What’s your thoughts about “no same perks between survivors”

tomojim Member Posts: 13
edited October 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Are you sick of seeing DH, BT, DS, etc on every survivors?

Do you have the same feeling that 80 per cent of survivor perks are so rare to see, as if they never exist?

I think it’s time to make a new mechanism about “no same perks between survivors.”


§ Why We Need It?

 A.    To make trials various and fun to play

As the game becomes so popular and long lasting, there are almost 100 perks for survivors, and 90 perks for killers. But every player knows that only few perks are actually used by survivors: Self Care, Dead Hard, Borrowed Time, Spine Chill, Iron Will, Decisive Strike, and so on. In fact, in my personal statistics from 125 trials/500 survivors as killer (asia/jp server), there are only 11 survivor perks can be called “common.”


★Top 11 common survivor perks (from 500 survivors)

1.     Self Care 61%

2.     Borrowed Time 50.2%

3.     Dead Hard 49.4%

4.     Spine Chill 31%

5.     Iron Will 25.8%

6.     Decisive Strike 24.6%

7.     Kindred 17.8%

8.     Sprint Burst 17.4%

9.     Bond 13%

10. Windows of Opportunity 10.4%

11. Lithe 10.2%

 ----(below 10%)

12. Prove Thyself 6.8%

13. Sympathy 5.2%


Look at these numbers! What a waste for developers designing so many fun perks but no one really uses them.

What if survivors can not bring same perks?

There will be blossom of various perks. Not 4 DHs anymore, not 4 BTs anymore, not 4 self cares anymore.

I believe it could help players of both side enjoying this game much more.


B.     What about killer perks?

In the current environment, killers have to be aware of DH on every injured survivors, BT on every rescued survivors, and DS on every unhooked and downed survivors, even if they don’t have these perks actually. That’s why these perks are so powerful. And these perks, together, give a hard time for killers. Ironically, in order to win, killers have to use same slow-down perks in every trial, too: ruin, undying, pop, tinkerer, corrupt, etc.

In my view, it’s definitely not a healthy situation.

By introducing “no same perks between survivors,” players of both side could have multiple choices to play.


C.     To make trials more balanced for both sides

Is this a survivor nerf? Yes. And no.

The reason of some perks are OP is not the perks themselves being too powerful, but the multiplying effect. A single survivor brings old DS is not OP, but if there are 4 survivors? OP without a second thought. Same as DH, BT, and so on.

Every perk has its multiplying effect. The impact of multiple survivors using it is totally on the different level with only one survivor using it. And it makes the work of perk-balancing extremely difficult.

By introducing “no same perks between survivors,” the developers no longer have to consider the multiplying effect, they can make a perk powerful enough but don’t have to worry about 2 or 3 or 4 survivors use it at the same trial. It could also benefit the perk diversity.


§ How We Make It?



In fact, I think “no same perks between survivors” is FOR SWF ONLY.

It is reasonable, both practically and mechanically.

First, solo queue players are already miserable, there is no reason to make changes on them. Second, there is no efficient way to prevent solo queue and swf not using same perks. (How to communicate between them? Who to decide what perk, and for whom to use?)

The available way to make this mechanism work is this:

While in the swf waiting room, the perk equipped by a survivor will be disabled for other players (it should be switched on/off instantly when players set on/off the perk.)

All swf players have to set all perks ready before matchmaking, and once get in, they can no longer change their setup. Last but not least, the swf should be highlighted to the killer.



Therefore, it would be a hybrid mode: swf can’t use same perks, but solo queue can.

Let’s say if there are 2 solo players and 2 survivor friends, the 2 solo players are not restricted from using any perks. On the other hand, the perk slots of the 2 friends are already fixed and not repeated before they get in the match.

In this situation, there could be 3 same perks in this trial, theoretically. And you may ask, what’s the differences?

I have 2 answers.

First, swf is OP because of their communication, “no same perks between swf” is a good way to counter. In fact, almost every unofficial DBD contest has its own rule about "no same perks."

Second, it is an indirect way to buff solo queue, considering some perks could be buffed in the future without multiplying effect.



To make the game better, I have the blueprint of “no same perks between swf.”

There are some points of it:

1.     So many unused perks, making the game lacks of diversity.

2.     No same perks means no multiplying effect, making perk-balance easier.

3.     An indirect way to nerf swf and buff solo queue.


What’s your thoughts about it?

What do I miss and can be improve?

Could this happen in the near future?

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    I play 60/40 being mostly surv cause of my friends. Imma start with my killer pov.

    This is a bad idea because, now i would have to remember who has what perk even more. And its a little harder (not impossible) to do on the fly in the mid of the match.

    As surv pov. This is also bad. Because if the one guy on the team who has bt is being camped. We cant really save him. Infact i feel like this would be more of a buff to killers because unless your a team, you cant really expect a team of solos to play around this. Also not enough time to select your perks in lobby. But also to make this game to have a bunch of planning when i just wanna have fun with my friends would be a quick way for me to nope out.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,616

    This is an excellent tournament rule, but a terrible rule to implement for the actual game. Some perks are designed to work when everyone has them, for instance, and not every perk is a problem when duplicated. Not to mention that most SWF aren't sweaty tryhards, they're just messing around and having fun.

    Excellent for tournaments, terrible for the actual game.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Oh right, because this game is not 0 noob friendly enough, right?

    It would be interesting to use tournament rules for ranked, if they make it like ranked / casual modes, but that is not likely to happen.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184
    edited October 2021

    If we want better variety, then perks have to be buffed to compete with the meta.

    But they'd have to either be buffed to ridiculousness (to 'shake up the meta' and despite a lot of people saying they want it, they seemingly rarely ever mean it) or consolidating multiple weaker perks into one.

    Unfortunately, in this game, time means everything. And extending chases or the timed needed for survivors to do gens has more value then saving a second here and there.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,068

    Survivor players who see their teammates Self Care against Sloppy Butcher in some corner...


    Rules like that might apply for tournaments. Can we also force Killers to use yellow Add-Ons at max? Would be quite unfair if only one side has to play after tournament-rules.

    For public games a rule like this does not make sense and should not be implemented. You would gain more variety if Perks would actually be buffed to be worth using. But every attempt to do so is boycotted by Killers (see Boon-Perks).

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    Frankly, the new Windows of Opportunity is a good exemple for me. I use it all the time now, and I don't feel it became OP.

    I'd like to see more buff like this. The one they did for Fixated months ago was also pretty nice IMO, without making the perk OP.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    Makes sense for tournaments, not for public matchmaking. And killers also have add-on restrictions in tournaments, a setting where every survivor team is a 4man that's probably better than 99% of teams you'll ever meet in pubs.

    And showing SWF pre-game to the killer is quite simply billions of lightyears into never ever territory. BHVR has made it very clear that anything that even might increase lobby dodging is a no-go. It's honestly more likely they remove the easy access to player profiles than them showing SWF pre-game.

  • BBQ
    BBQ Applicant Posts: 39

    I think instead of making major game changes like this, I'd rather a 'don't fix what isn't broken' approach, in relative terms. I get that there is bugs and problems, but the game is continuing to grow in numbers; Dbd’s downswings always come back up.

    I think more than just one game mode would be a good option down the line. Look at the top triple A games, they all have multiple game modes, looking at games like Fortnite, Cod etc. If DBD's numbers continue to pick up down the line, I think this would be the best course of action.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Look at how many players they have and how much money those game earn...

    Not really same.

    If there should be another mode, I would really wanna see 1v1, just to practice chases.

  • BBQ
    BBQ Applicant Posts: 39

    I only suggested the multiple game mode idea on the basis of dbd picking up in numbers.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Sure, game modes would be nice.

    It's kinda hard to create modes for asymmetrical game.

    Let's say my 1v1 idea, it would remove 1 killer and 1 survivor from normal game, so then you have 3 survivors that would be normally playing waiting in lobby for killer to show up.

    So new mode kinda has to be 1v4 and it would be need to be somehow interesting for both sides. Where there is high chance noone will care about that mode after 1 week and you just wasted a lot of money and time that could be use on new content for normal game, or balancing instead.

    Only thing possible is ranked vs casual imo, where ranked would be based on SBMM and maybe using tournament rules, that would be cool and casual just play whatever you want and make it based on grades? So just depends on how much you play, but don't really care about skill, so more variety in those games.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    If I join a lobby and cannot use my build, I would just dodge and find a new one.

    This is not good on a mass scale.

  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    What a stupid idea. How would you coordinate who has what? Especially solo queues, it would make the wait for a game longer.

    How about a technician, a runner, a support and a rescuer. A technician can be the only one doing gens. The runner has sprint burst, the rescuer has to wait for somebody to get hooked and the support can only heal. I could go against that team as a killer lol

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    all of this is a bad idea sorry.