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Optimal Build for Executioner?

Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

So far, i've been running a build I find fun with conehead:

A nurses calling (Finish off Damaged Players)

Nemisis (Aura with stun)

Enduring (For faster recovery, see nemisis)

Lightborn (Snipe the Clicky-Clicky Survs through walls)

Than I use

Irridescant Seal of Metatron (To see survivors after caging them, as they still suffer from Torment)

Some range add on.

I find this build fun, but I don't know if it taps the true potential of Executioner, any tips? Thanks!


  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    Outside of the traditional meta-slave builds, I find the following perks to be great picks:

    • No Way Out - while it's a hook perk which many would argue isn't great on PH, I find you will always hook every survivor at least once and that's all you need to get maximum value out of this perk.
    • I'm All Ears - great for those snipes, shows survivors auras for 6 seconds after a rushed vault. Cooldown makes it annoying to use though
    • Eruption - typically you don't want to kick gens but this perk at least gives you a solid reason to + it will trigger with Punishment of the Damned making it not a bad choice
    • Lethal Pursuer - having a good early game as Pyramid Head is important, this perk will 100% help you figure out the best way to start
    • Deadlock - just a good slowdown perk that doesn't require a lot of input from you. Just equip it and it does its thing in the background
    • Monitor and Abuse - a PH with a smaller terror radius will give survivors less time to react to your approach. Survivors typically try to play safe against PH so this helps throw them off a bit.
  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    My favorite starter build for PH personally is

    BBQ - points + auras

    Discordance - Prevents getting genrushed in the mid-end game, can be paired with tinkerer for sniping

    I'm All Ears - Helps train you in tracking shots behind walls, can be replaced later for a preferential perk like Whispers

    I've also been seeing Blood Favour paired with Crowd Control to really start shutting down survivor defenses recently, coupled with PH's ability to judgement through walls you are almost as good as nurse at ignoring obstacles.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    Ahh, i forgot about blood favor build, Perhaps slap on Undying + Retribution for extra protection.

  • ClumsyTrapper
    ClumsyTrapper Member Posts: 544

    I love running all aura reading I'm all ears undying and nemesis with either tinkerer or dark devotion and double range addons

  • Maliken
    Maliken Member Posts: 166


    Tinkerer + Ruin + Undying/Pop with the 4th perk being more open to whatever you like.

    It’s pretty much the same optimal build for every killer.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135
    edited October 2021

    So a few problems with your build:

    -Nemesis and Enduring aren't great because as PH your power hits through pallets, so generally you shouldn't be getting stunned in the first place. You should be baiting the pallet drop for a free hit, or force them to run through the pallet and M1 instead.

    -No reason to use Lightborn either because if they try to blind you at a pallet, you can just hit them with your ranged attack.

    -Lastly, if pure optimization is what you want, then you should run Corrupt Intervention or Ruin/Undying for early game pressure. Pyramid Head's power doesn't have many great synergy perks, so generally you just follow the standard meta of slowdown perks and 1 tracking perk like Discordance/BBQ/Tinkerer.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    This is my current build for my PH. I find it fun to use, not a meta build by far but it allows great Gen Knowledge and if you play it right you will have next to no Terror Radius for long periods of time. I try to avoid any hook perks for him because you don't know when you will hook or send them to the cage.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    Of course "I'm all ears" for the wall-hack, allowing for some good shots and interesting play. Good survivors know you have it after a while and this will make it even more interesting. I like to add Blood Favour after the buff because the pallet blocking is pretty good if you got it right, also I do not cry much if it gets cleansed. "No way out" comes in handy with his power as you can get more value out of your Mori and cage when the game goes a bit longer.

    And yes, I would advice for BBQ. Most times you do not want to cage for the first stage and this allows you to get pressure going.

    Pyramide Head is also one of the few Killers I play where I like Hex: Ruin as it fits with his theme. However I like the other perks a bit more.

  • SlavJenko
    SlavJenko Member Posts: 21

    My main PPHead build is:

    Corrupt intervention

    Save The Best For Last

    Sloppy Butcher

    I'm All Ears

    This feels like a pretty fun build that is mainly chase oriented and allows you to try and get some cool M2's.

    Additionally I've been trying another build:

    Hex:Blood Favor


    Save The Best For Last


    This build is another fun one for me because when I hit a surv and they see the pallets around them have been blocked they just give up or just hold W, and the STBFL just allows you to recover from your basic attack much sooner, henceforth downing them quicker, and then Thana is just there for some passive slowdown on gens and totems.

    For addons you can bring whatever feels good for you, I live to have a range addon and recovery speed addon personally.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146
    edited October 2021

    Alright, I see all you casual Pyramid Head players and I raise you the creme de la creme builds. I'll warn you too, this may be a long, long post. So buckle up. These builds have all been extensively playtested by myself, with a ton of experimentation and theory crafting. I believe they are some of the strongest builds you'll find for Pyramid Head, however they also provide variety. The only strong build I will not be mentioning is the Ruin, Undying, Corrupt, Tinkerer. Yes it's strong, but it's generic as hell. I'll be presenting the spice.

    Build 1: Ruin, Corrupt Intervention, Lethal Pursuer, Thrilling Tremors.

    This is one of my goat builds for PH. It comes together like an absolute dream, you'll be using Lethal to find somebody as soon as possible and get a fast, fast down after you torment but not cage them. When you go to hook Thrilling will let you know what gens are being done nearby. You're going to want to proxy camp your first hook, and the second they get unhooked you race for that down and send them to the cage. If you play right, you'll have your first kill before Corrupt Intervention ends. Then through out the match Thrilling will be a source of consistent information which works really well with Ruin to let you know what generators to go to.

    Build 2: Plaything, Dark Devotion, Tinkerer, I'm All Ears. also use the Goblet UR addon

    This build is an absolute beast on indoor maps, and causes survivors to have a very rough time actually escaping you. There will be a huge lack of coordination once you start getting your plaything rolling. And also given most indoor maps have very hard totems to find they'll be wasting a lot of time. There's no particular game plan with this build other than when chasing your obsession to either leave them after the first hit, or slug them if you can get a fast down, you want to get as much value from Dark Devotion as possible. You'll spend a majority of your game undetectable so long as you're constantly placing trails of torment throughout the trial. A final tip for this build is you can camp very effectively by waiting behind a wall for the unhook while on a trail of torment so you're undetectable, just hold your Punishment of The Damned until they unhook and farm a free double hit.

    Build 3: Blood Favour, Undying, Thrilling Tremors, I'm All Ears.

    This is a much more gimmicky build however has quite the potential providing you play around loops correctly. It mostly revolves around Blood Favour, so when you get a hit at, all pallets will be blocked nearby. What this allows for is either time to allow you to get another M1 for the down, or they panic and you can farm a second hit with Punishement of The Damned if they try to run to another loop, as they're almost guaranteed to predrop it. Thrilling will give you some crucial slowdown and information, and I'm All Ears is arguably the goat Pyramid Head perk.

    Build 4: Save The Best For Last, Furtive Chase, Lethal Pursuer, I'm All Ears.

    This is another gimmicky build, however has incredible potential providing you play it right. The idea hear is being able to stack up STBL without losing any stacks and also retaining the ability to tunnel which is what Pyramid Head is amazing for. Lethal again gets you that early information which can be crucial for getting a 2 minute kill, it also gives you info on if survivors are grouped or not so you can get stacks early. Furtive will stop you from being punished for tunnelling your obession off a hook. And you wont lose stacks on the first hit either providing there's a BT as you can use Punishment of The Damned to get a double hit on the hook rescue.

    Those are the four builds I wanted to recommend. Now I briefly want to talk about the addons. And frankly, Pyramid Heads addons are #########. There are only two types of addons you ever want to be running those being increased range, and increased time you can hold Rites of Judgment. The rest of his addons are nigh useless and barely come into affect during matches. So always keep an eye out for "wax doll" "burning man painting" "spearhead" and "tablet of the oppressor" These are your four crutch addons. And there's no real reason for you to run anything else with the exception of the goblet for the stealth build.

    edit: I quickly want to add some notes on perks you dont want to be using on him.

    Firstly Nurses Calling. I played this perk extensively, however it just doesn't give you much value and can only be used effectively when using double range addons. There are much better information perks which will give you much more value.

    Next is Lightborn, a lot of people run this perk as a comfort perk as they don't want to deal with flashlights, which is understandable, however I've found on Pyramid Head, a lot of survivors don't know where to aim for the flahslight save. And so they will fail regardless of if you have Lightborn or not.

    Finally Devour Hope. Between you sending survivors to the cage and using final judgement, combined with how you ideally want to play Pyramid Head generally proxy camping and tunnelling you will struggle to get stacks quickly on him. It would also cause survivors to play much safer against you and if they begin predropping you will suffer.

    I want one last honourable mention to the Seal of Metatron addon, This addon is incredibly bad, and very counter intuitive. It requires survivors to be tormented to get any value, the issue with that being, when you cage a survivor the person who rescues them will lose their torment, so if you catch another person in the mean time you'll be down two people for aura reading. When you have multiple people tormented it's often best to not cage them until you get a few hook stages on each of them. it helps in the long run, trust me. some survivors try to avoid being tormented like the plague, so trying to reapply it can be a real pain.

    That wraps up my post on strong Pyramid Head builds. I hope you consider them and if you do indeed use them, have fun with them!