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SBMM is a Big Lie

I think SBMM is a big lie from BHVR to calm down their community only. I play during night game even with the noobest killer i ever had i get bullied and dont have any hook from survivor.

Totally disaster

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  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Only insomniacs and people who nolife this game play ridiculously late, theres not really anyone else to pair you with.

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    I mean lie or not.

    Their explanation for the MMR doesn't help the case.

    I'm all for MMR but holy ######### #########, that QnA blew the lid on the whole thing.

    What matters are kills and escapes, that's it.

  • Applicant Posts: 1,285

    At least on my servers (SA) late at night is the chillest time, only true chads playing. Playing during the day and evening is asking for sweat teams all the time.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    That sounds nice...late night EU is survivors who will queue 20 minutes for a game and then try to get back to the lobby as quickly as possible

  • Member Posts: 46

    One or even multiple instances of having tough matches doesn't negate the existence or utility of SBMM. There are a lot of factors that go into a match, and the tide can turn from killer to survivors multiple times. There are going to be games where you get 3 or 4 wins multiple times in a row, and there will be multiple where you get 0 or 1 in a row (I have noticed this). However, you remember the "losses" more strongly in your mind, so it appears that you're losing more than winning. That's what's called the negativity bias.

    If you want to really convince the community that SBMM is a complete sham, please provise us with actual numbers. Start a spreadsheet and list the killer and build you played, the time of day, how many hooks and kills you got, etc. If you do that and play 50, 100, 200 games or more and you consistently get 0 or 1 kills, then I'll start to believe you.

  • Member Posts: 351

    I agree... calling it skill based matchmaking is ridiculous when it does not take skill into account in any form. Hell, the emblem system was a far more accurate measurement of skill but ppl whined about that and now we are stuck with escape based matchmaking.

  • Member Posts: 740

    Yah the funniest part was they were banning people for talking about how terrible there mechanics bec7ase keeping it secret was more important than fixing it

    This post is in no way a criticism of the dbd devs and should not be taken as such. It is also not intended to point out any forum rules being violated both of which are understood to be against forum rules.

  • Member Posts: 1,174

    Honestly what killed the old emblem system for match making was them making ranks not reset further back. When I started in 2019 rank reset put you back I believe 10 ranks from where you were but when they changed it to only being pushed back one color they killed any semblance of rank based match making since it became impossible to depip out of red or purple unless you stopped playing for a few months thus making rank meaningless.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    The emblem based matchmaking would be even worse, to be perfectly honest. Maybe they are a better measurement of overall skill. But deciding matches based on them would be cringe.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    SBMM has definitely changed how matchmaking works... that said, whether it's better than the old matchmaking is questionable. I'm having some fun with it, as in I don't run into bully squads anymore, but it bounces around wildly. I've always liked to 2-hook everyone and then just slap them around until they either escape or start memeing at me when I'm playing killer, and that gave me a comfortable green-purple rank in the old days because everyone generally escaped (either because I mercied them or because they outplayed me, it was about 50/50) but I did get good emblem scores. I'd get a range of decent players to the occasional sweat squad that wiped the floor with me. Now it's shifted hard downward; I'll vacillate from getting somewhat competent if not A-team survivors to wet-behind-the-ears newbies who don't know what Exposed means or how to loop at all, and I feel compelled to take it super easy on them even past the no-kill rule because I really shouldn't be matched with them and they don't know what they're doing at all. The old ranking system gave me far more consistent matchups and I had room to improve my skills in it; this one doesn't. Definitely the old system had major problems, but I don't feel like the new one is properly measuring the breadth of performance.

    It's also pushed me to play killer more because solo queue has become vastly more frustrating. My average teammate used to be competent and that is not the case now.

  • Member Posts: 351

    I don't see why. Right now we are basically being matched based on the emblem system minus 3 emblems. Really all they did was remove evader, altruist, and lightbringer and match us based on the unbroken emblem.

  • Member Posts: 351

    This, 100%. I think they did it to try and keep high ranks out of the low rank lobbies but ended up boosting mediocre players into the high ranks. Really all they had to do was set a threshold of how low your rank could drop to keep experienced players out of the noob ranks.

  • Member Posts: 682
    edited October 2021

    Late night games are the worst time to play, especially if the game has SBMM. The game will obviously try its best to match you with similarly skilled players, but... if the skill disparity is too big (or not enough people in your skill bracket), it should eventually match you with anyone it can find. That way you're not stuck forever waiting for that balanced game.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    The only question I have with about it is the spike in opposition quality. I've had games against red grade demos and gold ranked blights, sandwiched between newbie addonless trappers (twice) I even faced a Myers who tried to hook me on a hook which just sacrificed someone lol. So im getting some really good ones AND some newbies......

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    Yep so its just again the first ranked system that they replaced for being Defective...Just without the monthly reset.

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