Dead Hard, Buff or Not?
hey , when are you gonna fix the chainsaw of bubba or the boon totems on the map saw then the killer cant turn off or the addon red of the pig? in a year? but the survs any bug is going to be fix very quick like always, sure, i want to see you all you devs play killer with high mmr and show us how to play be killer, please dev show us
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this isn't gonna help anything. referring to the comment above mine.
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They're gonna resort to the "It doesn't always save you" argument. Like the 99% of times it works and the 1% of times your in a lose; lose situation they'll point to that 1%
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Only true killer mains can twist a bug fix to something that was literally broken for years into a buff.
I wonder if a killer didn't work 70% of the time for 2 years and it suddenly got fixed, would you be calling that a buff too? Of course not.
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You're so biased, yet you accuse others of it. Your underlying point is those killer players, and by definition, anyone who artificially induces the right conditions should continue to gain a competitive advantage at the expense of every survivor player. My goodness, talk about extreme bias.
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Itโs not a buff??? Itโs a fix. This is how the perk worked before Oni was released. Theyโre basically reverting it to how it used to be.
how is that a buff?
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In a shocking twist no one could have possibly seen coming, Game #1 as a killer, Game #1 where FIVE ######### Dead Hard hits did the "Survivor yells and you bloody them and they scream and they go down but LOL JUST KIDDING LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL YOU IDIOT THOUGHT YOU ACTUALLY DOWNED THEM!?!?!?! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're back up and you're standing there like an idiot because we told you that you hit them so you foolishly thought you hit them! ROFLCOPTER!!!!!!!!!!!" garbage.
These survivors were also WELL aware of this as they just spent a lot of the game just toying with me as the killer because they knew they didn't have to be afraid of mistiming a Dead Hard.
I just don't get how BHVR can be so Goddamn bad at this...
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Yeah, I'd like some Legion buffs please.
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I think it will still not work correctly. When you dead hard, you often do it when you notice the killer starts a hit animation. So if the killer has high ping you will see the animation too late and you will be exhausted bon the ground. Maybe it should be survivor sided validation.
TLDR: server sided validation is better than killer sided validation, but probably should be survivor sided validation.
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Is it stronger than it is now?
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That's not my point.
Allow me to ask you a question to demonstrate it. Do you think the Survivor role, in general, needs buffs?
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Well, we can only hope they finally see how BS this perk is now that exhausted on the ground isn't going to be a thing anymore.
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The legion's po power still works according to the specification. Regardless of the fact that you think it is too weak or too strong. It works like it is supposed to work.
DH, regardless if you think it is too strong or too weak, didn't work according to the perk's description. That is fixed now
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The game has balance issues in general, so don't conflate with other points. What exactly is your point about this topic?
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Answer the question and allow me to demonstrate my point.
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It's amazing how everything you said was wrong. Survivor mains are the most entitled set of players I've ever had the displeasure of playing with.
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- "Avoid any damage during the Dash."
It worked fine for me.
The Killer is also supposed to be able to injure you when they hit you, but that sometimes doesn't work either.
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I think both roles need many changes, I can't answer such a broad question so narrowly. Feel free to advance your point.
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Try not to assume what people main.
We all have different ideas on how the game should be balanced. Try to respect that, please.
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Some indeed are, but this applies to both players of both roles.
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Would I be incorrect in stating that Survivors at higher skill-levels will see much better use out of Dead Hard than Survivors at lower skill-levels?
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But wasn't it already a feature? I have seen survivors deadhard and "eat" hatchets without being hit before this..
Anyway now that this perk will work 100% of the times i think its time you guys gives this perk a nerf like you did to all good killer perks for being over-used.
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"it worked fine for me"
That's a lie. Countless people complained about it not working, you can watch it happening on streams, in youtube videos, everywhere. It did not work.
But, let me ask you one thing. If it worked fine then the change in this patch won't change anything, right? You know, because the change is supposed to make DH invincibility frames work but you claim it already worked. So then literally nothing changes. Why are you calling it a buff then?
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I actually said it'll either buff the perk to make it work like pallet validation (where hits get refunded constantly) or it won't do anything at all.
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Idk; I've seen potatoes do amazing plays and so-called pros miss the mark. None of this has to do with the topic. I thought you were referring to the server concerns.
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Pallet hits get fixed, so killers can no longer abuse bad ping and have free undeserved hits they had for 5 years == survivor buff
Dead hard gets fixed to work properly after 3 years of being exhausted on the floor == another survivor buff
How dare they make the game work as intended? How us, poor killer mains, can get undeserved hits now in this undeniably survivor-sided game, devs?
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I just had a bunch of hits get refunded now, thats really fun and enjoying. Killer just keeps getting stomped.
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You almost seem like you're being intentionally difficult.
Regardless, I'll get to my point.
The perk is already the 3rd most popular perk at all Ranks for Survivors. It is extremely good, and there has been a lot of debate over it's power for a long time. I don't remember ever hearing anyone saying it needed a buff. Instead of receiving a buff (fixing the server issues) and a nerf (removing the distance gained for dodging a hit) it just received one. Like with Deathslinger, BHVR doesn't seem to understand that you can't just nerf (or buff) one part of something without addressing the entire situation. With Deathslinger, he was unfun and too good at chases. So they nerf that aspect of him, good! However, they forget about the rest of his kit. Likewise, with Dead Hard, they buff it to make it more consistent, but forget that it was already an extremely good perk.
This allows those people who used Dead Hard well and extended chases by 25-30 more seconds to abuse it more heavily if it functions like pallet validation. There's a chance this will do nothing, but somehow I doubt it.
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Yeah, maybe if it was restricted to like only work while injured or give it a cooldown that doesn't count down while the survivor is running.
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I'm not a Killer main, despite popular belief.
It hurts your argument when you just go out and start name-calling people.
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Maybe you have wildly inconsistent ping?
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You're making this difficult by necessarily trying to ascertain my opinion about unrelated things; clearly, you didn't need to know as you were able to outline your biased opinion anyway. I'm not convinced that survivors should suffer a disadvantage for the sake of laggy killers, whether that lag is due to distance, internet infrastructure, user inducement, or otherwise; it doesn't matter. The DH Validation is about making the perk fair. Besides, this only impacts high latency killers who already have a tremendous advantage with everything minus pallets and DH handled on their client.
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No, I monitor it closely. It hovers between 30-45 ms
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This all hinges on whether or not it acts like pallet validation where it gives you a false hit.
If it acts like hit validation, it won't do a damn thing.
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90% of survivors using DH before the patch, 100% of survivors using DH after the patch.
โItโs not a buffโ.
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You're not the only one crying about perk fix, calling it a buff. Regardless, if you think it's a "buff", then consider this: dead hard got unwarranted nerf in 2018 when dedicated servers were implemented, so now devs "buff" it back to its initial state.
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It wasn't 2018. It was late 2019 when Dedicated Servers came to stay.
And it was likely still the 3rd most picked Survivor perk.
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Now add hit validation to Victor...
Why can't you do all hit validation fixes at the same time ? Every time we need to wait 1000 days for a simple fix...
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Ngl this validation stuff makes 0 sense how it favours the person getting hit over the person applying the hit
Play any shooter ever the player making the shot always has priority over the person who is getting shot
BHVR have you ever watched Street Fighter V gameplay? Roll Back alone destroyed the game for a lot of people but you go ahead and implement it thinking its a good thing.
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finally, thats a rly good change *thumbs up*
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In my experience it causes me to be greedy then I end up dying due to my greed ๐ if I was just to play safely I probly would of lived longer
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Ohh thank goodness exhausted on the floor irked the hell out of me !!!
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just today I was being chased in EGC. I waited to time dead hard right near the gate but I got hit because like you mentioned I was being greedy.
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Fix need ed, but the perk is way better than other exaustion, now they need to rework it if overperforms.
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I love how almost everyone cried over Dead Hard and wanted it to get nerfed. Now it got buff lmao
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If you want to see the change in action:
The attack clearly hit, but the game stole the hit from me.
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Being injured is not really a restriction. The killer wants to injure you. It isn't a restriction if your opposition wants to do it.
All the other exhaustion perks have things you need to work around. Lithe needs vaults, BL needs drop spots, Sprint burst is not a choice and gives you the choice of walking slowly everywhere or using it and risk not having it when you need it, etc...
Being injured is not something you need to work towards. It is bound to happen. And if it doesn't you're in a pretty good spot anyway and who cares you can't use it then.
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As Survivor I have given up on using Dead Hard entirely because I always get downed even if I press it and am mid jump - so I wonder if this will make it possible to use again, which would be a pleasant change -
However, what I am worrying about is that when "hit validation" was added to Pallets (and this is still the case for me as of today and was never changed) Survivors were able to ABUSE, and have been, getting hit at a Pallet by me and taking the invulnerability that it gives them.
Ever since hit validation has been introduced, I myself have never ONCE won a single pallet swing in my life, on my screen SURE they get hit and often even SCREAM and I can see blood so I know for 100% fact that my hit landed successfully, but they don't lose a health state and carry on as if nothing has happened. This is the only thing that hit validation has done for me, and it has basically made me stop playing all M1 focused Killers entirely, or I choose to run Endurance/Brutal Strength now because I can't stand dealing with this any longer.
I don't think the change will have as noticeable of an effect on DH Hopefully but I am worried that there will be "Invulnerability" issues with this hit validation on DH as well - for example, if I see someone DH and I wait it out and Lunge at them AFTER when it should normally hit them because I was cautious and only swung AFTER I already know the standard DH should have worn off - I fear that now the hit will probably connect like it SHOULD but it will not count and it will give Survivors even more invulnerability than they deserve.
I'll have to see for myself, but that's the only thing that I am truly worried about. I don't want it to be abusable like Pallets currently are.
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this update sucks lol
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Yeah this is bad.