So deathslinger is unplayable now

I tried him after the nerf and I have to say that shooting is nearly impossible now. If fps would look like this they would be a dead genre. Seriously u have to take a long while to aim otherwise u won't hit survivor but I won't hit survivor cause u r taking too long to aim. Its like somebody holding ur arm while u r trying to shoot. Idk what caused bhvr to change that but I wont be convinced that It was a good decision.
Just aim earlier.
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Deathslinger doesn't really suck as a killer, he is still better than some weaker killers like Clown, Legion, Myers, Freddie etc., but he sucks to play as, even Freddie is more fun to play now and that used to be most boring killer to me.
Because of longer ADS, I get same feeling as Huntress with Wind-up time addons. Problem is that unlike Huntress, Deathslinger has several limitations. He gets more punished for single miss, he can't down over pallet / far window, he has limited range, he has super tiny hitbox that is easy to dodge, his ADS sensitivity + FOV just sucks, so he can't even flick and he also has longer time to down on avarage than Trickster / Huntress.
ADS sensitivity + FOV were always bad, but noone did it, because of quick-scope, so it wasn't an issue before.
Deathslinger was played by FPS players a lot, because they could use skills they already had, but that's not a thing anymore after quick-scope nerf.
Because of longer ADS he can't just shoot survivors looking behind them, even potato can react to 400 ms + 200 +/- ms travel time, so he needs to zone way more than before, which feels terrible, because of his ADS sensitivity + FOV and it's just boring af.
Just play Trickster / Huntress, let's see if they will release statistic for how much is that killer played, that will be fun...
I have over 200 hours just on Deathslinger, but it took me 5 games to start playing Trickster instead. It's just no from me.
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I won't argue against Slinger feeling worse now, because he definitely does, but he definitely should not feel like an FPS to play. That's part of the problem that prompted the change- if he plays like a shooter, survivors don't have anything they can do about it beyond hoping that he misses.
He should probably bring up his gun slightly faster, but he definitely shouldn't be able to quickscope or hip-fire.
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Biggest porblem I think ppl had was little punishment for missing. Just take 2 seconds to reload again and your golden.
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Aiming before taking aim? That's not how guns work mate. I believe you have no other options now but it's ridiculous after the nerf.
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Why not?
He has limitations that other ranged killer don't, so why shouldn't he use 1 thing that other ranged killers can't?
Even before, quick-scope wasn't issue, zoning was. You can easily predict quick-scope, just faking ADS was boring to face, they failed to fix that, you just walk instead now. Like Huntress, but unlike her you have tiny hitbox and terrible FOV + sensitivity.
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...Press the aim button earlier if you think they'll be in a "I need to shoot them" situation. Not reactionary as a "Oh they're in a I need to shoot position."
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So he is same like other killers with using his power, but with more limitations to his power compare to them?
Yeah, seems balanced for sure...
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Have you ever played him?
You think Huntress, or Trickster are punished more for missing?
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IMO if they were to make another change it would be to reduce his terror radius back. It really wasn't all that fair for survivors to be yanked back to where they were just because he looked at them. No other killer can do that.
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Played him a bit, Quickscoping was never really the problem though, tbh I don't know what ppl found op about him.
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I played as a trickster already, but it even tho I have other killers and the that I mostly play survivors it pains me that nerf. But even tho he could abuse quick scopes I never had a problem as a surv before since in many cases u still were able to dodge his chain. But as you said he has various limitations and now he has another one so I'm also curious how popular he will be now. I feel like I'm holded by something now and I believe many ppl feel the same way.
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I don't care about TR nerf, because that is not something you will really notice and you can fix it with perks.
I don't care about ADS fake nerf, because I have never used it.
But ADS nerf killed him, because there is no reason to play him without it. It's boring, feel bad to use and you have to deal with terrible ADS sensitivity + FOV unlike any other killer in the game.
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I agree
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I disagree on him being unplayable now. You just have to be more patient and deliberate with what you want out of your rifle.
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No point bringing this up. Survivors hate him and would rather they deleted the character. The devs nerfed him on request by the survivors and will never change it back because cosmetic sales.
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As I described aiming feels completely terrible right now and I would rather have those quick scopes than limited freedom. There are also other irritable and questionable mechanics and even if deathslinger one could sometimes be abused, he doesn't have a strong kit that would make it for this nerf.
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Slinger was balanced in a similar vein as nurse before: a difficult to use ability that punishes you for missing. However, unlike nurse there's counterplay to slinger, walls and pallets and whatnot.
Now you lose a second for even trying to use your power. Slinger was bad before, he's terrible now.
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What are the other irritable and questionable mechanics?
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Yeah, like I said, he definitely feels worse. Quicker time to aim is the fix, I'm pretty sure; no quickscope, no aiming-fakes, but he doesn't feel so glacial to play.
To everyone else responding: It's not about balance. He wasn't OP, and his balance hasn't been changed with this patch either. It was about him being unfun to play against. Agree or disagree with whether the change was warranted, the two things are completely separate.
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He is not unplayable for being bad killer.
He still has better 1v1 than most killers, so he is far from worst killer in dbd, but it just sucks to play him now. It's not fun, it's torture.
He has limitations other killers don't, he has a terrible mechanic (ADS) that other killers don't, which changes FOV and sensitivity, which you can't adjust.
He is unplayable, because he is bad and it just feels bad to do it.
I want quick-scope from my Rifle, I play FPS games a lot, so I was good at it. There is no reason for me to play him without it. He is objectively worse Huntress, well he always was, but now he is even worse than before and he also feels worse to play as.
I play bad killers, I enjoy Pig, Legion, Trapper, because they have fun aspects, Deathslinger doesn't anymore.
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They will, if everyone stops playing him. Which most players did, so now we have to wait like a year or two... yay
Even Anaxandra (4th player in the world by stats) stopped playing him and that is someone who gained money for playing him...
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I just disagree on him being unfun and hard/er to play is all. People are attempting to explain the problems, sure, but it really feels like it's just turning into "I don't like it harumph harumph."
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Hes not terrible but I dont want to play him ever again
I'd rather play legion
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Glad you asked. Oni can miss multiple his mace attack and still can land other and wont be punished because of it. Wraith has better ms uncloaked and also after uncloaking. Ghost face can expose you while u look at him or reveal him, Pyramid head can prepare range attack and immediately cancel it to attack you, and the fact that u can easily get corrupted by plague. Those things irritate more than ds quick scope but I wouldn't change any of it with the exception of ghost face ( either u have ridiculously stretched resolution or u got exposed in unexplained ways ).
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To be honest, I think I could eventually get used to the ADS nerf. It feels kinda garbage to play, but with practice I think I could play around it.
What is way worse for me is the Terror Radius nerf. As a no mobility, ranged but hard capped, 4.4 Killer, the biggest most consistent counter to Deathslinger was Survivors who were outside your range and knew where you were. They made it infinitely easier for Survivors to be that counter. It takes so long to get caught up to Survivors. Prior to the nerf you didn't have to do it all that often because there was only 6m difference between your TR and Range and Deathslinger's TR starting quiet means you'll probably be able to walk with them in your TR for at least a second before they realize. You also could run M&A to make his TR smaller than his range so their first warning might be them getting shot.
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Well, you can still manage somehow but u can manage somehow with every other killer. Legion,DS and trickster were my trio of killer but I guess its gonna be duo now.
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Said the one with argument: "Just aim earlier."
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Do survs hate him that much? I never had problem with ds as a character and I'm a guy who mostly play as survivor. He felt like the most balanced killer to me that's why I decided to buy him some time ago. There are more irritating killer mechanics as I mentioned earlier.
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Except that's literally what I do? I'm following my own advice and still having fun with him?
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A human can get used to many things, but for me there is no point in trying to aim in the swamp when u have another killer that can give u more freedom. I was also so focused on that aim I forget about his terror radius nerf... sigh it only makes his situation worse.
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It depends on what you're looking for, I suppose. I just play him like an M1 killer that has a reel, and like, don't shoot when I'm not certain it'll land. Just like Huntress.
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Predict what? Survivors hear a sound while being aimed at, they just need to run away from the sound.
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If that the logic why not just play huntress. With the removal of the quickscope they kill what made deathslinger unique and strong.
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Because I don't want to play huntress and want to play Slinger. lmao
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Because they still play completely differently?
I swear to god, people will slap the "worse Huntress" descriptor on anyone even slightly ranged. It was bad enough with Trickster, it makes even less sense with Deathslinger. I'm half wondering if I'm gonna see someone call Nemesis a worse Huntress next...
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Because people just expect blind agreement here and get frustrated when they don't get it.
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he should be an 115% killer now
he don't have addons to reduce the aiming time, huntress have to reduce the wind up time.
huntress shots always reduce a health state, deathslinger need to hit you after shot. impossible in pallets without addons.
huntress have unlimited range, deathslinger only 18 metres.
huntress can spamm hatchets without barely get a speed penalty, deathslinger gets slowed every time he shot and reload.
huntress irihead, is much easier to land than deathslinger instadown one, who only work if you hit at max range and then m1 the survivor without lunge.
what's the point of playing him instead of huntress?
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The actual kit is different. He has unlimited ammo and can still move while reloading, he has a wider swing on the M1, he has different concepts behind the add ons and how they synergize with his kit, and his mentality is more relentless holding W than Huntress who can afford to mix it up a bit.
it's just different play styles. It's like comparing Wraith to Legion.
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I personally switched to plague, but trickster is currently stronger than slinger ever was. He's barely penalized for missing, gets full fov and sensitivity, gets a longer effective range (due to not worrying about obstacles and chain) survivors don't get a warning sound when they're in your sights, and you get free hits on pallet drops.
The only thing old slinger had on trickster is snap shots as you turned a corner (which was nerfed) and being a gunslinger instead of a Kpop twink (which is now the only reason to play deathslinger)
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Post some clips, I don't believe you play slinger.
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Slinger loses a huge amount of ground after one shot, moves at a snails pace while reloading, I'm pretty sure all m1 attacks are the same so I'd like to see your source, his Addo s don't stop him from feeling like ######### and survivors can predrop pallets to end your "relentless" pressure. Also holding w on an actual melee killer like pyramid head is far more effective than it is on slinger.
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Well tall walls are just harder now, almost like they are with the other ranged killers. Lets be real, Trickster and huntress both have noises that are made before they use their power warning the survivor that ranged attack is incoming. In huntresses case there is a noise notification that she is putting her weapon away. There is no kind of notification that deathslinger is about to shoot and because of that survivors have to look behind them to make a realistic dodge. I can't tell you how often this results in survivors running face first into random rocks, trees and other obstacles playing this killer. I know his range is finite unlike huntress or trickster, and he gets a blade wipe animation no matter what he does, but he doesn't have to reload at lockers which can be surprisingly scarce on some maps.
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In fairness, it is the fanciest hat in dbd. Shame the character it's attached to feels so awful to play.
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Tell me all about how Pinhead's M1 is the same as Huntress', or how Wraith's is the same as Pyramid Head's.
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It's not about predicting as a killer, it's the matter of survivors don't have to predict anymore and they can actually react to it. Even potato can react to 400 ms + 200 ms travel time. Problem is that unlike Huntress, you don't have car size projectile, you just have to side-step a little and it will miss.
I can't even flick, because of his stupid ADS mechanic, which can't be changed.
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According to the wiki there's a sound survivors hear when in the deathslinger's sights, and the louder it is the closer to the center they are. Just run away from the ringing.
In addition, unlike other ranged killers he doesn't damage you on hit from the ranged attack, only after pulling you in. This is a moot point since backing up all but removes survivor control but it's weird this isn't where the nerf went.
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I mean, they are the similar in that you can move your mouse I guess while you swing...?
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When did Wraith become ranged? Did they gave him shotfun in latest patch?
How is Pinhead's M1 different from Huntress? Unless you want to count that bug he used to have before.
Wraith has same lunge, problem is that he is faster during it -> more distance, but duration for that lunge animation is same.
Deathslinger's lunge is not bigger.
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Pinhead swings sideways. Huntress swings up and down. I don't know if this is the bug you're talking about or not, but when Pinhead was first dropped he couldn't hit around corners /because/ he swings sideways. I think he still has that problem.
Also, when did I say Wraith was ranged? What? lmao