
I've only played against one cheater since I joined but I have seen quite a few times streamers going against cheaters.
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Post edited by Miralis on0
I can send you a video from a spanish Streamer getting matched 2 times in a row with 2 Different hackers on the last week.
1 Game with 1 hacker and another One with the entire team.
And there is a weekly clips video from a Guy called "Clipsedita2" that every week shows hackers on games, so they are more common than we think
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I watched a vid recently where someone was quoted as saying that supposedly 10% of the PC playerbase uses cheats (in some capacity)
There's no citations or proof or anything like that but the person who said that is supposedly someone who knows a lot about the people cheating in dbd. If that statistic is true then that's kinda shocking right?
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there is more and more hackers that's a fact but all the brick claims are straight up false I've said it again and again anyone that's wants to debate this with me can
but I can link my github and projects I've worked on to prove ik what I'm talking about
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Post edited by Miralis on1
they are 110% lying good catch my guy finally a knowledgeable person not even being sarcastic I'm being fr thank you for thinking harder
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Post edited by Miralis on0
It would be nice if this one was proved to be false within 2 hours. Luckily I play low mmr mostly. And wouldn't really dare try a high mmr killer with the current performance.
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Post edited by Miralis on1
"it doesnt happen to me so it must not exist" is not the good argument you think it is.
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Post edited by Miralis on0
Post edited by Miralis on0
I haven't been bricked but I have had my game crashed several times by hackers.
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Post edited by Miralis on0
Eh. They definitely can, especially if they don't think they'll be caught.
They have access to people's client data (which is why they can make vulgar messages pop up when you report them) so I definitely think they have the ability to.
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You can DEFINITELY brick a console if you really wanted to, emphasis on REALLY WANTED TO, and had access to cheats in the game. Console hardware isn't made as durable as you think, especially when they already run hot enough just normally running an optimized, trashy mess such as this.
I.E if a hacker can spawn in 70 firecrackers, they can quite literally spawn in the bare maximum so that the console runs too hot and something melts/breaks. Whether it be a wire, something to control thermals, or the CPU itself (I doubt that), it's completely possible.
If you haven't heard as well, hackers got access to LittleBigPlanet's source code and made the game mine bitcoin in the background, which would totally brick a console (they shut the game down before it did any damage); Anything is possible with a lack of security.
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theres two types of hackers in this game, the blatant ones where a jake snakes around at 100mph and theres the subtle ones, where a killer KNOWS where you are even when they absolutely should not under any circumstances KNOW where you are.
there are plenty of the subtle types of hackers, but because they are so careful about how they cheat, EAC will never know to look for them. the blatant ones get reported and found out relatively quickly.
ive never heard of anyone bricking in the dbd game due to hacks; i have only heard about bricking for dark souls. picking up an item an invader leaves you is just asking to be soft banned in that game.
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sadly the dark souls brick is the same way they can do it in this game, in dark souls they use a save editor to load the item dropped with specific code that is damaging to the hardware then leave it for the player to pick up. This game hackers can load this code into things like flashlights and medkits before loading into a match that stay with it. This is why if you pick up a cheaters flashlight it still can retain its function if edited to do so. They have also found ways (not sure if via the item pickup or other method) to take over other peoples report user functions. The thing is in this game with crossplay its a lot easier for a PC player to do it than a dark souls player use to which was console specific play requiring an already jailbroken console and a save editor.
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Right. I heard of what happened to little big planet. That's sad, but I didn't believe it at first
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We usted to have the same amount of cheaters in the past, the problem now is that most of Streamers main Killers are on High MMR and they face this kind of players tons of time, because they just can't loose a Game xD but yeah, is a bit scary
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i would assume that means 10% of PC player base and not the whole DbD playerbase since consoles cant cheat the same way PC does
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Yeah, I don't know if that is true or not. On my series X , I don't know why... My survivor has like poligonal render, every survivor I play, has the face pixeled like an Alpha version of that survivor, seems like a visual bug. Maybe bug, maybe hackers screwing Up the code... Can't say anything 100% sure. But for my own console safety, I Will off my CrossPlay
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they don't intend on crashing out your console, but is a side effect if their actions. And I really doubt they care about how they affect your hardware
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I'm not saying that these recent claims are true or false, but I would not say that "people who cheat in games" and "people who intentionally try to brick someone else's device" are mutually exclusive. It's more a matter of "is it possible to do so through entirely in-game means?" Note that we've had a very confirmed case of PS4s being bricked through the messaging system, so it is at the very least hypothetically possible to brick someone else's game console at all.
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So far I've only seen PlayStation players report this. Anyone know of Switch and Xbox have the same issue?
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Post edited by Miralis on0