Ive found the best build for Legion

Surge, Blood Echos, Thanatophobia and.... Blood Favor
Im unstoppable right now.
Blood Favor carry me early game, 2 or 3 hooks before first generator done.
Survivors are afraid and dont understand what happen at the beginning. Then my totem is cleansed during first 3 minutes of the game, I have hooks and 0 gen done.
Then I slowdown the game with my other perks and keep chasing.
Who said we need meta slowdown perks to win against swf ? Im unstoppable right now.
What do you think of my build and what would you change to make it even stronger ?
Thank you devs for buffing Blood Favor its a very strong perk now im addicted to it on Legion š
PS : im using no addons and still won against swf I love it. Im thinking about which addons could be good š¤
I dont have blood favor on my legion yet, but I figured with the change Legion would start feeling really strong. My only question with your build is Blood echo. Why exactly would you use this over some tracking perk or more healing slowdown? I might even consider undying tbh to really make sure I get the most out of that blood favor value. Help me get the Blood Echos call...
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When I use Feral Frenzy on the first survivor its easy to make all survivors injured because of Blood Favor. I think Blood Echos and Blood Favor have a good synergy on Legion.
Pallets are blocked and they cant DH for distance to a window.
But Im open to changes and suggestions :)
I dont want to use Undying because I dont want to protect my Blood Favor, I use it to disturb survivors early game. I dont want to protect it like a Ruin.
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I tried blood favour a few times on legion, I liked it at first but then people started running from the tiles that get blocked off. I ended up dropping it because it started to do less and less the more people faced it.
Then I realized Legion's cooldown after exiting their power is 4 seconds. Survivors run 4m/s, so that means they can get 16m away from you after a frenzy hit. Therefore it will take you, if they run in a perfectly straight line, ~27 seconds to catch up to them again (16 / [4.6 - 4.0]). That's longer than blood favor lasts, and is more than enough time to get to a new set of tiles anyway.
Blood favor is decent, but if survivors know to run to another tile it does literally nothing. Use with caution, decent for a surprise down early though if they're not attentive.
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I mean, you have to hook someone for blood echo to do anything, and the effects only last 45 seconds. I get the dead hard is gone if they keep running but if they sit on a gen then idk... the hemorrhage effect is like a big nothing to me so idk... I'm mostly concerned with dealing with survivors who are splitting up and not getting the multiple hits. Like I said maybe something tracking oriented.
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Do note that you are not standing still while in Feral Fatigue.
The survivors only make 8m of distance or 13.33 seconds
But yeah if survivors can run in a straight line blood favor doesn't work so well.
You really need to be mindfull of pushing them to the corner of the map where they can't do that to use blood favor well.
Or have a multi floor map, that works pretty well too
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If you cancel your Feral Frenzy in the good place in the right timing they have no time to run.
And yes its very good at early game for easy down, nobody expect it.
I I think it depends on the maps, but Blood Echos is good on small ones.
Do you have any underrated perks to suggest me ? I want to try new ones.
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I like discordance, but if you really are in the market for underated, I would go with deathbound. The oblivious status effect on a likely fully healed survivor means you get the notification of where they healed and your terror radius is active but they cant hear it or predict where you are coming from and you know that another survivor was close because your thanataphobia really encourages them to heal eachother. But if you see a ton of medkits in your lobby definitely dodge this idea.
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I already tried both, it was on my last build for Legion.
Discordance is good on Legion, but good teams dont stay together against Legion, so its not useful on him.
Deathbound is better on Oni in my opinion. I liked it on Legion but again, good teams dont heal against Legion. I get Deathbound + Thanato combo but idk..
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I get it, but good teams can counter literally anything, so reasonably "good teams" will counter blood echos.
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Play with your food is actually lowkey pretty good on Legion.
even 1 token makes a big difference and most of the time everyone wanting to stay injured can quickly make things go out of control.
It takes a bit getting used to getting the most of it but once you do it really helps the Legions weakness of downing people and can't be removed like blood favour.
It's not the best perk on Legion but it works surprisingly well on them. Also zooming around is just fun
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Its true š
Really ? I need to try it, ive never though of using this perk on Legion š¤
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"i am unstoppable right now"
Gets looped at basicly every single tile since Legion is a M1 killer.
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Here's a video of someone using it
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Add Nurse's calling and you stomp everything.
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Blood Favor š
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Does play with your food work while you are in Feral Frenzy? Speed Ad-ons?
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Legion doesn't have speed addons anymore but Play with your food does effect Feral Frenzy. Just know that attacking will still lose you stacks.
It actually works better then usual on Legion's FF cause Fun fact: Legion is special where their power doesn't add a boost to their movement speed but sets their base movement speed higher. It's a barely noticeble difference but it is a difference.
According to the wiki anyway. Instead of the normal 0.23 m/s you get 0.26 m/s per token while in Frenzy
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Oh shitte! What about bamboozle instead of blood echos?
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Blood favor doesnt stop the survivor from moving xD also its a totem if you didnt know, its not hard to find a totem in dbd. Usually they stay most of the time alive for around 1-2min which can maybe give you in that time here and there a kill, but other perks can give you way better advantages then that.
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Just give it a try ! :)
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Blood favor doesn't seem like something I would run. Half the time, your totem gets cleansed right away. You might end a chase or two early if you're lucky. Too inconsistent for me. That's why I run pop instead of ruin.
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I'm a very big supporter of Thana, Surge, Corrupt, Deadlock on Legion. The idea is to slow the gens down without needing to rely on removable hexes, or constantly kicking gens. The gens will either slow down due to thana, slow down due to getting blocked by deadlock, or get surged. This lets me focus on downing survivors rather than on popping gens or defending ruin. I had used Thrilling tremors, but deadlock and thrilling tremors have negative synergy and can negate each other.
I tried blood favor and it just gets cleansed before I even get use out of it. Hexes are so fragile that they need to basically be game winners to be worth running.
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Until you lost 3 or 4 hooks before even starting a generator š
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Run Cold dirt + Susie's mix tape, you'll recover from feral frenzy so quick.
...i believe it's Susie's mix tape. might be wrong though
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Ruin undying tinkerer corrupt intervention
Also a hex lasting 3 minutes? What game are you playing?
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Just give it a try.
I was struggling with Legion against good survivors, now Im unstoppable.
And you said "good survivors dont waste pallets" that is exactly a big mistake against Blood Favor. Using them makes my hex useless. But trying to loop me is exactly what I what and I get easy down.
Thats a very good idea, I will try it :)
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I like blood echo on them too (them and plague) and currently rocking blood favour + undying. Extremely fun on hawkins, for me anyway