######### DID YOU DO TO MY PS4????
Some hacker managed to brick my PS4. What are you going to do about this, huh? I'm tired of you slack-jawed, incompetent devs who can't code a simple algorithm. All because of your game, my PS4 is completely broken because of a hacker who managed to infiltrate your system. My friend's PS5 also got bricked by some Russian hacker.
This is YOUR responsibility. Do something about this!!!
If this is true then holy #########.
There was a certain someone who got bricked as well.
Not sure how it'd be possible for a hacker to do that, but if this happens to be true then I honestly fear that.
12 -
Okay this is actually getting bad enough. BHVR needs to do something because people's consoles are being bricked, ######### hell. It's only going to get worse from here.
22 -
Describe specifically what happened and what makes you think it was a hacker.
3 -
I ######### hate BHVR for this. I will never buy their games ever again.
7 -
They still appeared when crossplay is off too.
2 -
Relax. PC vs Console fanism is as old as both platforms and likely will continue until consoles/PCs become essentially the same thing in some not so distant future.
As to topic, we dont know what happened to OPs PS4. There are any number of things that can brick a PS (or PC for that matter) and usually "hacking" is the least likely of all.
0 -
Not entirely true about hacking being the least likely a few years back on consoles (not dbd) we had to turn off messaging from public people because people were coding the messages to brick your system until you used the app to delete that message
6 -
That doesnt seem to be what is happening here though, is it.
And even then in that example you put, there too hacking was the least likely of causes for a console to brick.
PS: What game, what console, what message and what app are you talking about?
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Also @DelsKibara:
Did you read the specific language OP used in addressing and reference to the Devs?
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I do not think that it is possible to do that through the game.
0 -
Well I think bricking a system is rare only times I hear about it is usually a really old system a poorly made game or a hacker got involved.
Back in like 2018 I think Playstation messages getting a pm on PlayStation could brick your system because people were putting in coded messages but there was a way to work around it to make your system work again which was to get on the PlayStation application find the message that bricked it and delete it from the application.
They suggested to make your messages private in the settings do no one could send you a coded message until they figure a way to remove it
3 -
How is BHVR not even addressing this?
2 -
Because it is complete bull.
2 -
I think until proven otherwise, it's a perfectly reasonable assumption to say it is the hackers fault. Entirely possible they just overloaded the consoles cpu and gpu and the console got #########.
9 -
I mean, it's totally possible to crash someone's game.
I don't think it's impossible
9 -
He is claiming his console got bricked because he played with someone, i don't think so.
1 -
OP asks what happend to his PS. Answers question in first line.
Truth is no one can just tell what is happening. I already see there are speculations about pc players doing something to crash console users.
I saw some hacking footages just now and i can see hackers are able to entirely manipulate the game engine (ghostface throwing hatches,teleporting instant mori. 2 killers,flying etc.) So i will dare to assume they can even pull some unreal graphic stress or glitch that screws with consoles.
2 -
We need BHVR to comment on this.
2 -
Mine almost got bricked by the RE update, I believe it's possible
5 -
Question, are you still able to perform a factory reset?
1 -
"I think until proven otherwise, it's a perfectly reasonable assumption to say it is the hackers fault."
Thats the exact opposite of how proof works to come to reasonable assumptions.
"Entirely possible they just overloaded the consoles cpu and gpu and the console got [BAD WORD]."
You made everything in that up.
1 -
And how on earth should that happen? This is even below silly rumor.
1 -
Pretty sure there were severall people reporting their console either bricked or were operating at a very high temperature during the RE Chapter drop.
5 -
This is the third or fourth incident I've read about someone's console system getting bricked by games with a hacker in it recently. That doesn't include claims that peoples routers have been fried either.
That's kind of terrifying.
I'm actually going to start warning people that I know play, to stop playing if it's a concern for them, even on PC.
Sympathies to those who have already been affected.
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The fact that the game is extremely poorly optimized.
Even @GoodBoyKaru had issues with their PC.
7 -
If you believe every bull you see online you might be mislead. Fried routers? Lol.
1 -
So this is the second thread like this since yesterday?
3 -
I know my game has been dropping some frames on occasion since the patch released, hackers have increased, crashes are prevalent, and a myriad of issues exist in the game.
The claims are kind of extraordinary, but if multiple people are reporting issues about the same thing (bricking), under similar circumstances (games with a hacker), on a game that's infamous for being broken with poor optimization, I actually do want to give them the benefit of the doubt.
If I ignore the claims, the worst case scenario is financial or property damage could happen to myself or others.
If I acknowledge the claims, the worst case scenario is I refrain from playing for awhile and the developers are pressured to address issues that have been going on for awhile.
In short, there's no benefit to dismissing these claims.
11 -
None of which has been substantiated with any evidence.
All there is here is two OPs claiming something happened that they blame on hackers, and randoms piping in with anectodal unrelated examples and pure speculation.
2 -
except if you want to feel like an armchair expert and dismiss all the claims because you "read a google article so know it all" kek.
I kid, but I agree. And honestly, if you ask me, the claims aren't all that far fetched given the state of the game currently.
5 -
Probably not the hacker and just the game itself.
0 -
You can believe what you want but attention seeking is a thing on forums you know.
0 -
I have had my PC hang from just playing DBD.
This was ages ago and it has only happened once, but it still happend.
1 -
all the more reason to take the claims seriously.
1 -
lol imagine thinking bhvr will do something about this.
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Not saying they will. But saying they need to do something about it.
Their choice to letting their customers lose their machines or not.
5 -
You really think MONTHS of complaining about the same thing over and over again, by people desperate to play the game they've loved for years, is attention seeking? Are you serious?
9 -
This is actually very possible; they can control use of the system's resources in order to overload or overheat it,including fan functions.
However, given that we all know what performance of this game is like with basic effects, it's not hard to see that something as basic as stacking a ton of effects together will completely brick an older generation console.
6 -
I know, it's just depressing to me. It's both horrifying and hilarious that they ######### up this bad ngl. They need to get a new anticheat contract asap and just hotfix it in, rather than wait for a new major balance patch.
5 -
There still isnt any evidence that anything has actually happened, let alone by a "hacker" through DBD.
This is starting to take on rather concering aspects of mass hysteria as I watch how this is snowballing in peoples minds as they pile on speculations, "think of the children"-style slippery slope concerns, and hyperbole extending to demanding BHVR do something about which we dont even know it has infact happened, or how.
2 -
Is that so wrong though?
Whether or not it's true, the claims are arguing to improve optimization for users and take a more aggressive and open stance against hackers. Both of which areas that have been neglected for a very long time, albeit one more than the other.
For that purpose, I don't know why anyone wouldn't support it. Especially when they can't prove the claims false.
4 -
Usually the claimer has to prove, not in your world i guess.
2 -
A quick Google search would let you see the last part is correct. You can fry a router or send a zip bomb to it.
Both of those are extremely illegal.
7 -
Yeah, through being matched together in an online game 🤣
2 -
Hey just wanna let you know that at any time, anyone is vulnerable to an attack. Doesn't matter how good your overall security is as long as you have one weak link that tears them all down :)
4 -
Because they said it couldn't happen, when it happened to me.
I get DDoS'd at least once a week.
2 -
That's literally what they're talking about? Hackers frying routers while on DBD is the issue here.
5 -
Can we take a moment to notice we're having a serious deep discussion about hacking on a post OP should have directed to the support instead lol
2 -
Someone at BHVR needs to make a statement now... peoples consoles are getting destroyed because of their game.