoat for losing whether you're blaming perk loadouts, swf, maps, calling the killer op because you lose and asking for ridiculous nerfs etc... people just can't handle a loss these days and feel the need to justify themselves or have a reason why they didn't win instead of accepting they could've done something different with a better outcome
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Is this a troll? I feel like it's a troll.
Have you tried playing killer!? It's almost always a shitshow.
I'd thank a killer before I thank a survivor but maybe I am just jaded from playing way too many solo matches.
As a killer, the level of stress and bs that is endured during a match - no, I wouldn't thank a survivor and wouldn't expect devs to either.
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If you replaced the word 'survivors' in the title with 'players' then I'd 100% agree. Seriously, I'm playing some early access games atm that seem to be way more polished and technically sound than this mess of a game.
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it is, and a recurring one, but you get pm'd by moderators for pointing it out apparently, i'm sure there's a good reason
at any rate i sometimes wonder about a hypothetical alt universe where it was killers that started out as ungodly powerful but were just too herp to make use out of it and they were the ones that kept getting bapped over and over over the years
probably be pretty goofy, but then the curr scenario is pretty goofy too
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you forgot about the part where killers are gifted blood points just for playing killer. as if its just a walk in the park to play survivor. do everything and still get 18k points its a joke
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But most of the things that were nerfed for survivors were broken and/or problematic. Yes killers have problematic things too, but that doesn't mean that they're not getting fixed/addressed. I do agree that Solo Survivor is bad, though.
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Will you give it a rest already?
What are you "on" about?
Survivors are the power role in this game, especially in higher MMR ranges.
They do have all the tools to use the Killer as their plaything if they want to.
That is very much true for all the SWF groups out there.
Its all about DH,DS,BT,Unbreakable. You fill find these in most matches.
Many survivors are so incredibly toxic because they know they have the upper hand.
As a result you see them t-bag behind dropped pallies and of course clicking with their flashlight if they happen to carry one around.
What you want Sluzzy is an easy escape button that lets you escape at your whim, nothing more.
And of course it has to be an item exclusively for YOU to carry around.
I am simply appalled by what you write here. Its such a deluded one sided view of the game.
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solo q is by far the worst thing in the game and its not close
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sluzzy I've always wondered after all these posts you think you would've got better at the game no offense
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technically if you think about it making posts like that with such consistency precludes you from improving your play in the first place
if the problem's always someone or something else then there's nowhere for you to improve on in a given end result
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I suppose I can see that, he never tries to improve his own gameplay because in his mind it's always his teammates fault he got caught when really he could hide or loop better
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Those are not the reasons why SoloQ is unfun. SoloQ is unfun because SoloQ doesn't even get 1/10th the information SWF get without sacrificing perk slots. SWF basically get well passed 16 perks, I'd wager it's closer to 30 by the sheer amount of info they have from playing together. Knowing where the Killer is, where they are going, WHO the Killer is, where your teammate is, where to go to heal them, the list goes on and on and on.
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..........In what fantasy world is survivor the weaker of the two roles?
Post edited by Sandt21 on3 -
Which survivor nerfs would you want to be reverted, my friend?
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"Basically since the game was launched" like you said, you couldnt hit a single survivor because of infinite, low animation to vault, 60 palettes in a single map (remember Palette Town ?) or almost 30mins of wait as survivor because no one will play killer.
Both matter, actually both have options to escaped or have some kills. Without this maybe the game will be dead a long time ago. Because people dont want to wait for ages for nothing so they would have played a different game.
I can't agree with you Sluzzy, you talk about just a way but there are many way to think.
You talk about a perk who has been nerf before released, oh let me see "Coup de grâce" same fate.
Balanced Landing was nerfed because it added new loops (example stairs on nurse's map) not because of Haddon
OoO solo or as a team gave you almost everything information, to compare most perk give you one type of information not all (+ no mind game in certain loop again it's break aspect of the game)
They nerfed some tricks on killer when people could abuse it (Legion power to gain 8 stacks of STBFL for example or same killer with 2 addons purple and moonwalk to creat a 100% down in 10sec around)
But yeah, survivors is alaways been nerf (just kidding), sorry man can't take you seriously.
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You need to move on from the 2016-2017 mindset lmao.
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Sluzzy you've made so many troll posts you're making me think you actually think this way.
Does doing a little trolling not get boring after you've done it the exact same way for ages?
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Call it trolling, bait, whatever you biased people want. But her points are totally true and logical.
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Not bhvr but thank you Sluzzy.
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Not really, no. For the points to be true they should be backed up with evidence which there isn't any
Both sides have been buffed/nerfed. Both sides have had changes made that were healthier for the game and both sides still have some work to be done for them to be completely balanced
I'd be willing to spend the time going over every minute buff/nerf each side has gotten and explain why I think they were good/bad changes.
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Not true, we need to waste a perk slot on BBQ for that "gift."
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The evidence is the updates and plain for all to see. Sluzzy nor I never said killers haven’t been nerfed. But survivors, and especially solo survivors, most definitely have gotten the short end of the stick each passing update. As long as they don’t address core issues such as camping and tunneling.
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I've been mostly a killer main during my time in the game and I thought solo q was a nightmare at first. I still had fun but didn't expect to escape. But then I got good at survivor. I find that if I play well and manage to run the killer for a while, my solo q team usually does pretty well.
One good survivor can affect the game as much as one bad survivor.
Also, I have never had a higher escape percentage as I have since the update
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SoloQ is a way better than It used to be in the past. The Big issue right now is the DC penalty off, because survivors leave Game when they face Nurses or Blights or when they make a mistake and they got hooked, but that is not soloQ problem, is egoplayers problem.
Another problem are the survivors that reach high MMR carried by premades and plays soloQ, they don't have enough level for that bracket and they fail, ending on DC or suiciding and blaming the killer for being a real High MMR player and not a boosted.
Anyway, let me remind you how bad is survivor state right now.
* Tons of second chance perks - Dead Hard to save your *** if you make a bad move and get exposed. Unbreakable if you fail and get downed by killer, Soulguard , DS to give you a other chance if you keep failing as survivor and loose your chase, punishing the killer for being better than you.
* Tons of perks to deal with regression meta and totems - Small Game, Detective's Hunch, Counterforce (Jill perk) to deal with tótems easy. Prove Yourself (I don't know english name, sorry) to repair faster while killer is chasing another mate, Built to last... With this perk you can literally Rush 1 entire gen and a half of the second ALONE using a yellow Toolbox + 8+12 as addons.
* New perk to abuse strong loops - Shadowstep is omegabroken in certain Maps, House of pain on Haddonfield and Badham, Main buildings on Crotus (Allways spawn a tótem near the building) The Game is an absurd Map with this totems, Lery and Demogorgon map are also a pain....
So, are you really telling me that survivors are nerfed or weak? Excuse me, but you are a completely noob, if you don't know how to use the tools that the Game is giving to you, It is your fault.
I play alone since I started on DBD a few years ago, and I have Zero problems to play as solo survivor, my scape rate without counting Keys and hatch escapes is more than 70% and I am not a looping beast or something like that, I am main killer but I took my time to Learn how to play with efficience and not like a monkey Dropping pallets and Looking for another more.
My build? Nothing special - Iron Will + Dead Hard always, and then I swap between botany when I have medkits or Inner force, and for the last One It depends if I am doing any tome challenge, but my 3 perks for this slot are Spine Chill, Borrow or Small Game.
If I, main killer, can escape 7 of every 10 games, you can do It better if you are main survivor, more if you play as premade (Look otz video, they had 86% escape rate as premade).
So stop crying and git gud, as premade players Tell me at end Game chat when they Rush me :)
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When you run Lethal Pursuer and you see 3 survivors spawning near a gen..... Cling cling cling xD
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Or even better: spawning in the middle of the map on Ormond -- and seeing Discordance go off on two separate generators at the complete opposite sides of the map from one another diagonally. In a lobby with 4 toolboxes in it. Good times. 🤣
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I mean game is not balanced for sure but i think this is the best for both sides.. both killers and survivors.. All im asking is for Noed is that when the last gen pops we should get exposed right away. Not when the killer wipes away all the survivors.. Im playing on low ranks cuz i dont grind.. And problem is most people are really bad so they just die. Plus, good players alredy can guess or tell if the killer has noed or not.. So theres no point of hiding it imo
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all the nerf was deserved
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have you ever played killer before??
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They have. And they are a very good killer player, actually.
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I’m surprised they don’t complain about anything on the survivor side.
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Sluzzy isn't wrong. Solo survivor is a mess right now. Solo's desperately need a buff and camping/tunneling need to be less effective.
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
Solo queue is not that bad, come on. I play solo survivor almost exclusively when I play survivor and I escape 60 - 70% of the time while messing around most of the game (trying to proc MoM, Sabo hooks, kicking pumpkins, etc.). I can play relaxed the whole time and win often enough without sweating it. Contrast that with killer where one dead Hard can cost you an entire game
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C'mon, Sluzzy is always wrong in that aspect because they refuse to accept that there are two sides to the story and survivors have not faced a continuous downward spiral into uselessness as they continually claim.
Given the amount of hours they have as Killer I'm always surprised at their attitude.
Post edited by Rizzo on2