So is doctor gonna get any buffs anytime soon?

So just got done with a match that saw me get 3 hooks by endgame. And only at endgame because I fought a cheating nancy. Who was just a little to fast and knew every pallet location on the map and always pre dropped and sat at the pallet to gloat like she was actually good at the game when it was pretty obvious she was cheating, cause last time I checked survivors aren't speed demons.
But that leads me into my main point, Doctor is so bad at his job because the meta consists of leaving loops and not looping at all. Like he is not good at anything anymore except punishing the survivors that weren't gonna do gens anyways. He really needs some speed to catch up or something to slow them down.
Doctors base Shock range is 10 FREAKING METERS. And you have to account for slowdown and survivors moving forward so you have to be like 4 meters away from them to hit a base Shock. That's distance to land a shock that doesn't do damage. Think about that I mean Doctor is C Tier for a reason. I don't want game slowdown I want REAL POWER. Like what Nurse has, but not as strong or hard to use.
(LET ME CLARIFY) I do not use Meta on My killers, No Ruin, no corrupt, No None of that. I use BBQ but that's for BP. I use Frickin Distressing and Lightborn on Doctor. I enjoy playing the game and not being enslaved by the meta.
100% agree
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Actually his default shock range is 10 meters not 4.
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I personally feel like Doc is one of the best balanced killers. Also, no idea where you got that 4 meters from. It's very clearly not that short.
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Well ######### i looked it up and your right. It's 10 meters and still can barely hit a damn thing. I guess I didn't adjust for slowdown when shocking and survivor speed. So yeah i guess 10 Meters is right. HORRIBLE THOUGH
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Doctor is a weird case because he’s probably the strongest 115% M1 Killer in the game.
115% M1 Killers are just bad. Especially at high ranks
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I think they should add AI to the hallucinations.
They obviously don't need to actually interact or damage Survivors, just make them more convincing. Have them run towards Survivors or swing at them.
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Hmm have you ever played against a top tier doctor? I don’t think he’s bad at all. I think what you’re suffering is the true reason survivors are the power role: gens speed. If you get demolished is because gens goes too fast not because Doc is bad. I don’t see Doctor being worse than Trapper, Wraith etc.
If you learn how to time your shocks (against not-cheating Nancies) you won’t be looped at all; like, ever. You will probably still lose because gens will fly, tho.
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He is far from Balanced. Doctor,Freddy, and clown sit in their little hell of "Anti loop" Especially Freddy. But the other 2 Don't get off any easier. Doctor is probably my highest MMR killer because I walloped the survivors i played with to hard before MMR. So now he's stuck in SWF hell where solo q players don't exist because they can't reach it because they lose MMR to often because killers in the lower MMR tunnel and camp a lot and the other players are clueless. So I sit in the SWF hell where "Anti loop" means nothing to them. Looping? Let me pre drop and vault W key away. It's hell dude
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That's what I was thinking
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Wraith is better than Doctor. No competition with that anymore. Wraith is Low B Doctor is Mid to Low C. And my biggest problem with the timing shock thing is usually my ping Cause i shock and they still vault anyways or realize they'll be screwed and then just eat a hit or use the pallet.
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I think Doc needs to be slowed down less when casting both of his shock abilities, maybe just bringing him to 105% is good enough because going slower than a survivor just to hope they don't abandon the loop can get really bad really fast. I love Doc, hell, I play him with no gen slowdown but like, he still needs more. Less movement speed slowdowns, a bigger base TR (In my opinion that'd benifit him massively, just play doc with Distressing and you'll see what I mean, obviously calm would need nerfs), longer snap out of it and they need to make some certain things basekit. I just wish addons weren't a thing, Doctor gets really held back by the addon system if you just wanna play him basekit
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No he definitely is not the best base 115% that belongs to a killer like Bubba or Pyramid head.
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He definitely is. Old Snap out of it was considered "OP" because it was a healing action so it was affected by nurses and Sloppy. And if you stopped it would reset. Then they nerfed him some more so it's not a healing action, and the bar will only reset on missed skill checks, not shocks or anything else. And his add-ons are the only thing keeping him considered strong by people who don't like anti loop killers.
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I think the state of the game as it is, requires the use of some meta on killer if you have high MMR. Doctor is a well balanced killer, and if you understand his detonation delay, you can be absolutely nasty in a chase.
The problem is, the higher the MMR, the more often you're going to face decent efficient survivors that know to split on gens, leaving your map presence as doctor completely useless in some cases.
I prefer to run no way out or pop if I'm running any slowdown, maybe try out some endgame builds?
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They can’t use the pallet if you have just shocked them. Wraith just got nerfed to the point he can’t deny a safe loop anymore; Doc can always deny a safe loop by shocking with the right timing. There’s no comparison honestly.
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Obviously you neve experienced the pre drop meta. Wraith is still fine it's only a minor difference. Still a sneaky fast killer. Doctor Denying pallets is entirely up to the survivor and what they do. If they drop then it's a free pallet but the gens fly so nothing changes.
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I kind of agree with OP. Back in early 2020 after he got reworked he was a super strong killer because the looping meta was still a thing and he counters that really well. Since we transiotined into the W and pre-drop meta his effectiveness diminished quite a lot imo. Just like it was for killers like Oni, Pyramid and Freddy.
However, that's more a problem with how strong holding W and pre-dropping pallets is, not with Doctor. He's in a fine spot imo.
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I’ve been here since launch on console, I’ve experienced everything… sadly. Still, if you drop a safe pallet there’s not much Wraith can do. Doc’s ability to deny you from dropping it makes a huge difference for me. I’m not saying he’s Nurse, just that he and all other M1 killers can be considered of the same tier, and that they are way more hindered by gen speed than by their movesets
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See the problem with that idea is. Wether you drop it or not is still always up to the survivor and wether they feel like they can greed it because of shocking slowing you down so much. And if they just pre drop Wraith will kick and catch up in literal seconds. Doctor if they pre drop will kick and will have to fanagle his way over to the survivor like a killer like trapper. Trapper and Doctor are in the same boat really, they both can deny pallets but when they try to the survivor with either leave the loop or just drop the pallet making you waste time. Because no matter how many pallets are gone if the survivor is still up then the problem persists.
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I don't think he needs a buff, he has a good base kit with multiples tools.
The real problem with doc is the "desync" , i wonder if the hit validation can solve this.
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Hit validation is for pallets only. And it doesn't really help killers only Greedy survivors.
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Yeah Doctor is too weak but I don't think he will get any buffs soon. But he should.
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Doctor is mostly fine, aside from the fact that his 'shock' correctly stops pallets and vaults maybe half the time and many of his addons are weird gimmicks that usually amount to a nerf if you take them.
He's like Nemesis in that, when his mechanics work correctly, he's actually solidly mid-tier. However, they are so prone to just doing nothing that he ends up being weaker than intended.
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All he reaaaally needs are range addons baked in, like Ghostface with power recovery. At least an extra 2-4m basekit would be fine. Other than that, he's pretty balanced, the game is just not balanced around his kit.
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You can't honestly be calling for buffs when you're running distressing. Like I could see arguing that Doctor needs buffs, but saying that you run distressing is not the way,
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Oh I'm sorry I should run Ruin Undying Tinkerer right? Not everyone is a filthy blight main. DISTRESSING IS ACTUALLY GOOD ON DOCTOR and I enjoy it.
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You can run whatever you like, but don't be calling for buffs when you're running bad perks.
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I'd just give him the Trapper treatment and make him less addon dependent. In fact NO Killer should be dependent on addons at all to be at least solid.
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Doc just needs a more responsive Shock-to-Lock timer. I cannot count how many times the survivor is shocked, screams, then drops a pallet or vaults a window. The MILLISECOND that shock goes off needs to lock them from doing anything. Not a second AFTER they scream.
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I do think that Doctor itsself is not the problem, he is probably the most balanced Killer in the game.
I think why he is that "weak" is because of the general game problems like Gen speed (if all survivors play very efficiantly and spread on gens) and other things like perks (dead hard) do really hurt him in many ways and thats why he appeares "weaker" than he actually is.
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I don't feel like he needs any buffs.
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M1 Killer means a Killer that cannot down with their power and has to literally M1 for every down
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Well Then Wraith is still better and Ghostface is debatable really.
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He has add-ons that reduce the delay of his shock. They're some of his best add-ons for this reason.
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the killer isnt weak the survivor are too powerfull and the map unbalanced wich isnt the same does he need a buff ? no. does survivor and map need REAL HUGE NERFS? yes.
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This is latency, nothing more. As Survivor you can also be set back mid-vault, also latency. This is nothing which can be changed.
Doctor is alright IMO. I even think he became a bit too easy, but onyl because I spend some time to get good with his stances before they buffed him, so he feels a lot easier now and all that time was wasted back then, lol.
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I believe Doctor should get his stances back, and then one or two small adjustments to keep him in the same level of strength, if absolutely necessary.
He was oversimplified because of that unnecessary change.
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No it isn't. Not really.
It grants a very petty increase to Static, a paltry BP gain (usually a few hundred max) and ensures that survivors have tons of notice to hide whenever you are nearby.
Although...Starstruck+Distressing on Doctor could be interesting.
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Did you just say survivors are gonna hide from doctor?
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First, something needs to be done about latency. You can time your shock perfectly but still not get it because of latency.
As for directly buffing him, I think his base shock range is too short and that he could use an electrode add-on as part of his base kit. Since the meta is all about holding W and predropping pallets, I was thinking about giving him the High Stimulus Electrode (+4 meters to shock length) at base so he can shock Survivors before they can reach most pallets in the game. The add-ons can be changed to something else. I know it seems really strong but the predrop meta is really hurting him and I was hoping to give his base kit something to fight that.
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I run BBQ, Agitation, Startstruck, amd a non-specific 4th perk.
When you down a survivor you can move them a good distance and get other survivors exposed with StarStruck, then you can Static Blast to reveal their locations (and decrease your Terror radius, with the right addons). Then hunt down an exposed survivor.
I'd leave distressing out, you have too large of a terror radius, the survivors can get too much distance and run down the exposed timer.
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Smart survivors will jump into a locker to avoid SB. Even at my undoutably crappy MMR, they do this pretty frequently. Or just pull away. It has a very distinct charging sound.
Yeah, I'm trying to figure out any way of making Distressing more valuable than an empty slot.
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Doctor is fine. He has solid anti loop potential being able to prevent survivors from dropping pallets or vaulting windows which is pretty nutty.
If he were to get anything I would hope it would be minor stuff / QoL changes because he really doesn't need any sort of massive buff.
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I'd settle for his shock to be able to interrupt actions in progress, as it almost never works due to latency/queueing.
He also has a lot of legitimately terrible addons, some of which are worse than using nothing (most of his shape-change ones).
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Pyramid head and Doctor are pretty similar gameplay-wise but I catch myself playing PH more and more over Doc simply because I don't have to spend a shitton of BP's I could use to lvl other stuff on him first to get the addons I need to make him actually playable.
Doc NEEDS addons to be actually decent (yellow or better green range addon) whereas PH can be played perfectly fine without any and still do well. I agree with the people in here who say no killer should be addon dependant, so yeah Doc should get at least the yellow range addon basekit.
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Doctor is pretty balanced in my opinion, the only thing that i would change with him would be a wraith treatement, like buffing his therapy range by 1 or 2 meter and decreasing it by 1 or 2 m on his addon, and maybe do the same thing with the delay so that you don't need to shock that much in advance but not by much, just enough so that he feel nicer without electrode addon.
Beside i've seen everyone talk about his chase aspect, but we shouldn't forget that he also has the best basekit information gathering, doctor is the only killer where you can enter a game with no information perk and still know where survivor are pretty easily, even easier if you bring the right addon. I can't even count the number of time i saved a gen because of that. With that much information throughout the game of course he will have a reduced lethality compared to other killer.
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i would posit that ph's addons are very poor except +range and doctor is more reliant on addons because they introduce passive tracking to his power that he doesn't otherwise have given the instant someone hits tier 3 if you're not in their immediate vicinity they start holding m1
they're in a similar boat of mostly gravitating towards power range but doctor needs more on top of that
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Ofc I wouldn't be opposed if they would give him some other kind of buff like mobility but that would maybe be harder to balance than simply making his yellow or green range addon basekit while reworking those addons to do something else.
Also yeah PH addons are meh but I like some of them, they make him stronger but he doesn't need them. I only bring addons on him if I see a full SWF with multiple toolboxes.
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ye but what addons does pyra have to spike his power in a very concrete way except double +range
or maybe the iri if it still shows a brief glimpse of whoever you cage's aura
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I ike the one that increases the duration of his trail as well as the one that increases the triggered killer instinct when survivors step into the trail. I don't run "I am all Ears" on him, I use his trail for the same effect.