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Survivors: Which Killers Do You *Like* Playing Against?

Member Posts: 8,077

And why?

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  • Member Posts: 10,910
    edited October 2021

    My favorite to go against is Billy due to how interactive he is. Getting clapped by a good Billy makes me respect the hell out of him because he’s very good.

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    Ghostface, i like playing against stealth killers

    Pig, matches agaibst them is usually great when they don't tunnel

    Ph, i like the cages and trying to dodge his ranged attacks.

    Demo, don't know why

    Trapper, it's fun guessing where his traps are.

  • Member Posts: 219

    I'd say Billy because good Billy's are super fun to go against and makes for an unpredictable match and Pinhead just because I like dodging his chains. I guess nurse is fun unless it's a God tier nurse

  • Member Posts: 10

    For me, usually running a Bubba around is quite entertaining, mainly because as long as I have an efficient loop, I can survive for a long time, although they do camp sometimes so there's that :/

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Interesting. Pinhead gets me cussed out in postgame more than any killer that isn't Doctor.

  • Member Posts: 219

    I just like the satisfaction when I dodge the chains 😌

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Myers. I get a sense of paranoia that only abates when he's at T3 (and that causes its own form of panic, especially when I don't know his addons yet and there's been enough of a warm-up that I suspect something's up.) Ghostface isn't half as scary because you get a sound cue when you look in his direction - you don't actually have to see him in many cases, just rotate the camera dutifully and keep a cursory watch on your surroundings. Not so with Myers. I'm much better at tracking motion than actually spotting that looming shape in the distance...

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    I like playing against Doctor, Pyramid Head and Trickster! Myers is fun when he has Tombstone as well, and I like facing Twins occasionally.

    Doctor provides fun gameplay for me and I love hearing his laugh (and my character screeching after being shocked)! Pyramid Head is my main and favorite Killer, and I like dodging his M2 (and he has great chase music). And Trickster is just cool. I really like his chase music as well and I like hearing him laugh and carry on like he does.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Interesting. Doctor seems to be the number one hate-bait killer when I play him. People sometimes DC the second I hit a Static Blast. Absolutely no idea why - he's really pretty meh.

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    That is strange. I played against a Doctor a couple weeks ago who brought a mori, and when he used his Static Blast a teammate D/C-ed. She didn't even get hit by it! Not sure what was going on there.

    I actually like Doctors because I don't know what to expect out of them. Sometimes they're ruthless and straight-up murder all of the Survivors, and sometimes they start goofing off halfway through the game and it ends up being a lot of fun. Most of the "nice" Killers I've played against have been Doctors!

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Haha I wonder if you went up against me, I tend towards being an overly nice killer at times.

    That said - yeah. For some reason survivors find Doc frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    probably billy

    leatherface too as long as they aren’t running enduring/spirit fury/bamboozle

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    Pinhead not running Hoarder/Franklin's. I like controlling his power for him. Bow to the needles and pins, baby.

  • Member Posts: 981

    Funny enough I like playing mosty against the same Killers I also like to play...

    Ghostface comes first because most of them make mistakes and get revealed by me, sadly few use the crouching mechanic to mind-game at more places where they could. Cenobite is also fun as I like using the box in a way that he teleports and faces a wall or is in a jungle gym with me, also dodging the chains is fun.

    Billy is a no brainer as I also like playing Billy and a skilled Billy just gets insane...same with Blight if he is not running the Pop/Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer build but something creative. Bloodfavoured Blight was fun, even if he got his 4k.

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    Nurse: Because when I outplay her, it feels amazing.

    Huntress: Dodging hatchets is fun and getting cross-map sniped is also fun ngl.

    Bubba: They are all so weird. They are literally on a higher plane of existence. So Bubbas are fun, unless you use Bamboozle lmao

    Demo: When I outplay Demo, it feels good. And when Demo outplays me, it also feels good.

    Oni: I don't know why honestly. He's just really fun.

    Triangle Head: I love dodging his range power, it's just so fun. And when I get a really good Triangle Head, I might get mindgamed and outplayed as well.

  • Member Posts: 3,703


    They're a strategy to when you should solve the box. It's an extra objective that keeps you on yout toes.


    Avoiding and fighting with Victor is something reminiscent of scene from an Evil Dead film.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    I just had a survivor loop me an extra time expecting that they could take the window after I sawed the pallet. But when they got there, they realized something was amiss!

    Bamboozle is hilarious because those survivors who just run straight to shack have no idea what to do once that window is blocked. The satisfaction is immense.

    Anyways, I play Bubba so that survivors don't have fun, I am more or less contractually obligated to ruin the fun of the few who enjoy playing against him. I apologize.

  • Member Posts: 3,145

    Huntress, I just enjoy dodging hatchets, I guess. And the play at loops has an added element.

  • Member Posts: 745

    Freddy, Just because he is Freddy.

    Myers. Especially when the player is good. Love the stalking aspect on him. So many times I've had a heart attack when I saw him stalking from a distance.

    And Nurse. Even though she can teleport pretty quickly, she can be out maneuvered

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    Billy, Trickster -> you can have super long chases against them.

    Trapper and Hag are also quite fun, when you can annoy them with chasing after them and removing traps...

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I'm really glad that people enjoy playing against Pinhead, because he's quickly becoming one of my favorite killers.

  • Member Posts: 2,203
    edited October 2021

    Huntress. I used to play her a lot, I like to be against her now. Dodging hatchets is quite satisfying.

    Nurse. If she's a pretty good Nurse, I feel there is still something to learn. But I usually meet average Nurse, and I like the mindgame.

    Oni. He's the best Killer. Period.

    Blight. I like to see him zooming. He makes weird but fun noises.

    Other Killers are fine or I don't like them.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    All killers LOL... Except for Nemesis cause I've played against him too many times already

    I like to try and guess perks and addons while I play

    But alas... I like playing against:

    Pig- cause I main her and love to see someone else play as her

    Ghostface- most of the time they meme around

    Nurse- I like to try and dodge her blink attacks

    Huntress- to see how many hatchets I can dodge/ get hit by

    Spirit- Old Spirit cause of not knowing where she is and what she's doing... Plus I think it fits the lore (but I do understand why it was changed)... Also I haven't faced her in a while so it's also that I miss her... LOL

    I could rattle off all of the killers... but I'll save you all the ttrouble

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Billy, nurse, Myers, huntress, doctor, LF, pig, spirit (new addition), plague, oni, demo, PH, blight, nemesis, ceno.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Everyone released from 2016 to 2019, except Ghostface.

  • Member Posts: 399
    edited October 2021

    Despite my name, I play both sides.

    I hate going against Hag due to me not liking jumpscares (yes I am a coward) and Pinhead due to not being able to read him. Also because they nerfed his voice.

    Edit: Ah, you said like. Oops.

  • Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Nurse and Huntress, just because these are my two mains so it's always nice to face a fellow player.

  • Member Posts: 848

    I love going against Huntress because it's like a challenge to dodge all of the hatchets and how they are very good at mind gaming.

  • Member Posts: 628

    Billy: so much more fun than Bubba. They are just zooming over the map and it's more fun to play with loops.

    Demo: most Demo players are chill imo and dodging a shred attack is fun lol

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Only Billy, literally everyone else is exhausting to face

  • Member Posts: 1,585
    edited October 2021

    Mostly any that doesn't camp and tunnel at 4-5 gens. But with that said, my favorites are Huntress, Pig, Spirit before they made her braindead easy to loop, Pinhead, Demo.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Billy, Pyramid Head, Oni, Pig, Clown, Huntress, Demo, Spirit, Blight, Plague, and Ghostface. No particular reason, I just like them.

  • Member Posts: 35
    • Huntress because i'm huntress main so i know the spots she can or cannot hit me
    • Spirit because baiting her with iron will is so good
    • Bubba because it feels so good when you know the timing to stun him
    • And Oni
  • Member Posts: 797

    Pyramid Head and Blight, knowing all the little tricks a killer can try to pull in a chase makes it not quite easy but alot more fun.

  • Member Posts: 799

    i find it fun to play against trapper, billy, nurse (when she plays fair), myers, huntress, pig, spirit (those changes made her fun, cant believe it), legion, ghostface, demo and blight

    the rest (and nurse when she's good and tryharding) just aren't as fun to play against.

    i'm really no good at playing against killers that have a stellar 1v1. i just feel like the killer shows up, downs me, hooks me, and leaves all in rapid succession and i feel powerless to do anything. i'm not terrible at looping any more but i feel like they require second chance perks to really have a fun run against and i don't want to use those perks. i much prefer to run info / support perks and simply do things right the first time, but some killers... man, some of these guys really justify the existence of dh/ub/ds/bt builds.

  • Member Posts: 66

    #1 Cannibal: easy to loop for five gens if you're not caught out in the open. The minute I know it's a cannibal, I'm pulling his attention, even I have to intervene on another survivor chase. The cannibal is my prey.

    Plague: trees have a use against her vomit

    Huntress: not as easy as cowboy to dodge, but pretty simple to loop

    Cowboy: dead useless killer with way too much counterplay

    Trickster: requires a little bit more wariness but another killer that is simple to loop

  • Member Posts: 228

    Because they seem like true monsters, I like playing against Spirit, Nurse, Gorgon, Wraith, Oni. Any movie monsters are also fun like Pig, Freddy, Mike meyers, PinHEAD; any movie monster except Billy.

    Anyone who uses a HEX because I use Soul Guard. I think they forget when they just leave me on the ground and think I will stay down.

    Billy is too fast with his perks. I really like the legion when he wears the bunny suit. (no credit given to Silent Hill 3 for this. Shame devs)

    Huntress is fun but seems over powered. Trickster is fun if the player doesnt camp the hook. I didn't like Trickster until I got in a match where two DCs happend. I was allowed to open the gate and leave. Some killers are honorable.

    I wont say who I don't like and why until that thread comes up.

    Who let Michael Myers out of the house in his nightshirt with a lead pipe?

  • Member Posts: 1,192

    Nurse, I don't know why but I seem to actually 'function' against her when in a chase. I'm not the greatest at chases, which is why I play the support role and take aggro if someone on their death hook is getting chased to even out the hook spread. But for some reason, i am more 'on the ball' when it comes to a chase with the nurse.

    Her sound cues help somewhat with this, but honestly, i think it's mainly because she can be scary as frick and it's like someone lit a fire under my butt and I'm paying 'way' more attention to her cues than I do with other killers.

    I don't even get mad when a good nurse curb stomps me because they are just amazing to watch, especially if they are on the console which makes her slightly more precise controls a little harder.

    Also I just think her design is super cool and miss seeing her around.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Pig, Myers, Wraith, Bubba, Legion, Nurse, and Billy. I especially miss old Billy.

  • Member Posts: 455

    Trickster, Pyramid head, Nemesis, Huntress, death slinger I consider myself what is call Kiter, I am better at dodging range attacks over melee ones because I look behind me against these killers so crouch dodging an huntress hatches as example is very satisfying.

  • Member Posts: 987

    Freddy (of course post nerf). I feel like the Freddy player base has changed, not as toxic. Honestly, they’re the least toxic killers I’ve run into the past few months. Didn’t think I’d ever say something like that.

  • Member Posts: 455
    edited October 2021

    Really? cause it seem every freddy I get seem real toxic, legions/clowns/plagues /myers with him seem to be the top most immature killers, hitting you on hooks none stop, mind you am not even a toxi as a survivor main and I dont use clicky clicky cause even as a survivor main when other survivors clicks a flash light on me it turns me off.

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    Huntress and Twins!

    Huntress is fairly balanced and attempting to dodge her hatches keeps me on the edge of my seat.

    Twins are just straight-up fun! Whenever my SWF go against them, the strategies can get interesting real quick!

  • Member Posts: 1,360

    My favorites are probably billy, oni, nurse, bubba, and any stealth killler lol

  • Member Posts: 987

    Surprises me too but that’s been my experience! Most toxic for me I’d say are nemesis, huntress, legion and clowns. They show by far the most bm lately

  • Member Posts: 7,162

    Mookel Myers is my number one favorite to face. Always a fun time facing the boogeyman.

    Billy is great, the rare times he does show up. Demo is a lot of fun. Bubbas can be fun when they are not camping.

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