Pinhead Chain Removal

Does anyone else think holding m1 to remove the chains is kinda easy and such a useless feature? How about instead of holding a single button we get prompted with the fast yellow skill check?? Any takers??? I just think it would be something cool that we can interact with, that's just my take on it, what do you think?
The chains are too weak as is.
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While it does need a buff, it's not meant to be skillful on the part of the survivor; just an obstacle/minor nuisance.
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agreed, but i just think it would be something cool to interact with. <3
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I would prefer if the summoned chains were enhanced and the passive chain hunt be dialed back a bit. Don't get me wrong I like the idea of chain hunt but the majority of pinhead's power should be in his aimed skill not his passive delay. Firstly pinhead needs to stop breaking his own chain's this is genuinely stupid. Making his add on that create chain's when broken via environment base would give some proper reward to landing his summoned chain's.
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So true...the passive is a good idea but it's too strong for a passive. More skill and reward for actual killer play vs passive. And he should be able to move through his own hooks.