Plague and doctor shouldn't exist

Poorfu Member Posts: 47
edited October 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

First off, the plague has the extremely overpowered ability to down a survivor at INSANE distances. It requires little to no aim unlike the huntress since it can be sprayed everywhere. A good fix would be to downgrade the damage it does. So it doesn't take a couple hits from it when your down. I think that's a fair trade considering you really don't need skill to aim the projectile, again unlike the huntress which actually involves timing and perceiving where your target is going to go next.

Now the doctor is the EZ mode choice. Basically, you know where every survivor is at all times with the shock blast. Which also screws with skill checks and if you're hit enough times with it, you'll continuously scream revealing your location almost always. A good fair downgrade would be to reduce the shock blast radius. He can also completely ruin the survivor's game by using the shock ability to prevent them from ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME PROPERLY. Such as dropping pallets and vaulting windows. The survivor needs a fair chance to get away and with the doctor, that is completely ruined.

I understand that the killers are supposed to be OP in a sense and you're supposed to be in the feel of danger. That's the fun of it. HOWEVER, when you create killers that completely ruin the game survivor side, it becomes an annoyance and needs immediate attention. And if it doesn't get the attention it so desperately needs, the game will lose a majority of it's player base and it will be just another dead MMO. I don't want to see that.

Not even my opinions. These were major complaints I've picked up along with some of the community and I completely agree. You can't change my mind

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 973

    Those 2 killers on near the bottom of the pool and not that strong of your struggling against those 2 then you're probably getting destroyed by every other killer.

    Plague has a rather heavy restriction when she can use her red vomit. She only gets one for free and any more you have to give it to her. You're giving an audio and visual warning that she has it that's your que to hide or run.

    Doctor the only killer in the game you can't play by hiding/stealth all game. You have to know how to loop, run calm spirit or jump in a locker to avoid his static blast.

    It doesn't matter who the killer is if the player is good with said killer they WILL catch you.

  • Rancid_Discharge
    Rancid_Discharge Applicant Posts: 193

    Plague op now I guess

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I like plague but I cannot use her for #########. I’ve seen some really strong plagues in the game though. I don’t really like playing against her but she’s a unique lady and deserves her place in the game.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    You know the plague is easy to face if you just do one simple trick.

    Do not cleanse till the end

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    hee <3

    somehow? yes

    though i might have actually caused some of those forum posts when i showed people what it's like when doctor can always find you via blast --> you pre-emptively shift w and make them take ages to catch up and then begin to try to loop them and work your health states to more shift w --> actually i have 5-stack devour and you're dead if i touch you, and i get really on point with my shock denials when i'm hyperactive

    my bad

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226
    edited October 2021

    Plague's vom distance isn't that far - certainly nothing on all the other ranged killers - and she can't damage you unless she's walked to a corrupt fountain, taken it, and entered a chase quickly thereafter. Her ability to use her power is largely controlled by survivors and their choices in the match, and it's easy to waste precious time. Oh, when she finds a cluster of people and snowballs, she snowballs hard, but I main her and trust me, Corrupt Purge isn't without its counters. Besides the obvious Dead Hard, you want to waste as much of her time as possible by running around corners and high wall structures. She can't shoot through solid objects and only an absolute god-tier Plague will be able to snipe you from over them. Consider that she slows down a little while she's charging her power and that usually gives you an edge to keep the chase running longer. Combined with the relatively slow speed of her projectiles, even if the Plague has timed it right so that she starts shooting as soon as she's turned the corner behind you, you'll have time to turn again without getting hit in many structures. You can also make use of mid-height structures by stopping to briefly crouch whenever she releases. Just don't be dumb and wait to drop a pallet or run out into the open. Even if she does down you with Corrupt Purge - if she only gets one down out of her 60-second run, that's really not a bad thing for your team. She only has as many of these as you give her plus one and she had way more potential to cause havoc on the team than she got out of it, given that Corrupt Purge's multitargeting is its biggest strength - so that's what you want to do, get her to chase one person and make it last.

    She's moderately map dependent when it comes to Corrupt Purge, too; open outdoor maps like Coldwind or Shelter Woods are great for her, but indoors like the Game, RCPD, or Hawkins are built-in counters when you can just keep turning corners for days.

    Doc's static blast is a strong survivor locating tool, but it can only be used once per minute and maps are often large or irregularly shaped - if you use it and get no pings, you're set back. And when you use it and get multiple pings... Doctor isn't a killer who can actually pressure multiple survivors at once. Scatter and he'll pick a target. The shock ability is a strong anti-looping tool when it works, but needs to be timed precisely to prevent survivors from vaulting and requires the Doctor to zap the location the survivor's going to be in about a second before the vault. Try to be unpredictable and throw pallets early to block the Doctor before he can zap you (as long as it's not a short loop pallet that the Doc can easily walk around; obviously you want to get some delay out of the pallet.) And don't expect a hiding strategy to work against a killer who can locate you; be ready to be chased and prepare your escape routes in advance. If you're really dead set on hiding, keep moving when his terror radius arrives or go into a locker. Lockers aren't a bad idea when the TR approaches and you know the Doctor isn't chasing anyone/hasn't static blasted in the past minute.

    Doc in particular has a reputation as a noob stomper; low-level teams get obliterated by his toolkit because they tend to be poor in chases and reliant on stealth, but in high MMR, where everyone knows how to loop, he's very mediocre - which is interesting for a killer that has anti-loop abilities, but what can be inferred from that is that other killers have more effective anti-loop games and are better at denying survivors their tools, so to speak. I'd also say that his zappy window denial is harder to use than it looks and the timing is counterintuitive, but high-level players have mastered that and it's a non-factor when it comes to his viability compared to other killers.

    Plus I don't really consider Doctor's static blast that much of an upgrade from meta killer detection perks, which you'll be facing every match anyway. Okay, so the Doctor can find survivors in his TR. It's really good, don't get me wrong, but when does he use this? Apart from the start of the game, it's once he's wrapped up a chase and needs a new target. BBQ and Thrilling Tremors give the same type of information at the same time on a larger radius. Or if you use it when you get bamboozled and lose the survivor mid-chase, I'm All Ears covers the same thing. And I had a Doctor game tonight where I basically forgot to use Static Blast because I was getting so much Nurse's Calling value I never needed to. (Levelling up Doc, lack optimal perk selection.) The point is, a killer being able to find survivors with extremely little counterplay is nothing new under the sun.

    TL;DR, different types of killers require different playstyles to handle and these two have fair counterplay. Not so sure about your 'major complaints, not even my opinions', because most of the community I've been exposed to barely cares about those two killers and considers them to be solidly middle-of-the-road.

  • ion_eyes
    ion_eyes Member Posts: 46

    As others have said, there's always ways to adapt. As soon as you tell yourself, "it's impossible to counter this killer", then you've already lost.

  • ThanosPAWG
    ThanosPAWG Member Posts: 412

    You had me there for a minute but obviously bait.

  • adirgeforthedead
    adirgeforthedead Member Posts: 424

    Plague is at a "fine" state. I say this roughly because she has never been a strong Killer, but she isn't underwhelming either. Her buffs were long overdue in the last patch, but there isn't anything about her that it's overpowered in any sense. She just requires a different approach than other Killers.

    Doctor himself is not OP. He has indeed a lot of advantages when compared with other Killers and his capacity of blocking loops by just pressing a button makes him really annoying, but that's a different thing than your argument. If anything, I am mostly irritated at every single Doctor using the exact same add-ons to make their trials as insufferable as possible, but that's add-ons, not the Killer.

    Nevertheless, I'd never say either of them are overpowered or that they should be deleted. You just need to adapt to how their powers work and form a strategy based on that.

  • MrSlippery
    MrSlippery Member Posts: 98

    Plague is fine. She doesn't even get Corrupt purge, but one time, if nobody cleanses. Doc gets screwed by latency a lot, even with discipline add ons. Another problem with Doc, is people thinking impossible skill check build is actually good. He also loses bloodlust when using Shock Therapy. Which prevents you from doing window vaults, or dropping pallets for a whole 2.5 seconds. He attacks on the right side, dodge left. Neither killer is an issue.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    Obvious troll is obvious.

  • Sweet_Tour
    Sweet_Tour Member Posts: 558

    Imagine complaining about a Mid B and Low C Tier killer. Some Halo levels of reach going on.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    Excuse me leave my vommy mommy alone

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Plague is a good, A tier Killer that isn't unfai. Doctor is an ok C tier Killer with a mediocre anti loop ability and good information gathering. They don't need nerfs

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    Well... as a Plague lover nothing is more frustrating in her matches than when survivors deny me my corrupt purge all my easy downs are impossible. But yes let's tell the survivors cleansing is the right move so my matches as her can feel less like pulling teeth XD

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    Have you tried downloading Dead by Daylight to play it?

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    That's bait.

    Plague is now 'B' rather than 'C' tier, and Doctor (while certainly better than people give him credit for) is 'B' tier at best. The simple fact that his shock stops pallet drops and vaults correctly maybe 50% of the time will never not be frustrating.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324

    Anyone who says EZ loses my respect instantly...

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 614

    BHVR : " We have heard ur Problems so we are going to nerf Plague and Doctor

    Plague Changes :

    - Corrupt Purge now heals Survivor and no longer damage a Survivor

    Doctor :

    - Static Blast no longer reveal Survivor instead it heal them and give them a small Speed Boost

    " We hope this Changes Help every whiny Survivor that Want to see Killer nerfed even if they are not high Tier "

    ... i mean come Plague and Doctor OP really ? They arent not even good they are some of the better Killers but far away from Nurse / Spirit Level 🤷🏻‍♀️ The only thing that need a nerf on this Game are Survivors

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    You've never played Plague. It shows.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I absolutely hate the doctor. Takes 0 skill to just spam your shock blast revealing all those who even quietly leave the area when you approach. I'm quite good at stealth plays but this doctor just counters all the good work you do to avoid him. Ive had games where ive done 2/3 gens, saves, heals and not been hit once, to then being the last alive and zapped at a distance and subsequently caught.

    Plague is fine, you can deny her power for goodness sake

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    Maybe I'm doing plague wrong but my matches go a lot more smoothly when they cleanse and constantly give me corrupt purge, when they don't sure they're easier to find but my ranged ability is essentially gone so those chases I do get into go on for and obscenely longer time than they should coz I'm forced into M1 chases

  • Libervita
    Libervita Member Posts: 248

    I have defeated many doctors and plagues, sorry, survivors can easily deal with these killers.

    Survivors who know the killer's ability can completely avoid the situation you said.

  • Grandkurama
    Grandkurama Member Posts: 320

    Bait detected

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    Static Blast has a 60 second cooldown. You can't spam it, it only hits survivors in your terror radius, and it shows a massive vision blocking silhouette where that survivor was when they screamed, so unless you're right next to them they could still be long gone by the time you get there.

    If you're trying to stealth against a Doctor, get out of his terror radius.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I was miles away from his last game and wasn't in his terror radius yet it caught me.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2021

    That's literally how his power works. Survivors within your terror radius scream.

    You were in his terror radius.

    Or you were in Madness III and you were screaming automatically. You need to break out of Madness III.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    They are fictional characters.