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Killer adepts opinion?

Killer adept achievements are more challenging to get compared to survivor adepts because you have to 4k and double pip. I feel like they should change it to back to a simple 4k and nothing more to make it easier on players and less stressful when aiming to get all killer adepts. What are your opinions on how killer adepts work now and do you think they should change it back to just getting a 4k for the achievement?


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,860

    Yes please change it to getting a 4k.

  • whippersnap
    whippersnap Member Posts: 5

    I agree with you, it definitely makes it harder and more stressful for people who want to unlock the adept achievements.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    On switch, we don't have achievements but I still like trying them for fun and omfg, I can't tell you how many times I've 4k'd using the teachables "Ruthless Killer" "Ruthless Killer" "Ruthless Killer", change it back.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Yeah, they shouldn't be THAT rare of achievements. Heck, I wouldn't mind an alternative for both sides based on a certain bloodpoint amount.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Unless you're in low ranks it's quite unforgiving. change it to 4k

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,044
    edited July 2021

    The problem with linking it to the emblem system is that the emblem system makes getting a Merciless more exacting as you rank up; there's more forgiveness for error at brown and yellow ranks than there is in green and purple, and red ranks require your game to be absolutely perfect to get an adept.

    Plus, getting adepts doesn't require you to win, it requires you to play a certain way - you have to land lots of individual hits and you need to get at least 9 hooks. This means you're not allowed to win too early on, you have to let survivors regroup if an opportunity presents itself too early, and you can get entirely screwed out of the deal by how survivors choose to play - if they focus on gens and let their teammates progress or die on hook, if they hook suicide, if they disconnect, if they hatch camp. So in addition to not winning too early, you also have to play in a way that doesn't demoralize the other team too early. Which can be exceptionally hard, especially with killers like Spirit or Hag that people like to quit against. And that's not even getting into the bit you brought up about some killers not being allowed to make full use of their power due to it interacting badly with the emblem system.

    It being a 4k would really simplify the whole deal.

  • Shooby
    Shooby Member Posts: 226

    I have every killer adept except for Nemesis. It should stay as merciless killer, but you shouldn't have to 2 pip.

    If getting adept is only a 4K, you already know how it's going to go with tunneling, camping, etc. It would be a boring match that demonstrates little to no mastery of the killer you're playing.

    Forcing a killer to play for around 10-12 hooks to get into merciless killer territory truly makes you earn the achievement.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    I agree it should just be a 4k. Survivors don't have to have a flawless game so why should the killers? Not to mention that on high ranks getting a double pip is a gigantic pain more often then not

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 820

    It shouldn't be just 4 kills, but 12 hooks.

  • zagchwa
    zagchwa Member Posts: 3

    FIX ADEPT FOR KILLERS! It IS RIDICULOUS! I just tried one and had a hard hard struggle barely got the 4 kills, as I'm hooking the last one I go, wow, that was hard! glad that is over! then realize after the match, i didn't get it. CHANGE IT TO 4K FOR ADEPT PLEASE!

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    I agree that getting adept killer is harder than survivor but I didn't find it that difficult, as compared to some of the other achievements, like the kill 4 with tombstone meyers, or the achievemt that says you have to escape with only one down but requires only one down for your entire team(hardest to get in my opinion)

    I play quite a bot if killer but I play more survivor if that makes a difference

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