Why is MMR even a thing?

AnimeChannelDE Member Posts: 62
edited October 2021 in General Discussions

I play Killer maybe 1-2 times every month. So my MMR is basically not existing. Why I getting Gen Rushing ######### SwF ESL Player every Game? I cant do challenges. Nothing in these Games.

This Game is so poorly Survivor Sided and no fun at all. Survivos will have an easy game too even if they double the time on a Gen.

Whats the point of MMR when it changes nothing?


  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,956
    edited October 2021

    so you dont get free stomp against new players who just started

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    this was also the case before MMR. MMR just made this more apparent and consistent.

    The balance of this game is on higher skill on survivor side, on lower skill on killer side.

    We need gameplay changes to address this. Matchmaking can’t solve this issue.

  • TheShocktor
    TheShocktor Member Posts: 134

    Look I don't think anyone wants a free stomp but currently killer is atrocious to play. It's not fun anymore and I used to love to play killer. Now it's gen rushing looping gods every game. Makes no sense. I'm not mad they're good and know how to play. It's just that between the safety on the maps such as pallets and other loops and survivor perks It's hard to even down survivors. Used to you might get one guy who was really good per team. Now everyone I go against knows positioning, how to loop, rushes gens, etc.. The ol drop chase and find another survivor is useless. You chase 1 guy, lose 2 gens, chase another and lose 2 more. Next thing you know it's 1 gen to go and you have 2 hooks. I know I'm not the best killer but I've played a long time and it's ridiculous the state this game is in.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    ... unless you AFK a dozen of games to reduce your MMR, yeah

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    that's the most boring thing to do but I feel like that doesn't even do much.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    I know this MMR is based off of "skill'' but I've read it's kills too??

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    It's not based on skill. It's only based on kills/escapes, literally, the devs have confirmed it. If you escape - your MMR goes up, if you die - your MMR goes down. For killer you have 4 separate counters against all 4 survivors. If you kill a survivor you get +MMR for him, if the survivor escapes - you get -MMR. It's really how it works, no kidding, this is why everyone calls it "Escape Based Matchmaking".

  • getuy45u4iu
    getuy45u4iu Member Posts: 93

    MMR exists to ensure 50/50 kill and escape rates, this will be used as the reason to state that the game is perfectly balanced.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,956

    If you reach that point, its time to uninstall, not only will that take forever but you will spend more time afk'ing than playing because you are just going to get matched against better players again.

    Derankers where super common, even fog whisperers like Jendenise where doing it.

    the rest is complaints more related to the balance of the game, something that was an issue before MMR

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    MMR is a thing because the devs saw it work to some degree in other games, and decided to dumb it down to the point of failure for their own. They're so out of touch with the health of their game that they made a system which caters primarily to noncasual SoloQ, with any successes outside that (whether it be from casual SoloQ, SWF, or Killer) being comparatively rare.

    Some people are seeing better matchmaking. Most of us aren't, because their system artificially inflates numbers.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    MMR exists because BHVR wants to. It surves no purpose at all but here it is. Ranks were definetly a much better system it just needed proper tune up, which was just simple number tweeking but whatever. But because this is a casual game and BHVR does things in reverse, they opted for the longest and most difficult solution. Implement a N-SBMM matchmaking system to seperate casuals from very active people. What's N-SBMM? IT's BHVR's SBMM. The N stands for Non, as in Non-Skill Based Match Making cause BHVR themselves already admitted they can't accuratly determine skill, that's why i said N-SBMM.

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 630

    "MMR is a thing because everyone was pissed off at BHVR's crap matchmaking, which would regularly match high-rank survivors and low rank killers in matches, over and over and over." And now, with the MMR, it still happens even more.

  • TheShocktor
    TheShocktor Member Posts: 134

    Sure balance has always been an issue but after mmr was introduced it got worse. Before if you got a well organized swf you'd probably have a rough game but it wasn't often enough that I'd call it a huge issue. Now even if they aren't swf it seems like almost every survivor is very experienced or at least better than average loopers. If you are using m1 killers forget it. Mind games, moonwalking, whatever they're a step ahead because they know how to position themselves to watch you. I was a rank 1 killer every season now I'm questioning if I even know how to play the game. I've all but quit because I'm hanging on to the feeling I used to have for the game but I'm so close to uninstalling and it's kinda depressing.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    Same experience on my side and on many mainstream streamers from what i have seen the last weeks.

    Killers, even some good ones get gen rushed it's insane.

    Even survivors that are not that good in chases are still able to gen rush.

    On this forum what ppl don't understand is that 80 seconds = 3 gens done. It's pretty much the time needed for the first hook. Then you have the choice :

    • going for a gen, use pop and start a new chase, meanwhile 1 survivor still does a gen and another one goes for the save
    • camping to try to secure the kill or to force 2 survivors to come for the save, then you have free hits and can apply some pressure but the game outcome is anyway settled

    That's DbD states at high level of play. The key factor is to spread at the start of the trial. 1 in chase, 3 survivors remaining on a different generator (1 top, 1 middle, 1 bottom of the map).

    Just do this and the trial is over for the killer 90% of the time.

  • Echoplex25
    Echoplex25 Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2021

    I've gone games as survivor where my teammates are red and purple and the killer is someone with 1 yellow perk at ash rank

    and same as when I'm killer, multiple ash rank survivors or red rank players

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • LaFlamme
    LaFlamme Member Posts: 20

    I bought ghostface earlier today and just jumped into a game. I also haven't played any stealth killers before as I main Blight and Oni.

    My first game I get put in against 3 streamers who were clearly at a decent MMR. I spoke to them after the game and they were nice enough but they did mention that they think if you play other killers that it puts you at a higher MMR on killer your completely new too.

    If this is true it makes absolutely no sense as stealth killers play completely differently to anything I've tried before.

    I only got 1 kill and thats only because 1 person DC'd for legit internet problems.

    Nice introduction to a new killer, I have no motivation to learn him against people who are going to be able to stomp me every game.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,956
    edited October 2021
    1. lol calm down
    2. If you knew how rank based matchmaking used to work you wouldn't post that
    3. perk colors is not an indication of skill, you are very likely to get purple ranked perk on your first character
    4. Why are you talking about the ranking of the MMR system when its not longer a factor, its based on pips only
    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    Could you tell me on average how many kills you get per match?

  • DaWeezerd
    DaWeezerd Member Posts: 256
    edited October 2021

    Retracting my statement.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Oh, it's "urban legend" and "rumor based on nothing" time already? So soon!