Anyone else getting tunneled when playing as Mikaela?

At first I thought this was just a coincidence but its been a couple times that I have been tunneled off hook. I was in no way toxic or anything. In one of my games on Lerys a Pig was tunneling me and another Mikaela player. So it seems like they dont like me playing as her? Very confused rn. Last time A nurse tunneled me and it was on the Coal mine map, she didnt even go for others, was just tunneling me off hook.
I have been tunneling quite a few Mikaela already. Her new playerbase kind of annoys me. I do not do it BECAUSE she is Mikaela. I do it because a Mikaela happens to be the type of survivor who is asking for it. Lol.
No idea why it is happening otherwise. Maybe to stare at her from behind while you chase?
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Many killers are start to tunnel since the mmr is out. Don't matter what for a character do you play. Annoying but that's the game 🙆♀️
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It could be toxic killer players that want to solely deny her the escape challenge? lol
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What escape challenge? Do you mean the Adept challenge?
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The only counter to boons is to remove the player so it makes sense.
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Mikaela has the boon perks by default and the only way to remove a boon perk from play is to kill the person who placed the boon.
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I mean, it's the best counter to boons
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I have got Boon perks on other survivors now so we'll see about that. But sucks that people have scummy mentality like this.
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The Halloween event tome has one to escape as her.
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I'm absolutely guilty of this. I don't hard tunnel them to death but I definitely have an eye out for them the whole match. It's not only mikaela and it's not because they're mikaela but it's bc of boon totems. Since she's so new most mikaelas have them and most boon totem users are mikaela. When I find out people are putting them down I just want them out of the game, which most of the time happens to be mikaela.
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Because she is, right now, the most likely to be running boons - and it is in my best interest to remove her from the game as soon as possible.
It's like running a toolbox or a pre-nerf key. You've made yourself a target of necessity.
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Her boon totems are completely sucking the fun out of the game.
I can't even do a fun build like scratched mirror Mikey without having to find and snuff out the multiple boon totems because its killing my wall hacks.
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Scratched Myers is one of the most fun builds to face. I always love facing it, and I get messages all the time off survivors saying what a blast they had with the jump scares.
Anyone who complains about facing a 105 movement speed Mikey with a short lunge is just bad at survivor.
Btw scratched mirror always had a counter. It's called Spine chill.
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Of course not. But there are people who will think they are being tunneled everytime new survivor is out
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Welcome to one of the many reasons why people don't like unlimited boons:
They are forced to deal with the boon all game or tunnel the person who has it out of the game.
Making boons just as fun to deal with for the survivor as they are for the killer!
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There are several Mikaelas in most matches now, so its not you using Mikaela that gets you tunneled.
Some people forget they can grind BPs to bloodweb perks on other characters, doesnt have to be that specific one they use.
All the Survivors characters are the same and interchangeble, and makes no difference to the Killer :)
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It’s the hips. Tunnel vision.
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When survivor, I've been playing Mikaela exclusively since the half-chapter release. I have been tunneled, like, twice and both those killers would've tunneled me anyway, no matter which character I played. That was literally just their strategy - find survivor, hook survivor, proxy camp survivor, wait until unhooked, down the same survivor, hook, repeat until dead, find new survivor, repeat previous steps until game ends.
So I don't think there's any correlation between playing Mikaela and being tunneled. There is, though, correlation between being tunneled and killers desperatly wanting at least one kill, with how fast gens fly, especially at higher-end mmr. Then again, some of them just can't play killer.
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Ah, well I already finished it I think.
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I'm not surprised the tunneling got worse since boons came into the game. I'm now quilty of tunneling too. I dont hard tunnel but i dont care if you just got off the hook if i see you again you are going straight back :)
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The more pressured a Killer feels, the more likely they will start to tunnel, or/and also camp.
There are some that immediately start with tunnelling to try and knock out 1/4 asap but it stems from the same sense of pressure, if they feel they otherwise cant pressure atlest one Survivor off gens.
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To be honest its smart playing tunneling 1 person out instant. As sucky as it is helps the killer to keep pressure. I hate it when it happens to me as a survivor but i do fully understand it. Ive seen quite many nowdays that hard tunnel 1 out and then play nice for the remaining 3. Especially slower killers have been doing this.
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Killer mains hate Mikaelas for the boon totems and how cute they're.
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Mmr is off too? No wonder killers go tunneling alot. Suddenly survivor game become hard, since i mostly use meme build
To my pov, i also saw alot of killer tunnel Mika. Either because of her perk or because she has no second chances, or both
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The survivors I get when I'm running scratched enerally say the opposite. And yeah with a map offering, I'm not playing that on rotten fields.
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Just because you like facing it doesn't mean everyone does. I hate going against it. It's nice that survivors can counter it now.
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I get tunneled HARD while playing Jill or Jane
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This does actually seem to be a thing. I just bought Mikaela with shards, and guess what happened? I was tunneled out of the game (just got her, so I don't have anti tunnel perks yet). 🙄
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I see tunneling in all my halloween costumes with any character, lol this the season to be salty
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I took Mikaela to P3 and didn't notice any significant differences. Since MMR is there, some killers play very special.
But! As teammates, Mikaelas are the new Neas/Claudes. (You know the ones I mean. Flashy clothes, flashlight, very annoying...) They get downed and bang! DC!
I had that much more often in my last rounds than killers with tunnel vision.
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Its not a scummy mentality boon are op and when CoH is back killer wont be able to do much. Because its still early in the chapter not everyone have boon unlock on other character so mikaela is a target i would play something else for at least another week for now if i were you
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I guess they're all just Team Nancy Gamers
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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Everyone's talking about boons and tunneling overall, but it should be mentioned that one of the main reasons Mikaela would be tunneled is simply because she's the newest character in game.
Newest character means people playing her probably haven't unlocked many perks on her yet. which means no DS or any meta perks, so she's weakest link in any team and fastest to tunnel and kill.
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Yah you are right I think. This plus the Boon totems has made lotta killers salty I think and that's why they're tunneling. Good news is the 666k bps they gave everyone got me to unlock good perks on her so hopefully I wont get tunneled as easily.
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Something I heard and actually makes sense from a strategy perspective:
New Killers/Survivors are less likely to have meta perks because of RNG and BP buy-in costs.
You can tunnel Mikaela more safely, as they are new release and many Survivors will likely not have DS on her.
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I mean, the most likely perk she's going to have makes it really annoying to find and chase anyone else if you leave her unchecked. It makes sense to try to get rid of her early.
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I play her with no boon perks lol. I don't mind being tunneled but didn't notice much difference compared to when I play other survs.
Killers and survs can play however they like in my book, the only thing that I dislike is bm'ing and nasty messages.
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It is scummy and boon perks are fine.
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I don't discriminate.
I tunnel everyone equally.
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How do you "ask" to be tunneled?
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New survivor is less likely to have DS.
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I just run DS. Killers can be pretty simple minded
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Boons have no counter except killing the one with boons. They most likely tunnel you so you cant place boons
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You have some good perks such as the boons, if we can get that out of the way its good
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To be fair with so many of them I sometimes tunnel by accident. I'm not sure which survivor I'm chasing because 3/4 are the same model :-).
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i sorta go out of my way to tunnel her but for one reason. circle of healing
it's unfair that survivors get hex's they can relight whenever they want and circle of healing do be kinda busted
so i tunnel her if she has boons and i think that's the reason why others do it too
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I enjoy most of your posts
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New survivors tend to get tunneled more frequently because the killer knows they are less likely to have good chase perks or DS to punish it.
Especially if you are wearing default outfit.
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I tunneled a lot of Mikaela because most of the time they dont have DS already on the character 😂
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I just simply don't enjoy her character and it seems like the fans of her are the same that hover around Nea and Feng, I can already tell she is the new toxic survivor as well. I don't JUST tunnel Mikaela's but I don't feel bad when I do