Solo escape is not possible.
Return map generation to how it was in 2016-2018. I mean the number of items, pallets and fog. The assassins are too powerful. So much so that he lost 9 matches out of 10.
Oh god.
7 -
Why don't BHVR care about solo players?
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I think I've escaped like my last ten matches in a row and I only play sili when I play survivor so idk what your on
16 -
Um.....yes it is.
Is it harder? Of course.
But impossible? Nonsense. I play almost exclusively solo and can manage to escape a fair amount from bottom to top ranks.
I don't deny it's a chore, but when you go with absolutes like 'It's impossible' your point becomes less credible.
Losing nine matches out of ten does not immediately make it a map, palate or fog density problem, and to be honest, even as a survivor they were a bit much back then.
8 -
all my matches end like this. and it's not fun.
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As solo I escape roughly half my games, which is what I would expect for my skill level playing with the handicap of no communication.
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Why isn't this in my games? Why did the escape become a sensation for me? Do we play different DBDs?
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I'm disappointed on this game after every.single.update.
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Yes it is possible and I have been recording data to prove it. I was planning on sharing my data after 100 trials. The objective I made for myself is to make every effort to secure a hatch escape.
Im at about 20 trials, and my escape rate is 85%, with about 55% being hatch escapes.
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honestly you just gotta loop better and try and lead the killer on a long chase for a few games so you can carry the team I wanna say I've reached high mmr these days cause even solo all my teammates slam gens and can loop good and do totems so really just try and focus on escaping a couple games in a row even if you have to play like a ######### and hide cause at higher mmr I find personally the teammates are pretty solid even solo
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Read my name.. that’s all I have to say about this post..
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Usually, my teammates and I cannot loop the killer and therefore do not have time to start all the generators. Why doesn't MMR take into account that the survivor dies in almost every match? It seems to me that the MMR system gives survivors a killer to compensate for lost matches, not a killer to survivors. The survivor will always die.
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I play selfish and have a slightly higher MMR so unless I get tunneled out immediately I do objective, try to avoid the killer as much as possible, and if I'm injured during egc I find the nearest gate and just leave. Unless I'm bored or feeling altruistic and take a BT hook trade and die so my teammate can get out.
I've had so many games where I've been left to die on first hook or saved someone and instead of leaving they go for another save or take the world worst pathing to the gate that I play for my own points not for the teams at end game.
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the issue comes with the fact of how the new mmr system works if your a survivor and you die first it lowers your mmr the most out of anyone in the game and if you lose mmr that means you are getting put with other people that also lost mmr and didnt escape so when you dont escape it just keeps putting you with potatoes that never escape because they also keep losing mmr
I hope you get my point basically
you only gain mmr if you escape
you only lose it if you die
so if you lose a bunch
you get put with people that always die
thus lowering your chances even more
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Can you escape from all matches. There are survivors who die in every match. Should they leave the game? I understand you? Do I understand BHVR's policy?
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Why, then, are they not given killer potatoes to such survivors? Why are they all the same playing against tryhard killers? The system encourages killers.
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It needs to go back to 2016 where survivors have a chance of winning and killers won without slowdown perks. I don't know why survivors re-queue to lose like that.
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I mean I escaped most of my matches yesterday. And the day before that. And the one before that. In fact ever since MMR started I've been escaping more. Granted my killer games are SO much more stressful.
3 -
Let me get this straight. You've gone from, "Solo escape is not possible" to "Can you escape from all matches?" as if the two things are correlated. It's a false dichotomy.
Anybody not cheating simply cannot escape every match, nor should they expect to. And just because they can't escape every match doesn't make solo escapes impossible.
Also, any survivor that's actually trying to escape and still dies literally every match is just terrible at the game, period. The reason for this is because eventually, they're going to play against terrible killers and if they still can't escape vs those killers, it's because they just don't know how to survive. That's not inherently a bad thing, everyone has a limit to their personal skill and some people's limits are going to be towards to bottom. Should they leave the game? Well, if they aren't having fun, then yes, absolutely. No point in playing a game you aren't enjoying. If they are having fun, then it doesn't matter if they escape or not because they're having fun.
However, this entire thread sounds like survivor entitlement trolling. This guy claims solo escape is impossible because he can't escape. most of the time It's just ridiculous. Anyone with a brain in their head can recognize it for what it is.
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What soloQ needs is voicechat so people can actually work together and know what everyone is doing. To balance this out, BHVR could buff all killers.
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Not an escape, not only me, but from 3 teammates. They are different in each match, so there are a lot of survivors with this problem. Take a look at streamers. Their killers win in almost every match. An illustrative example.
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its possible but obviously harder. sometimes i play solo survivor and i cringe at this forum when they want more things of survivors to be nerfed, for example, the medkit. Like legit i read somewhere that someone suggested 32 seconds for the syringe to heal and can only be triggered if the medkit is full? lmao might as well turn that syringe into a brown addon.
solo queue survivor in my experience, killers are always stronger and will always get at least 2k. a lot of the complaints from some of the killer mains here are mostly to do with swf, and it just hurts the solo survivor if bhvr listens imo.
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My teammates all die 5 minutes into the game and it leaves me against the killer at 3 gens. Believe it or not 3 gens is an amazing feat with some of these teams.
I've learned to not play to win anymore but instead use each game to teach myself new things about the game.
0 -
How do I, as a killer main, completely, and 100% agree with this statement?
Can you elaboratate?
I meant eh number of items, pallets, and fog. Assassins way to powerful. He lost 9 matches out of 10. What?
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your are joking right? i mean wow really you are very bad in the game to said that, hope then is a joke
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Solo hasn’t been so bad for me.
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Solo are the majority of my escapes
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I'm just amused you use the term Assassins instead of Killers.
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If I'm playing solo I need my self care.
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I think if I were to play super selfish and only for the sake of escaping, not helping teammates unless it's in my benefit(aka, them having shown they have an average of 30 seconds per health state in chase, meaning healing them is beneficial to my escape), I could easily escape 80% of my matches.
But I think that's kinda one of the problems in DBD, that survivors are not considered a team, and thus not balanced around survivors being a team.
There is a reason why we want a communication system in the game, so solo survivor gets buffed to the level of SWF, so that in return, killers can get a basekit buff too(Fire Up as basekit at the very least, being able to remove pallets faster when survivors are closer to their goal is kinda important, the fact that the situation during the EGC can be exactly the same situation as the start of the game because an area has never been looped, is kinda an issue)
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Depends if you are stuck in mmr hell or not. To survive you need your team. If your mmr is low enough then you essentially have no team as they don't do gens and don't last long in a chase. Now you are stuck in a perpetual downward spiral of doom if you can't camp the exit gate since hatch is meaningless for mmr.
1 -
Record some games so we can give constructive criticism on what you're doing wrong.
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looks like one camped then played decentish?
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Every survivor game I've ever played has been solo queue, and I escape about 40% of the time, I'd guess. Feels about right to me, winning most of the time wouldn't be fun. I've definitely had streaks of getting killed every match, but also vice versa.
DBD isn't perfectly balanced by any stretch, but if you are patient and play enough matches, it should even out.
0 -
I just escaped Solo and I'm pretty sure I'm the worst Survivor player here.
2 -
Hmm, solo is harder compare to SWF for MMR and I think soloQ should get buffs in form of info that is easily shared by SWF.
Either passive things, or chat wheel. I can elaborate if you want to.
SWF has it easier not because they are OP, it helps to get free info tho, but main thing is that you skip matchmaking factor, you choose who you play with and you can rely on them.
1 -
Yeah, I can see Uroboros here and it sounds like an issue.
At that point you either have to be that good that you can run that killer for 5-gens, which is possible, because your killer gets worse too, or you have to start playing with decent SWF to get from there...
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Funny... Last night I escaped, I can safely say, about 7-8 matches out of 10 as a solo. Maybe you just had a bad roll
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Yeah, it should be mandatory requirement whenever you have major issue with any side. It would help to see a problem and give advices, problem is that this is forum for everyone, so it would quickly turn into flaming contest.
Problem is that dbd is just really not noob friendly and you just need to know decent player that will spend time with your in KYF for a while to teach you. I have done that with all my friends who wanted to learn, just teach them chases, some generic good loops, overall tips and forced them a little to play a killer for few games, while I was watching them. I think when you play both sides, you become better player overall. It's not that helpfull for a killer, but survivors benefit from it a lot, you just can see how it works from killer's POV and can learn tricks by survivors you play against, just copy what annoys you.
This game just takes effort to get good at, not that much as moba games, but definetly more than FPS games imo. Some players are not willing to do it and just rather complain instead.
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Agreed. If I play to win each time, as survivor, I would have quit very long ago entirely. I try my hardest just to have fun.
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I am at an mmr so low that the killers do not play half of the time. I guess that is how they get me a 50/50 win loss. Rofl.
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Seal clubbers, I guess? Just wanna lower MMR for free games...
I mean, I do it with few killers, so I can chill with them, but for me it's difference to change from 2k+ survivors to 500 hours survivors. I don't really wanna babies to stomp...
1 -
Try this build. It's the one that helps me escape almost every match :)
1 -
It's just my opinion, but I feel being dropped into a game with randos feels more in the spirit of the game (though often frustrating as hell). Being able to choose your team feels like an advantage, and being able to choose your team and verbally coordinate across the map is absolutely OP, imo.
But this is a game that isn't ever going to be balanced, so to each their own.
2 -
I don't think that would help. I mean you have 2 solo Russian players in the lobby and they don't speak English. With this toxic community, I wouldn't be surprised if every second child insults my mother. For the two reasons alone, I would not use a voice chat at all.
You can see it in other games that are far less toxic than dbd. Either umpteen languages are spoken, just no English. Or everyone thinks they are a god and you are the noob. But maybe I've just had a lot of bad experience with ingame communication systems and I'm exaggerating...
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It doesn't feel like an advantage, it is huge advantage.
If they buff soloQ, then I will happily play it more. I sometimes get annoyed a lot while trying to get SWF on official discord, but I have my dead squad, where we play time to time.
How I would buff soloQ:
-Survivors can see each other when someone is on hook.
Simple change of something in this game already, just kindred without killer aura and would probably help most. Kindred would need some buff tho.
-HUD icon, which shows when survivor is in chase.
Again quite easy, just make everyone obsession effect and actual obsession would be highlighted in red.
-Show each survivors perks in lobby.
This one would be probably hardest to implement, but would help to prepare for game a lot, because you might fill roles with perks, when noone uses them. You could bring totem detection perks or BT, when you see noone uses them. On other hand when you see that 2 players are already using Inner Strenght, then it would be good idea not to use that too.
Chat wheel might help a lot too, like what it could say:
Cleansed a totem
Doing gen
Going for save
Opening a gate
Just stuff like that and it could pop up next to portraits...
Other than that for balancing: buff weak killers, buff weak perks on both sides, make base regression 150% and nerf ruin to 150%
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Only killers and SWFs are allowed to have fun in this game. Solo survivors are here just to suffer.
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I never stated voicechat tho. Just communication. A ping system is communication. All it needs is a 1-2 second cooldown on using the same ping to avoid super spams, but that alone would be such an improvement.
Also, DBD isnt actually that toxic overall. The issue is that your opponent is very likely to appear toxic, when their decision to do something was 100% validated. For example, 4 survivors alive with 2 generators dead and only 1 survivor has been hooked twice and just got unhooked. It's in the killer's best interest to kill a survivor at that point, because otherwise generators are all gone, unless the killer has an endgame build. So the killer tunnels the survivor who was dead on hook out of the game. Is the killer toxic here? Ofcourse not, he needs to get someone out, and survivors are not gonna slow down to give the killer more time to hook. I literally always tell survivors who complain about that being toxic that if they dont want me to tunnel a survivor out, they need to stop doing gens and tank hookstates.
Same with survivors simply doing 3 gens simultaneously. They might have spawned seperately, they dont know they are on 3 seperate gens at the same time, and as long as you dont come, they dont have a reason to leave either. So 3 gens can pop at the same time without survivors having the intention to do so. Killers who call that a genrush when the game lasts another 5 minutes after that(seriously, if 3 gens pop within 2 minutes and it takes 5 minutes to do the other 2, it's by no means a genrush, as genrushers tend to keep ######### like toolboxes for the final 2 gens), I also tend to tell them it's uncoordinated and that they could have prevented it by hitting the first survivor and then go back to patrolling gen(especially if that first survivor doesnt have a medkit)
It appears as a toxic move, and the players are going to be pissed about it untill the end of the game, even if there never was any toxic intent.