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I noticed more killers are going afk to lower their mmr

Member Posts: 269
edited June 2022 in General Discussions

I've had multiple killers message me saying the reason they're going afk is to lower their mmr and because gens get done so fast

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 567

    i don't know what to say about this as things have been very sad lately as an ex-killer main (90% killer or so) and i can't help but emphasize

    here's some spinechill corts to lighten the mood

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    I don't think this is a common thing. It never has been. I rarely ever see an afk killer.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    At low mmr, it is super common. They already made it down, they just don't realize it yet... ha ha ha.

  • Member Posts: 554
    edited October 2021

    Oof, you missed out on the good times then.

    This has been around forever: People used to use bots to go trapper and do nothing all round but set and pick up a trap over and over again to get infinite bloodpoints, basically making them afk and ruining the game for a long while. With the current state of the game, I'm not surprised something similar is popping back up

  • Member Posts: 633

    Worst part is when the killer is afk the game last longer because the survivor fo everything exept gen XD

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    It seems silly. If they don't get enough kills their MMR goes down naturally. I know for some players their starting MMR was set too high (mine was on many killers too), but after a few games of getting my bottom handed to me, I started to get the potatoes more suited to my own level of ineptitude.

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    Going AFK confuses me. So if gens are getting done too fast, they are escaping, which means you're losing MMR? However, if you're killing Survivors, you're gaining MMR, which means you will face better Survivors? If the goal is to meet less efficient survivors and kill them, won't those actions put you right back where you started?

  • Member Posts: 1,069

    Can someone explain me please how is it fun to play 4k-afk-4k-afk-4k-afk...?

    This sounds kinda stupid.

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited October 2021

    Granted, I play killer significantly more than survivor, but I've seen maybe 4 AFK killers in the 13ish months I've been playing, 3 of which were on Haddonfield and one after we had Ruin spawn literally next to the first gen we went to.

    On the other hand, every second game I play as killer (at a very mediocre MMR I'm guessing) has either:

    • At least one survivor AFK from the start.
    • At least one survivor run up to me as soon as they see me, then suicide on hook.
    • At least one survivor with full meta perks and a fancy toolbox/medkit, and is millions of times better than me. Sometimes it's a full group of .TTV people with legacy skins.

    I'm not saying killers don't smurf their MMR, but I see it way more in survivors, and now dodge any lobby with a .TTV in it, whether I'm playing survivor or killer - as this will inevitably be someone who sandbags the match to lower their MMR, or someone looking to stomp lowbies to make them look better on stream.

  • Member Posts: 75

    Many killers are tired to play tryhard with tunnel and camp to do something but well i dont have any problems, maybe the I.A killers are coming up soon

  • Member Posts: 5,279


  • Member Posts: 380

    I guess I'm lucky. I stink so bad as killer I can just play normally and my mmr still plummets.

    But seriously, since mmr is based mostly if not completely on kills, why not just play normally and just not hook anyone for the third time? I play this way on purpose a lot. I have fun and survivors still get a good game because it's not obvious I'm going to try to let them escape.

  • Member Posts: 714

    I'm one of them, i just don't see a reason anymore to lose my mind at high MMR, the amount of hackers it's insane and most of the times you don't stand a chance because survivors are decent and I'm forced to play nurse, no thanks, i play afk wraith and meanwhile watch some yt, then i play a couple of games and do the same over and over again. Or i just do the 8 hook challenge since the only thing it count is kills

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    Reminds me of before DC penalties existed. Lots of people used to AFK or DC to drop their rank because high rank was "not fun." It's the same song and dance now with MMR.

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    I hear somewhere that the system could detect an afk player, don't know if thats true.

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    That might explain the GOD TIER NURSE destroying us before we could get a single gen done (on The Game with the perk Starstruck).

    I have potato MMR. There is absolutely NO REASON I should ever face that BS

  • Member Posts: 1,619
    edited October 2021

    I did it myself as Trapper yesterday.

    In my opinion the main problem of MMR is the killer MMR raising too quickly.

    Two 4K in a row and in the third match you will be put against good survivors or survivors using OP items like toolboxes with BNPs, Purple medkits, astringets, etc.

    BHVR should know that achieving two 4K in a row doesn't necessary means you are too good for the survivors you faced, maybe you simply had luck with the RNG spawns, the survivors made mistakes and things like that, only two 4Ks are not enough for a good sample of your skill imo.

  • Member Posts: 1,685

    How do you know you are low MMR though? You'd only be guessing. I would assume most people on the forums are above average and therefore not low MMR

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    a system that actively encourages players to lower their score is a faulty system and shouldnt be in the game.

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