My Day Thus Far Aka: Please Reenable The DC Penalty.

Look, I get it. Sometimes you get a game where you are outclassed, have a potato teammate or a killer/map you don't enjoy facing but seriously - this is out of hand now.
Game 1: I play Hag. 2 gens pop in the distance before I see a survivor. One hits a trap, I tag them and manage to down them. They DC the second I pick them up. Next survivor does the exact same thing after I manage to catch them. I end the game, get whinged at in postgame for not letting the last two farm, and notice that both of the DCs are running BNP toolboxes. Does DCing allow you to keep addons? That's an oversight if so.
Whatever. Next game.
Game 2: Hag again, exact same thing happens minus toolboxes.
Okay, maybe people aren't in the mood to fight Hag today?
Game 4: Wraith. Miserable game, 3 man SWF with full meta perks who've clearly deliberately dropped their MMR and absolutely stomp me. I get like 2 hooks and teabagged at the exit. Ugh. Lunch time.
Game 5: Pig. I find all 4 survivors on the first gen with Discordance. ALL 4 DC the second I approach. Notice they are probably an SWF. Does DCing drop your MMR? Maybe they are smurfing theirs down. Yeah, this is going to be a weird day.
Game 6: Pig. Actually a fun one.
Game 7: Back to Hag. And...sure enough, the first person I hook DCs.
EDIT: Tried two more times.
Game 8: Learning Demo. I pop up behind a Bill out of sheer luck, down him and he DCs.
Game 9: Demo again. No DCs, but one survivor runs up to me the second they see me, and then kills themselves on hook. Sigh.
One more and I'm going to call it for the day. This is just gross.
So, to summarize, 5 out of my 7 games today have had people DCing deliberately. My guess would be that, for the time being, this will be something they do regularly. And yet, I see two threads today defending the lack of a DC penalty because 'I shouldn't be forced to play games where I'm not having fun'. Thing is - you are spoiling the game for 4 other players.
I'm all for re-enabling the DC penalty but BHVR can't with the way the game is in.. literally getting pulled off hook and just stuck there so that killer can hit me down, infinite loading screens, multiple other bugs... every patch lately is a nightmare... I stay because I really love the game and wish they would do better... I was so happy this patch because of them actually working hard and release a decently sized patch. But they immediately said that it will probably not happen again... guess it was McLean before he left.. maybe in 2 or 3 more years they will iron out the bug situation... XD
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I think when the game is in a genuinely playable state, the DC penalty should be re-enabled immediately, but currently with de-sync, hackers running about, and random crashes despite the kill switch, I don't think it would be reasonable or fair to the player base to reactivate DC penalties just yet. Lets see how the hot fix later this week looks and then we'll see if it penalties should be back.
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I agree that the removal of the dc penalty is quite frustrating, because a portion of this game‘s community is mentally 8 years old, but I believe the dc penalty was removed because of the hacker epidemic, some hackers holding matches hostage, especially those of streamers.
But you are right, there are simpletons with half a brain that can‘t understand that they often enough ruin the fun of others when they dc, because they never heard of the idea that different people have different opinions.
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This is the game they have made.
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Thing is - none of those are a reason to DC. It's a bug, and it happens to killers too. The only reason to DC is if the killer is legit preventing you from ending the game (bodyblocking you into a spot and going AFK) or survivors that do the same.
Moreover, I'm not seeing people DCing because of a bug. I'm seeing people DCing the second I down or hook them, which means that they are doing this out of pure spite.
In the words of Spock, 'the needs of the many' and all that. The solution can't be to just give people the power to troll/grief games at will, indefinitely.
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It will even cause a domino effect, where if one dc happens it is more likely more will follow. Not that the game is worth playing at that point anyway.
Overall this game is pretty much unplayable right now.
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The problem is, the game can't tell when someone is DCing out of spite, or because of a bug. In some cases, I can't move from under the hook after being unhooked and the killer immediately tunnels me and DS doesn't work because fo the de-sync. If DC pentalties were renabled, the people that are DCing out of de-sync and game breaking bugs or hackers would be subject to match making bans of possibly days.
There won't be any matches if people can't play because of matchmaking bans, and on top of that, if there were matchmaking bans enabled, less people would be playing in fear of the matchmaking bans ruining their experience because of an unplayable game.
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In which case, let them appeal and have it overturned. Getting wrongfully banned in LoL was actually kind of awesome, as you'd get a butt-ton of currency as compensation.
The odds of having this bug often enough to get banned are insanely low, so there won't be that many.
I can tell that it's spite because it's a DC just before I hook, or right after I down someone. It's either someone just being a jerk because...well, killer exists, or someone deliberately trying to smurf down their MMR. Possibly someone protecting their addons (not sure if DCs work this way).
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They will, but they need to fix the bugs first, i got the infinite loading bug yesterday.
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its not indefinitely though, its untill the issues that have no solution yet.
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It's almost impossible to play without someone leaving (killer or survivor).
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What I mean is that they can just keep doing it until it's fixed in a month or two (that seems to be the rough duration of the disable in the past).
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I play this game for nealy 10k hours since 2017 but the thing why i personally dont care over the dcs is i just understand them the most people in solo Q just literally dont wants to play a lost round , me as example plays now triple blink with purple omega with map offering and four gen perks but thats bc of the other boring high mmr aspect you will play only against four mans with four times the same perks like 99% its iron will dead hard unbreakable ds that ######### is on a other level bulshit if you just wants to have a normal round thats why i m actually happy af dc penaltys are disabled atm xD
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10k hours, and your first post on the forums is to say 'I've been playing for 10k hours, therefore x'? Huh.
That said, if you are losing games to full SWFs (taking smurfing out of the equation...sigh) your MMR will lower until you aren't. If you are maintaining said MMR, that means you are at least killing 2 survivors per match.
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Yes I should just have played better right?
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You had a latency hitch.
Killers also get these. Otz has an entire compilation video of attacks whiffing, hooked survivors drifting into the middle of the map, not being able to pick up or hook, survivors teleporting away etc.
This is going to sound harsh - but it's just a bad roll of the dice. Deliberately dropping the game because of this isn't just messing over your allies, but it's punishing the killer for something that they had no control over. If I had the power, I'd probably give you a temp ban for this. It's incredibly bad sportsmanship. It's like pitching the soccer ball over a nearby fence mid-match because you tripped.
Why do you think this is acceptable?
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Even if this is a problem (which is, and big one) think about the streamers and high MMR players that literally cannot play due to the massive amount of hackers infesting the game lately
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With the current state of the game I think having them off is necessary.
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It's funny how only killer mains complain about DC's. DC penalty = satisfaction of killers' thirst for solo survivors' suffering.
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This may be the weirdest thing I've ever read.
No, DC Penalty = survivors not trolling and griefing their team.
Why should you be able to shut 4 other people out of a good match, at will?
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When I play survivor, I don't mind my teammates DCing, since DbD is not a sports tournament and as a solo survivor I never even hoped to escape this trial in the first place. Especially if it's something like annoying camping doctor, then I may even follow the example. And I'm yet to see another survivor genuinely complaining about DC's. I only see killer mains demanding DC penalty. And the reason is always the same: killers just want to see solo survivors suffer, and they feel frustrated when a tormented soul escapes their hell without giving them their satisfaction. And it's always the same made up justification about "ruining the game for 4 other players". No, people who DC don't ruin the game for 4 players, they just ruin the sadistic pleasure of one player.
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I am also keep getting the "you've been disconnected from the server" error like dozens of times in a day. We all wanted if DBD was at least properly working game but... We all also know that it is not.
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I'm honestly not sure if this is an attempt to troll, or if your psychology is just really...skewed.
But okay, I'll bite.
- You are describing a caricature of a killer player that is probably an extremely fringe case. It certainly doesn't represent me, nor the majority of killers I come across when playing survivor. Most of the time that the killer gets nasty is because survivors are teabagging or flashing. Most of us just want to play the game and have fun. Hell, I frequently ease up if I'm rocking the other team to give everyone a chance to earn some BP.
- People complain about DCs all the time. If the survivor side has a DC and I don't give them a chance, they'll whinge at me endlessly in post-game (of course, if I let them farm I get whinged at for not just ending it - ah, being a killer main...).
- When you DC, you deny the killer BP and often a quest. You also make it nearly impossible for the other survivors to win. You seem to want to punish one specific killer, your 'camping Doctor' bogeyman - by making other players miserable. This is not a good thing to do.
If you aren't trolling here, I'd probably recommend giving the game a break and getting some counselling - not trying to be nasty, but if a recreational activity prompts this much explosive hate for other people, it probably suggests that something else is badly wrong.
I wish you all the best.
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I mean, prior to the kill switch, they had to disable the map itself. The biggest issue with totems being uncleansable or unsnuffable is killers/survivors using that map offering on purpose with builds that are very likely to ensure their totem cannot be disabled for the remainder of the match. Back when Lery's had uncleansables with old undying, I have seen plenty of killers use Ruin Undying while using Lery offerings.
You could still be in a match with an uncleansable, but as long as maps are random, that isnt too much of an issue due to totem RNG making it very unlikely to have such a totem in the game.